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Angelo Joe

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1:30 BBT

Matt tells her 'you guys' are scary to me. Rachel says it's not 'you guys' I'm here by myself. Ragan chimes in saying him and Matt are NOT a pair, we are friends. NO one has come up to him to propose and alliance in this house. Matt does not control his vote.

Rachel says "this has nothing to do with you Ragan" Now it's an argument. Rachel tells Ragan he is being over dramatic because he tried to leave and she told him to stay.

Ragan and Rachel fighting. Ragan says he's been nothing but respectful to him. She yells back "What have I been to you Ra-gan".

Rachel: You shouldn't be so blinded by someone like Kristin

Ragan: I responded just for the record I never told you who to put up and you jump on me and tell me to stop being so over-dramatic

Rachel giving her 'fight to be here' speech. Fake tears.

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After Rachel fake cries, Ragan says "so you're response to me having been so nice to you --you're response to me is so you want to play that game Ragan. That's you're response to me!?" What is that Rachel!?"

Ragan says he was trying to be sensitive to conversation by leaving and she said no its ok to stay because he's in a pair with Matt. Ragan seems bothered that she said he was in a pair with Matt.

Ragan says he has constantly been in Rachel's corner and he doesn't understand why she is getting an attitude with him. Rachel saying it hurts her feelings that he was crying over Kristin that makes her feel like he doesn't care about her.

Talking Kristin. Rachel saying she had nothing to do with Kristin being sent home because she didn't even vote. Ragan tells her things are in her own heads and she's putting words in people's mouth by saying people hate her and no one likes her and it's because of the Kristin thing. Ragan said he has been pretty rational about his personal relaltionship with Kristin v. Rachel's game play. He says "don't you think I would be upset when someone I'm close to leaves the house! HOw is that picking her over you Rachel!?"

Matt chimes in saying he would be upset if Rgan was voted out. But there is personal and game-play. Giving creedence to Ragan's point "of course you're going to be upset when somoene you enjoy leaves"

Brendon comes in. Rachel softens. Rachel fake cries again saying she has no idea what just happened.

Ragan says "after I tired to remove myself to give you and opp to talk. You on a few occassions kept implying that we (he and Matt) are and alliance, together or a pair the implication is that its ok for me to stay because we are a pair and we are making decisions together"

Rachel: So you're taking offense to me saying you could stay in a conversation

Ragan: becase you are implying we are a pair and I am helping him make decisions.

1:40 BBT

Matt starts talking. Bren says he came in bc he saw 2 against 1. Rach requests Ragan and Bren leave. Ragan reiterates his point that he does not want to be grouped with people who she believes are against her because he has been in her corner since day 1. Understands pressure but he has not done that to her. They leave.


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1:27 PM BBT

Matt telling Rachel she is being over dramatic about the no friendship thing. She says she's dramatic - get over it. "Let's call a peacock a peacock." Says Rachel about herself.

He says there are alliances no, he doesn't want to say that, friendships, in the house. Brendon was the one who said lets play with strong people in the house so now we are. Rachel wants to play a game with people who are winning things and not people who aren't trying to piss people off. Don't you agree? Matt doesn't agree. Why play with people who are never going to let you place higher than third place in the game? With you I'll always be third wheel.

Rachel and Ragan getting into it now. Ragan asked why he was even here for this conversation - it's because she thinks he and Matt are a pair. "Ok, Rachel." he says when she says if that's how you feel then go Ragan. Ragan rehashing all the times she's been overdramatic and sensitive since she has been snapping at him all day about being sensitive. She's starting to cry again. "I've been nothing but been in a corner since day one in this game, so if it brings out the over dramatic side of me." Ragan asks her" SO if your response to me about my questions is "Go then Ragan." and I am someone who has told you beneficial things in the house, who has been in your corner this whole time. THAT is how you respond to me?" Matt pipes in that it's true he's always been in her corner. "I've always been in your corner too Ragan" says Rachel. "If your response to this situation, when I am trying to be sensitive to this situation, to a conversation I have nothing to do with, if that - you aren't in my corner Rachel."

She is now saying her feelings were hurt because it looks to him like Ragan picked Kristen over her.

Matt telling Rachel that he can definitely see why Ragan is upset. SHe's turning on him for nothing. Rachel says, "I don't even know what just happened."

"What just happened Rachel, is that when I was trying to extradite myself from a conversation that I have nothing to do with and you just got all upset. You imply that it was okay for me to say in this conversation because we are a pair." Ragan being upset that Rachel keeps implying that Matt and Ragan are an alliance. Matt throws in that they don't go running back and forth to each other like you and Brendon do."

Brendon is now in the room. He came in because whenever he sees two against one he's got her back. Rachel says so why don't you two leave this conversation. (Brendon and Ragan)

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1;43 BBT

Bren/Rag apparently fighting. Rachel leaves CR. Brit hanging around leave Bren/Rach alone. Bren says he doesn't want to hear people yelling at Rach. Matt comes in to say that the conversation did not start that way.

Ragan telling Brit and Hayden, Enzo what happened. Saying again no one has proposed an alliance to him and how he wanted to make that clear to her. Rachel comes in and says the whole house doesn't need to kow what happened. Ragan responds by saying when Bren comes in and says its 2 on 1, I think everyone needs to know. BRen chimes in that Rach is a girl and his girlfriend and he is going to stick up for her. Ragan says to "ask what is going on, we are friends do you think I'm just going to attack Rachel".. Bren/Ragan arguing. Bren saying to discuss it in front of everyone. Rach says what happened what between her and Rach. Rachel giving some speech about expect the unexpected. No one needs to know what Rag/Rach talk about. Ragan saying the house asked because Bren said 2 on 1.

Bren saying he saw 2 people yelling at one.

Bren wants Ragan to drop it IMO, Bren is being dramatic. Ragan schooled him - Girly

Rach apologizing for being an emotional bitch (her words) Bren apologizes. Ragan apologizes to Rachel.

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1:38 PM BBT

Now Brendon mad a Ragan for coming out and 'telling tales'. Rachel also doesn't want everyone to know. She apologizes. "Maybe I'm an emotional bitch but I'm a girl and girls are emotional bitches." Rachel Apologizes to Ragan. Brendon apologizes to Ragan. Ragan apologizes to Rachel. Crickets towards Brendon.

Everyone else in KT saying they are just trying to cover their own butts since they are in a strong alliance. Rachel, Brendon and Matt in Cabana room where Rachel is back trying to plead their case. "There are 9 people left. I don't want to you play a game just to avoid pissing people off."

"To be honest if one of you guys goes home this week, I think I will become a target." - Matt. "It's obvious what the house wants but at this point I am done making decisions for the house." "The house is HoH" says Brendon.

1:54 PM BBT

Brits latest catastrophe: We talked to Brendon about how there's only so much chicken breast left and some of us don't like honey Dijon chicken. What does he do? Goes and makes 8 pieces of Honey Dijon Chicken. Enzo tells her it wasn't fair that he doesn't make that chicken because most people like it. "It's also not fair for people with big feet." Quips Britney. Enzo, Ragan, Hayden and Brit about to bust into Cabana room and ask "Is this a two on one situation?" since Brendon and Rachel have him cornered.

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1:49 BBT

Brit/Enzo to Ragan. Saying they are making this alliance stuff up to take the focus off them. Ragan says Rach said "wait until you see the tapes and how hard Kristin threw you under the bus"

Retelling about Rach said Ragan picked Kristin over her. Brittany says sarcastically "because when Kristin went on the block you should've just ignored her *rolls eyes*"

Ragan says straw that broke camels back she was saying "if you know that we are strong players why dont you make a final four with strong players." that bothered him because Matt and him are not in an alliance.

Enzo breaks tension with a 'its all messed up, they like you and hate me and they like me and hate you.

Brit complaining about Bren making 2 of the 3 chicken that was supplied without asking. He made 8pcs of dijon chicken so forget about bbq's and anything else they talked about doing as a house.

Ragan says you're one person, why do you need 8 pcs.

Enzo saying how Bren said it's not fair because some of the chicken was small and .. bren bashing.

Brit telling ragan how Bren came out and was bashing Ragan.

Talking about Bren being the 3rd person to fall. Brit says they change their strategy every 3 seconds (WHOLE house is crazy against them I love it - girly)

Enzo feeling bad for Matty. Brit saying someone should go in there (cabana room w/matt and rach) and say "is this a 2 on 1 situation, I'm just asking"

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1:57 BBT

Rag, Hay, Enzo, Brit mocking Rach/Bren assuming everyone is in an alliance. Joking about how many alliances they are in and how they are formed (enzo says "i play pool with someone so I'm in an alliance")

Ragan saying he 'attacks women' (per Brendon)

Ragan reiterating how Matt/Rach convo started.

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2:03 BBT

Cabana Room:

Matt, Bren, Rach discussing possible comps and strategy. Rach says if you take me out all quiz comps will be up in the air. Rach saying when she was offered final 4 deal she thought it was stupid. She's not going to be dumb enough to take the deal and go against people that she likes (?).

Matt: Why wouldn't you have put Kathy up last week?

Rach: because that would keep K/H in the house. THey would've come after me. Kristin is manipulative.

Bren: she's manipulative and she would flip on you.

Rach: week 4 she tried to make a final 4 deal

Matt: why is that a bad thing

Rach: week 4?

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2:09 PM BBT

Brit says they are going to make them go outside for nominations. They are all bored with IDL. "And on top of all this. We can't even have BBQ'd chicken sandwiches. You know why."

Rachel and Brendon still hammering at Matt about how he can't focus only on the final 3 stuff though. What were you thinking before you walked in this door? Matt asks Rachel. "I was thinking I was f-ed" says Rachel. "You two seriously need to work on your game play." Laughs Matt.

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2:12 BBT

Lane kills huge cockroach. Brit/Ragan joking it's one of their friends. Camera close-up on roach (heebie-jeebies-girly)

Enzo says he has never seen a cockroach before. Lane jokes "you've been living with 2 of them, what are you talking about!?" Brit: I am one (I missed why her and Rag are cockroaches? Can someone email me the deets?)

Enzo says: "as an alliance we just backdoored a cock-a-roach"

2:15 BBT

Matt saved with DR call.

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2:15 PM BBT

A huge cockroach comes out from under KT cupboard. Lane jumps up and steps on it. Enzo yelps. Britney says it was gross. "As an alliance we just back-doored a cockroach." quips Enzo.

[FYI Girly: The cockroaches referred to in the post above are Rachel and Brendon]

Brendon is going to try to talk to Ragan to get him into an alliance with Rach/Matt/Bren. Rachel won't be there for the conversation.

2:20 PM BBT

"House guests the LD is over"

2:25 PM BBT


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3:06 BBT

(Brit, Rach, Bren outside on couches)

Cabana room:

Hayden, Ragan, Kathy discussing what could possibly be in Pandora's box. Ragan notes it's always good and bad.

Ragan scared its a coup de tat and Rach/Bren get it.

Ragan saying the people who usually think they're hated are the one's America votes for. Citing Janelle. Hayden sites Chima thinking American hated Jeff and Jordan.

Ragan noting how Rachel rehearsed the "floaters grab your life vest" line. Hayden talking about her "bring it on" comment and then how she apologized saying it was just for TV. Brit comes in.

Ragan explaining it could be bringing a player back.

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3:10 BBT

Discussing last season how Kevin got his arm stuck and didnt get money. Natalie got her boyfriend. Brit: "and everyone else got annoyed (lol!!)" and Nat could not play in veto which hurt Kevin.

Ragan: Every argument stems from ONE common denominator (referring to Rachel)

Brit says Kath was sleeping. Kathy had NO clue Ragan and Rach got into it. Ragan explaining what happened to a very interested Kathy. Ragan giving a very fair and accurate description.

Rachel/Bren bashing commences. Brit telling about Bren's comments afterward and saying how he said he was going to stick up for her! Kath: "is he going to do it before or after he paints her toenails" (LMAO!!-girly]

Brit explaining how Bren said he isn't going to let people steam roll over Rachel. Kath: "he lets her do it to everyone else" (where did this Kathy come from?)

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3:16 BBT

Ragan reiterating Rachel's comments about Kristin throwing him under the bus. Kathy tells Ragan that NEVER happened.

Brit telling the chicken story to Hayden. (which i LOVE!-girly)

BB:"Rachel please go to the diary room". Ragan: "Stay there"

Matt and Brit talking, hard to understand/hear


3:20 BBT

Feeds back. Bren wants to know if anyone wants to play pool. Hayden says he'll be out.

Discussion (Hayden, Matt, Brit, Rag, Kathy)

About how America can't like Bren/Rach. (talking Pandora's box and what it could be)


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3:22 BBT

Cabana room (Mat, Rag, Hay, Kath, Brit)

Matt explaining what happened with Pandora's box. Keep talking about someone come back in the game. Matt says something about Saboteur. (does Ragan know yet that he is the sab?-Girly). Assuming Coup de Tat.

Talking about 'her' (assume Rachel) and whether Matt should call her in the room to talk. SOme saying see if she comes to you.

Hay: I hope it's not power especially if it's going to fall into their hands.

Rag: think it will fall in Rach hands

Kath: don't make me throw up.

Brit; Why why why! Why do you think that (to Rag)

Rag: because she's drama and America likes that.

Kathy points out that if America voted on it, it has to be something that won't benefit any particular person because American didn't know who was going to be HOH when voting.

Brit says Pandora's box has never been something with serious implications on the game. It's always a little lighter.

There is a lot of intense Pandora discussion going on. Most "what if it's this" being something they previously did.

Ragan insisting something is going on in Rachel's DR's. Keep talking about voting people back in the house.


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Keep getting WBRB because Ragan is insisting that America likes Rachel (his theory is that it's always the opposite of what you think. People who you think are hated, the blogs love. People who you think America loves, blogs hate). And Brit mentions questions she gets in DR that make her feel like America does not like Rachel because why would they ask that?

Hayden saying things are intense but fun. Kathy glad she was taking a nap. Ragan just in a bad mood because of his morning. Brit says Ragan's pessimism is making her think things.

Talking about cockroach.

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3:33 BBT

Ragan, Matt and Brit head to HOH. Not sure why.

Changing HOH TV to see Rach's reaction when she comes out of DR. Brit can't take the cardiac arrest of thinking Rachel will get some kind of power.

Matt now telling them what the convo was with Bren/Rach. Saying they were trying to convince him to keep strong players which he says is fine in the beginning but doesn't make sense at the end. Matt would rather pick off the threats to him.

Matt says Rachel wants to take Kathy to the end bc she's easy to beat.

(missed something-got a phone call)

Missed Rach coming out of DR.

Matt imitating Bren and how he came in when he heard Rach and Ragan arguing. Matt saying how weird it was because they were having a small spat while he was sitting in there.

Still trying to will Rachel into getting some power. (they keep talking about what she's doing and she must've gone to put something in her suitcase.. all speculation)


Matt wondering if she would tell Brendon. Ragan reminds him Jeff couldnt say anything.


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Ragan wants Brit to do recon, Brit doesn't know what that is. Ragan explains for her to go get a feel for her mood and talk to her. Brit says yes, even though she will get trapped.

Brit asks Rach where she's been. Rach snaps "uh, in the diary" and then heads to the bathroom (she doesn't look happy)

Ragan insists America is giving Rachel something because they like drama. Ragan and Matt realize she doesn't look happy.

Ragan again saying about the fights in the house and the one common denominator.

Brit comes back. Saying that Rach is in a bad mood. Knows for sure because she sat in the CR and Rachel did nothing but walk by her.

Matt: Ok, that's one down. Brendon for sure they wouldn't give anything to.

Ragan thinks if America voted to give someone something it would have to be Hayden.


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