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Jordan - Part 2


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even if if Jordan does win HOH she would put up kevin and Michele. Jordan likes Natalie and I doubt that will change. Michele needs to win everything or at least POV again to take herself off each time because she is def going-up. Jordan has no clue. None. Dense as a pound cake. Jordan detests Michele and it is all personal. Her entire game has been personal and it has affected Jeff's game (not to mention everybody else's). Jordan is the perfect tool for somebody like Natalie to use.

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It would. She is certainly due a win but then so is natalie and I think we might see natalie actually trying. Anything is possible so it might be jordan. In some ways, I am looking forward to how the game progresses. HOH winner as we have discussed here, and then onward.

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It's really silly for anyone to definitively say a contestant can or can't win the game. We have a lot of time left with new jury members entering sequester. With the next several likely full of not so nice stories about Kevin and Natalie.

At this point, it's a crapshoot. Say that Jordan was to go on a bit of a run. Win the next HOH on her own merits and then the veto. That just might be enough to put her over. It isn't like Natalie has won anything or Kevin was a powerhouse before his HOH win.

Anyone of them could, in theory, win. Depending on the final makeup of the jury and what lobbying/talk is going on now that we're not seeing in sequester.

She psychs herself out. She lowers her own chances. That is my point. I think she tries but she doubts herself too much.

Of course any of them can win...

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Like I said, I feel sorry for Jordan. For a lot of reasons. In a million years, Jordan couldn't be deceitful enough to win BB using her wiles. She doesn't have any.

She CAN, however, win a comp (any of them could) and probably will since I don't want to see michele go after putting up with all the crap. Natalie will REALLY be her BFF if she does. She'll take Jeff's place, pronto.

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Let's see, ok so there is an HoH contest tomorrow night righ??? But there isn't but one more PoV if I'm not mistaken... George are you around???

THis week there is HOH and POV -- the POV winner basically has a crapload of power, but so does the ONE who is left to vote. Remember when it was Janelle, Will, Booger, and Erica? Janelle took herself off the block with POV and she had to stand up and say she evicted Will.

The next HOH is two part - part one they all three play. THen the remaining two that don't win round one play each other, then there is a round of questions between round one and two winner. Then the overall winner of the HOH process gets to say who is evicted and who goes with them to final two. NO POV.

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