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If BB Survives..


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After seeing this season, I sure don't think BB would be renewed, simply b/c of how south the game has gone. But, since the ratings have been up, it's most likely that there will be another Big Brother. Yet, they need to totally revamp this season.

First off, they should redo the house. They remodeled after 5 seasons and it's now been 6 seasons with the updated house. They need to switch things around a bit and give it a new house feel, w/o just painting the walls.

Second, they need to get rid of the BD option. Either let all HGs play for veto or change the game greatly by letting the POV holder remove AND nominate their own replacement. This would be described at the beginning of the game that there's a new veto and that will really make a HUGE difference. This way, if one side is dominating all the HOHs, there's still the possiblity of power shifting, twice a week instead of just once. This brings a lot more strategy and excitement into the game.

I love BB, but after 11 seasons, it needs some upgrades.

Anyone else have anything to suggest? Any way this could make it to the hands of someone important over at BB?

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Either let all HGs play for veto or change the game greatly by letting the POV holder remove AND nominate their own replacement.

I really like this suggestion. It would make the floaters (hell everybody) play a little harder IMO.

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House decor needs to be redone for sure.

I agree that all HG's should be able to play for veto and perhaps have the choice to sit out ?

I like the BD being available to the HOH

They need to choose HG's that are everyday people NOT actors/models/bodybuilders/etc promoting themselves

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My suggestions:

First, stop all the themes! No teams or cliques. Let everyone fight for themselves and not depend on someone else for survival.

Secondly, come up with new competitions.

Third, start casting WAY in advance to find people who are at least 1/2 interesting and true BB fans that KNOW how to play the game!

Lastly, give the HGs more to do instead of sleeping and sitting around all day. Entertain us! PLEASE!! :guitarist::party_smilie:

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First off, they should redo the house. They remodeled after 5 seasons and it's now been 6 seasons with the updated house. They need to switch things around a bit and give it a new house feel, w/o just painting the walls.

Second, they need to get rid of the BD option. Either let all HGs play for veto or change the game greatly by letting the POV holder remove AND nominate their own replacement. This would be described at the beginning of the game that there's a new veto and that will really make a HUGE difference. This way, if one side is dominating all the HOHs, there's still the possiblity of power shifting, twice a week instead of just once. This brings a lot more strategy and excitement into the game.

Agreed! Not necessarily get rid of the BD option, but I do like letting the POV holder name the replacement.

They need to choose HG's that are everyday people NOT actors/models/bodybuilders/etc promoting themselves

Absolutely! Ronnie was definitely not one of my faves, but at least he knew the game. I'm always amazed when a HG is surprised to find out about the live feeds. Really? It's BB11 not BB2 (where it may not have had a huge following yet!)

Some new comps would be nice also. Kinda getting sick of the same comps year after year...

Would love to see more never before done comps.

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Lastly, give the HGs more to do instead of sleeping and sitting around all day. Entertain us! PLEASE!! :guitarist::party_smilie:


I just the feeds this week ( better late than never ) so they may do this and dont show it on the TV but, didnt they used to have them do crafts and stuff like that ?

And I dont know and never understood why they arent allowed to view movies and have board games ?

I get the clearing bit on the movies etc but the FOTH us and have them view them where we cant see or hear

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Maybe have all people in the same age group or try and equalize the scale as much as possible which they have not done and definitely be more creative and difficult with comps. No returning HG's and I'm not sure how I feel about POV's - sometimes I think it makes things almost pointless. They should also screen better. They've been haphazard and lucky so far.

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Sometimes I think that the more simple they have the game, the better. Think about BB1 and 2 and even 3... there wasn't so much stupid bullcrap between people, they had to do more than just lay around, and I don't know... it was just more interesting. It's so boring just watching everyone sit around scheming and everything like that... and yeah, get some more interesting and less apathetic houseguests up in here.

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BBUK has tasks that they have to do, often as one group, that can take 2 to 3 days to prepare to do. They have to really work with each other during the tasks so its much harder to have 'sides' of the house. It also takes up more of their time so they aren't just sitting around trashing each other. Oh, and they aren't allowed to sleep all day.

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I know! They should totally have that in the US version... not that I can blame them, I mean there's not much else to do when you're locked up in a house with people, but still. Tasks where they have to work with each other would be a lot better, because then they wouldn't hate each other randomly. Maybe I'm lame but I always love watching when people find good friends in the house. Like as much as Lydia drove me nuts, I always enjoyed watching scenes with her and Kevin. It's nice to see that they aren't all a bunch of aholes

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I know! They should totally have that in the US version... not that I can blame them, I mean there's not much else to do when you're locked up in a house with people, but still. Tasks where they have to work with each other would be a lot better, because then they wouldn't hate each other randomly. Maybe I'm lame but I always love watching when people find good friends in the house. Like as much as Lydia drove me nuts, I always enjoyed watching scenes with her and Kevin. It's nice to see that they aren't all a bunch of aholes

I agree. I don't like the game the way it has turned with all the scheming and fights and made up lies. I like the old Big Brothers.

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I agree w/all of you. We need new comps and a new house for sure and go back to making them earn food,pool, hot tub etc. BB guest are so spoiled they feel like they are entitled to take-out food, beer, luxury comps and games. Make them get off their a## and play they game. This group sleeps more than any other group-they do need to stay awake more. I also HATE all the whispering--talk if you have something to say.

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I would just like to see more for them to do. Games that require more than one person to play. Things that let them see the skills of the house guest, of course if that person chooses to show they can do X game.

Something to get these people to realize this is a game. This season for me was the worse with their BB demands. Such BS!

Have something come on when someone tries to sleep after being told to get up. Anything to keep these people from sleeping.

Make it very clear if you break the rules you pay the piper! Watching Chima back talk BB and act like a brat ruined this year for me.

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If POV holder gets to pick the new nomination it would defeat the purpose of HOH.

I think they just need to let everyone play for POV as a basic first step. No more coup d'etat, no more double eviction, you have to give the nominated houseguests a chance to campaign. It's a game show, everyone should be on equal playing ground.

Get rid of the unitards, slop, all that stupid bullshit that houseguests have to go through all week just for 90 seconds of worthless show footage. Wow, they're eating rebranded oatmeal! Awesome, that guy is wearing a banana suit! Gimme a break. Enough of that clownhouse shit. That's why more people watch Survivor, because it doesn't have stupid crap like that. Sometimes I think the show is just interested in embarrassing the houseguests.

The best way to help the show be more tolerable is to either fire Grodner (since she's responsible for the decline since Shapiro handed over the key) or at least don't let her anywhere near the audition tapes. She picks freakshow casts. That's all she cares about: wacky antics, not having a genuine game show.

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I just read online today that Big Brother UK has been cancelled. I don't want our Big Brother to be cancelled so hopefully, it won't happen here. I remember Season 1 of Big Brother when America did the evicting...that didn't seem to work either.

I don't like the backdooring..or cliques..or teams. I think everyone should play for themselves..it would cut down on some of the scheming..I think...or at least some of it. The idea of who wins the POV being able to put up the replacement..would make all of them work harder. More games or things to occupy themselves would take away some of their boredom...they give them some things..chess and cards (the clay dough came from Ronnie's HOH basket), but not nearly enough to occupy themselves. This has been a frustrating year to watch Big Brother for some of us, but I am so addicted! HA! I tried giving it up on a couple of occasions..that only lasted one half day!

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