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Thursday "Live" Show 8/13 (Show being taped not Live)

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I just hope that the crew that is going to the live show can get us updates of who is evicted.. Is there anyway they can give us an update when they leave.. I'll give you my phone # if you can't get on the net with your cell phones.. I can post what you tell me..LOL

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i always wonder how they managed to not go over on de nights

now it makes sense

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The show not being "live" sucks large, but I'll be busy pausing the show anyway every time they show the audience so I can see Marty, Snancy,TCS, and what's his name ... Reaper.

Chima is a waste of space

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bb i think has jumped the shark

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I wonder how this will effect the ratings.

BB is pullin storng numbers 7 1/2 Million+ for 1st half hour & 7 Mill+ 2nd half. Thursday almost gets 8 million. Its always the #2 show everynight its on. WIth Thursday always bein the higest rated show and this past week BB set records for havin their highest ratings since BB8. I wonder ho wit will effect the rating. 8 Million + or 7 Million or will it fail if it leaks with 6 Mil

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The first of the double evictions is always taped, the second one is still live.

I've been thinking this all week...double eviction!!! Jeff uses the CDT and puts Jessie and Natalie on the block taking Lydia and Russell off and WHAM!!! Double Eviction!



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ok, I am not sure I get what you all are sayin. I live in central time, I have to work so willl not see anything till I get home anyway, won't we still get to see the reaction as it did happen when the coup was used, aren't they taping that. I don't have feed but I do have after dark and come here for live updates, so tell me that really I won't miss what actually happened it will just be taped. I know a live show would be more exciting as it is spontanious, but they are still taping the spontanious reactions of what happens when Jeff stands up and says whatever he is gonna say, right??

I think Chima is not a reason to not go live, but she is pretty shaky and is really threatenihng to go off and do harm, so in a way I can see why they would want to take any precautiions they need, if she goes off and really acts up she will get sent packing probably. Plz set me straight on what I am missing in this scenerio,lol

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I have a question. If they are taping the evictions now does that mean that when the live feeds come back on that we will know what happened based on what people say and how they act? Also when do they do the hoh competition and same question with it.

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I have a question. If they are taping the evictions now does that mean that when the live feeds come back on that we will know what happened based on what people say and how they act? Also when do they do the hoh competition and same question with it.

I'm pretty sure we won't get the live feeds till after the show airs tomorrow night.

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Live or taped, all i want to hear is "Houseguests, the votes are in (long pause).......Natalie (longer pause) you are safe.....Jessie, you have been evicted from the BB house!

I never want to hear the words "Natalie..you are safe!''

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I was just talking about it with my husband... and he could really care less about BB but he listens... and even he said it would be WAY better TV if they just let it run!!

Fatcat... I honestly think if they pre-tape we are going to get a watered down,.... nicey nicey version of what really happens, they will edit it to DEATH

We probably won't get feeds from first thing tomorrow til late tomorrow night.... and how are they going to keep it from leaking... keep the audience hostage til it airs here in the west!!!! So stupid!!

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I was just talking about it with my husband... and he could really care less about BB but he listens... and even he said it would be WAY better TV if they just let it run!!

Fatcat... I honestly think if they pre-tape we are going to get a watered down,.... nicey nicey version of what really happens, they will edit it to DEATH

We probably won't get feeds from first thing tomorrow til late tomorrow night.... and how are they going to keep it from leaking... keep the audience hostage til it airs here in the west!!!! So stupid!!

well I definately do not want the watered down version that's for sure, hey, but thanks for answering my question. Chima sucks soooo much for sayin she is gonna raise a stink, so self- entitled!!!

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Not a smart move on CBS' part. Let Chima go off.. let it be unpredictable and crazy. That sort of thing is way better for ratings.

I'm so disappointed that it's being taped. What a rip off! Biggest night of the season yet, and they can't even do it live.

:fyou: CBS!

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ok, I am not sure I get what you all are sayin. I live in central time, I have to work so willl not see anything till I get home anyway, won't we still get to see the reaction as it did happen when the coup was used, aren't they taping that. I don't have feed but I do have after dark and come here for live updates, so tell me that really I won't miss what actually happened it will just be taped. I know a live show would be more exciting as it is spontanious, but they are still taping the spontanious reactions of what happens when Jeff stands up and says whatever he is gonna say, right??

I think Chima is not a reason to not go live, but she is pretty shaky and is really threatenihng to go off and do harm, so in a way I can see why they would want to take any precautiions they need, if she goes off and really acts up she will get sent packing probably. Plz set me straight on what I am missing in this scenerio,lol

No they are taping the show so they can edit Chima's tantrum... You can bet your sweet butt you aren't going to see it like it happens if Chima follows through with her plans, you will see the edited version...

I have a question. If they are taping the evictions now does that mean that when the live feeds come back on that we will know what happened based on what people say and how they act? Also when do they do the hoh competition and same question with it.

I'm almost willing to bet they aren't even going to turn them back on from now until after tomorrow night... We will see though...

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With CBS throwing us the viewer this curve of taping tomorrow nights show, I have also noticed that it has let the "sail" out of all us. Even our own board IMO seems quiet and let down. Or is it just me ?

As of 11PM last night my time they were still saying "live eviction". Has anyone seen these commercials today?

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Sue, even when they do the double evictions, when one goes on thursday and another goes on Sunday... they always call the Sunday episode "live" in the commericals and stuff but in reality it's taped on the Friday or Saturday..... so you can't go by that

I honestly just feel let down.... I have waited for tomorrow night for 2 weeks with anticipation and I feel deflated (best word I could think of) that they aren't doing it live....... it's stupid

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Not a smart move on CBS' part. Let Chima go off.. let it be unpredictable and crazy. That sort of thing is way better for ratings.

I'm so disappointed that it's being taped. What a rip off! Biggest night of the season yet, and they can't even do it live.

:fyou: CBS!

I just have just been able to read the feeds. WTF? Is the show really going to be taped? I asked earlier "didn't they do an eviction" sooner than later a second eviction, so not to leave the first HG alone for a week. I've been drinking wine, so I might not be getting the communication straight. Please forgive, I had to make a naptime mat for my b/f grandson that just going to start Kindergarten.

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I'm just so mad about it not being live and missing out on the feeds all day tomorrow.. It has taken the wind out of my sail..

It annoys me but, I am glad we have some posters that are going to be there.... at least we will get the inside scoop! (Although I am soooo jealous....)

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I agree that this is a huge disappointment and causing Morty's to be slower than usual.

I said last night in the chat room something that I don't ever think I've said before, and that is that this may be the last season of BB. It's just been so slow and boring for awhile now. IDK if it's just the cast or what, but I know things in the house didn't slow down this much this early.

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