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a real bad week to have won hoh

i would have thrown in

the hg have bigger fish then her to fry

seem like michelle knew to throw it

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Who do you think she'll nominate? Russell for sure.

One thing I dislike about Chima being HOH is that Natalie and Jessie feel safe.

True, If I were Jeff it would be hard for me not to smirk in their face and say "HAHA put up whoever you want!" smirk

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She already informed the brat that Kevin will not be on the block this week. They were talking about the POV & she told Kevin he could host........the brat said, not if he's on the block........Chima said he won't be :bash:

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Who do you think she'll nominate? Russell for sure.

One thing I dislike about Chima being HOH is that Natalie and Jessie feel safe.

i havent been watching the feeds so it would be a guess

but russell seem a likely nom

i think they all know who has the coupe :animated_bouncy: so she will nom around that

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I think she will nominate Lydia (because Natalie will make her) and Russell.

They don't know what the power is, they were saying it could be to bring someone back into the house. I hope they keep thinking that way.

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Did you notice how Jessie was in Russell's ear the minute the new HOH was determined. He's telling Russell that Jeff has to go up and I'm sure he'll do the same to Chima.

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I think she will nominate Lydia (because Natalie will make her) and Russell.

They don't know what the power is, they were saying it could be to bring someone back into the house. I hope they keep thinking that way.

Hmmmmmm, but She-ma has said she wants an all girl final. So, but, maybe. I don't know. I thought She-ma would put up J & J (per Jessie and Gnat's instructions). But She-ma does hate Russell. And, perhaps Lydiot. That would get Jessie off the hook (with Lyd) and please Gnat. So maybe Rus and Lyd. And now I'm free associating, lol lol lol.

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She already informed the brat that Kevin will not be on the block this week. They were talking about the POV & she told Kevin he could host........the brat said, not if he's on the block........Chima said he won't be :bash:

Yah, cause no one has ever lied to anyone in this game, heck Russell told Ronnie he wouldn't go on the block last week........ until the nom's happen I don't believe anything they tell/promise anyone

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Since she already shot the brat down, in front of Kevin, for insuinuating she might put Kevin up, I think her noms are going to be what SHE decides to do...........problem is, who knows WTF that might be...........she's said numerous times that she's putting Russell up no matter WHAT Jessie thinks............but Russell could be in the HOH bed by the end of the night.........and she could be lovin him again in the morning.

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i thought her and kevin were like bf to a degree

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It will all depend on what Natalie tells her who to put up. Might as well be Natalie as HOH this week.

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Talk about a long shot! but I called it! Wow.

Anyhow... I say she puts up rus and chele. If pov is won and used Jeff will go up. It sucks for chima b/c her noms won't hold. There is no way Jeff will not use the wizard power.

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