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Angelo Joe

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5:30 PM BBT

Jeff and Jordan up in HOH. They are talking about how Jessie used to act on the season before. How they can't stand being around 'them two'.

Trying to figure out how the stuff in the HOH works - Jordan asks how the spy cam works and Jeff says I don't know, probably because we've never been up here.

Lydia Chima, Jessie, Kevin and Nat sitting outside, they are talking about getting all the information they can out of Ronnie now. Talking about how they can hear everything through the green room. The Have Nots can't leave the barren room until the music plays in the morning. Chima talking about trying to get the names of producers etc through the diary room. Warnings about not talking about production.

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6:10 BBT

Jordan and Jeff in the HOH by themselves watching the spy screen and making fun of the other house guests.

Jordans laughing and says we are so bitter and they both laugh.

Now they are making fun of Jessie eating his squid and Jeff says he hopes he stuffs it with slop on shove it up his A$$. And they laugh on how he measures his muscles. (it's actually cute joking and not malicious)

Russ just walks in and they tell him they are making fun of people and Russ laughs and says yea I do that too...I watched people and make up conversations for them.

JOrdan is now telling Russ how they were joking about him talking to Jessie and saying Hmmm I wonder if they are scamming...and they all laugh but Jeff says dam Jordan what did you do tape our conversation.

Now they are talking about Jessie, Nata and Chima asking about what he's going to do. They are discussing how the votes will turn out and they know they have the four votes to get Ronnnie out. They are saying how Jessie and Nata is grumpy because they are losing Ronnie who is on their side. Russ thinks Jessie will put him up id he winsd and Jeff says no he'll put up him and Jordan.

Jessie told Russ he still feels like a team. Lydia just came up and interupted telling them they have to come down and work out now. Jordan and Jeff left and Russ is getting changed.

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6:20 BBT

Michelle was just telling Lydia her crotch still hurts from the HOH comp and said she has to ask Jordan if she still hurts too.

Russ, Chima, Jessie, Kevin and Ronnie are in the back yard chatting. Actually listening to another of Ronnie's stories.

Lydia and Michelle inside.

Nothing happening.

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6:43 BBT

Natalie is in the kitchen making tuna (mixing mayo and mustard in it) and tells Russ it is special for him because Jessie can't eat it.

Russ walks outside to talk to Jessie. Tells Jessie Lydia is getting on his nerves. Lydia comes outside and sits next to Jessie and starts poking him and play fighting. Russ goes back inside.

Jess just whispers to Lydia, "She's different" (I beleive he's talking about Michelle because she's working out and taking laps in the yard)

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6:50 BBT

Russ goes outside to sit with Jessie again. Jessie say you like your woman like your coffe, Black and thick. Russ says no I don't like black woman. Jessie said half and half.

Lydia and Jeff are sitting on the couch too but don't say anything.

Russ talks again about putting someone else up because he's tired of her bugging him but doesn't say a name. I thought it was Lydia before but she's already up and is sitting at the couch. Process of elimination it could be Chima.

Jessie whining about being on slop again and says it takes the wind out of his sail. Jessie now going up to HOH to listen to music and rest.

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Russ followed Jessie up and he saying how Chima came up to him and said I hope your happy hanging out with you new BF jeff or is it Michelle. Jess is trying to stick up for her and saying she just likes you.

Russ is now saying he hates how girls play gams and don't just come out witrh what they want to say. Like he told Natalie she has a boyfriend so she can't be jealous of Lydia.

NOw talking about the POV comp and Kevin must have asked Russ what he would rate the girl from 1-10 and he said he would rate her a 9 and Chima got mad.

Jessie now agreeing with him. Russ now talking about how him and Jeff dealt with their problems and now its done with but the girls just hold a grudge. Now Jessie is talking about how they want 2 girls to go to the end and he said you know how Chima is all girl power.

Russ said He think Natalie will ditch the guys and go with Chima and Jessie is agreeing. (I think Jessie knows things are changing and trying to get on Russ's good side).

Russ says he's very close to going off on Chima and she better watch herself or he will put her up. Russ said because Chima is older she thinks she's always right.

Jess now telling him not to worry about getting her because the girls will take themselves out.

Talk changes to Kevin and how he's just floating along and not even trying to win and just twist things around in the house.

Russ says Chima is just foolish for trying to start stuff with him. Jessie relating it to him and Natalie.

Now Russ is saying how did Chima find out about him and Michelle talking in the HOH and answers his own question by saying the only person would be Natalie running to her and telling her.

Now talking about why women are put in the BB House is because they are drama queens. Then they laugh and say sorry America.

Russ is now leacing to go downstair and Jessie stays to listen to music.

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Russ just went outside and Jeff asked him what he is so upset about and he is now relating the same story to Jeff.

Jeff is saying this is all because for once they don't have the power and it's getting to them.

Russ just told Jordan the girls in the house are fucking petty. And then shakes his head and says don't worry about it I'll tell you later. Michelle walks up and says yea except me and Jordan. Russ telling Michelle she lost weight and she said not according to the scale and he said yea put you gained muscle. Michelle went to take a shower.

Russ just said he doesn't even want to hear her laugh (Chima).. Jordan just said why and now the whole story repeats for Jordan.

It sounds like the girl was one of Chima friends and must have asked Russ why do you want me to give you her number so you can Fu@K her.

Jeff telling him not to let it get to him. Russ is saying she's just emotional and he doesnt want her to rely on him. Now Jordan tells Russ she'll find him and girlfriend and Russ says how about Jeff. Jordan said yes I"ll find you a blond and Jeff a brunette. Jeff is saying he said he's always dated brunettes but blondes are ok too. They are all tlaking about celebs and who's hot.

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7:21 BBT

Talk chages to facebook and how Russ gave his friend the facebook password and he hopes he's not accepting everyone. Russ said Jessie has 2 facebook pages, one for fans and one that is private because he doesnt want everyone to know his personal life. Jessie must have told Russ he had thousands of requests after BB.

JOrdan now asking what Jeff and Russ deal is but Jeff said its up to Russ. Jordan is saying how she's afraid if her and Jeff dont get HOH next time they are in trouble and Russ is safe because he has Jess natalie and Chima. Jordan puts in unless they are being fake. Russ said yea I know we already discussed that but I dont want to think about it right now.

Russ gets up and says he's going to work out.

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Natalie just went up to HOH to talk to Jessie.

Jessie is telling Nata why Russ is mad at Chima and how he thinks Nata told Chima about Michelle being in HOH talking.

Nata saying how he's outside talking with Jeff and Jordan.

Now talking about how they need to get with Lydia because they need her and Jessie said he needs HOH next week. Jessie said Russ must have some deal with J/J.

Chima just came up and is saying how when she went outside Russ and everyone stopped talking and Russ told Kevin he needed to talk to him. Jessie now relating Russ's story to her and how Kevin got in the middle and is throwiing Chima under the bus.

Jess is saying how he stuck up for her (which is a lie).

Jessie said he doesnt know why Russ is taking this to heart and Chima is saying why didnt he just come to me. Jess said its not like Russ came up there just to vent (yes he did). Jessie just told Chima that he told Russ that he thinks Kevin just said something to Russ on purpose to get them fighting. (this is nothing like the coversation they had....)

Chima saying she knows there are other hot womaen besides her. But if he thinks he's just that into himself to think I really care who he likes he's being ridiculous.

Chimas said she's more upset that he thinks she's upset over the girl.

Jessie is trying to put Kevin in the middle of this whole thing. Jessie said he's afraid Michelle is going to take Lydia off and Russ will put him up (we could only wish). Chima just saif Michelle said she isn't going to use the POV but she thinks Michelle might have a little crush on Ronnie.

Jessie now trying to get up to go outside but Chima keeps talking.

Jessie said it's BS and he's just scared for himself.

Chima tells him he's fine.

(hope someone can take over...I'm out for the night)

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8:11 pm BBT

Ronnie/Chima in pool room talking. Ronnie is rehashing the same things he has been saying for 2 days (so I won't type it)

Russ/Jesse outside working out.

Don't see anyone else.

Absolutely nothing going on right now.

8:20 BBT

Jordan walks in the pool room. Ronnie/Chima stop talking game until she leaves.

Michelle frying food and gets called to the DR. Michelle asks Jordan to watch the chicken then put sauce and cheese on then put it in the oven. Nat sitting at the bar.

We get a shot of Michelle in the DR with her saying "sorry, I'm cranky" which prompts feeds 3 & 4 to FOTH. Other 2 feeds on Ronnie/Chima

8:30 BBT

All 4 feeds on Ronnie/Chima convo in the pool room. (it really is the same convo over and over)

8:40 BBT

All 4 feeds still on the Ronnie/Chima show (sorry, not listening to them)

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8:46 BBT

Ronnie/Chima was having their marathon talk (I wasn't listening). I looked at the feeds and Lydia and Nat was in the pool room with Ronnie/Chima. Ronnie yelled, "yeah because people will know we are comparing notes" (Ronnie meant for Russ to hear-not sure he heard)

Chima says we should get him (russell) in here and talk-they decide not to. Lydia leaves. Nat still in there and whispers says something to the effect of saying Michelle was in the room while they were talking. Chima says No! We have no reason to lie, we are not gonna say Michelle was in here if she wasn't (Michelle was in the DR) Nat giggles (childish like). Nat leaves.

Back to all 4 feeds on Ronnie/Chima bashing Russ. Talk of Ronnie leaving. Ronnie back to talking how he has been nice to everyone, even when they were leaving. He never ignored them. Ronnie talking about how he used to be so terrible to his wife and she helped him become a better person, she is his hero.

Talk has now moved to the stray votes. They think the last vote, it was Jeff that voted to evict Jordan (lol)

Ronnie says that's ok, I'll know Friday morning. He says he will send Chima pyschic vibes, she says can you send a banner over? Ronnie says he doesn't think they (BB) would appreciate that.

Feeds 1 & 2 on Ronnie/Chima

Feeds 2 & 3 on HG's shoveling food in their mouths

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