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* Laura *


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i think this up coming week will be either real good for her or real bad

very similar to last year when libra made that move

if athletes gets hoh she a goner more then likely

but i do think her days are number regardless

definitely showed this week she is a player

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She totally screwed up after the show tho. She went straight to chima and told her that the entire house was being played. Laura's the only one in the house smart enough to figure out that Ronnie was playing them all but then she went to the opposing team and told them. ????? Not smart. She's going to be gone this week unless she wins pov.

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wow my first post pretty summed up what i was gonna post

unless ronnie really do a switcheroo casey and laura should go up one way or another

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First off, Great job in the competition.. you got two right (which is more than ronnie might I add).. If it hadn't been for Casey not kicking Ronnie, and kicking out Jeff, You would probably be pretty safe right now..

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Unfortunately for her I think she will be up on the block this week. Gained some respect for her this week.. she's pretty smart about figuring people out, but not so smart when it comes to the game.

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she's pretty smart about figuring people out, but not so smart when it comes to the game.

i agree with the latter.

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These people need to quiet down. Not one poker face in the bunch except for that dweeb Ronnie. I almost felt bad for him at first but he's the one stirring the pot more than anyone. At least they're onto him but when will they get control? Another week? Hopefully? They need to start spinning him around and planting seeds. Too late I think.

I CAN'T stand Natalie that little wannabe tough "guy" (she ain't no lady) or Russell that "gangsta" loser. I like Casey, Jeff, Michelle, & Jordan. All seem to be real. Unfortunately real doesn't win.

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her mouth is her weakness

i know being around jessie and natalie can throw off hg game

but being patient and calm is what almost all the bb winners had in common

laura was playing beautiful until last few days when she decided she had to mouth off to prove something

the old saying of loose lips sinks ships holds very true in bb

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she showed a lot of her thoughts by loudly voicing her opinion about Ronnie and although she was 100% right, I feel she may have shown her cards WAY too early, now they know she isn't a ditz with titz and this could be her undoing

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Yup, she needs to stay quiet around others, not show her cards. But that's too late now unfortunately.

But, not too late to show us her, um, well you get the idea :animated_bouncy: :animated_bouncy:

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i started off hating laura and loving chlamydia[i luv that nickname! thanks to whoever initiated it.] -but i've flipped! laura is a steel magnolia. she may fail @ bb, but she wont fail @ life. i'm pretty sure lyd will fail @ both.

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everywhere i look it seem like the laura bandwagon is filling up

since jordan well is jordan

i read janelle twitter she wanted laura to win pov

her biggest downfall in bb is her mouth

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I really love this girl now. She's got the game figured out. Just want her to survive (Lydia or Russell to go instead of Laura or Jeff)...Her BF at home is lucky in more ways than one...or two...for that matter... :animated_bouncy::animated_bouncy:

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I love the fact that she has people thinking she knows a big secret in the house and will whisper it to people if she gets voted out.

Then told Jordan she wants to do that and point to Ronnie just to freak him out. :animated_rotfl:

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I love the fact that she has people thinking she knows a big secret in the house and will whisper it to people if she gets voted out.

Then told Jordan she wants to do that and point to Ronnie just to freak him out. :animated_rotfl:


I love it!!!

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