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Who Did You Want To See Win Out Of All BB Hist?


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There's been a lot of Big brother discussion Dan vs. Memphis, but I'm curious of who do you think Deserved to win all Big brothers.

My list by order of season...

1. Josh [if that counts?]

2. Dr. Will.

3. Danielle.

4. Allison.

5. Diane.

6. Janelle.

7. Danielle.

8. Dick.

9. James.

10. Dan.



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1. Josh

2. Nicole

3. Danielle

4. Jun

5. Diane

6. Janelle

7. Dr. Will or Janelle, can't decide.

8. Eric

9. Sheila

10. Dan


1. Brittney

2. Nicole

3. Jason

4. Jun

5. Nakomis

6. Janelle

7. Janelle

8. Eric

9. James

10. Dan

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the only two winners i dispute to this day is lisa and jun

i felt the best players won their season out of the rest


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The only winner I've ever rooted for was Will Kirby (second that year was Monica who made it to third). I so wanted him to beat out Nicole and Hardy, and he did.

I haven't had a good BB season emotionally since then. :( And I'm beginning to think it'll never happen again.

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