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Thanks To Everyone Here At Morty's!


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well my plans is to get a much needed bb break

i have more free time to put into my web development hobby looking to make a career out of it

i was thinking of watching survivor but idk if i want to get vested in another show

i havent watch survivor since the first allstars

so i would feel lost in any of the discussion in survivor section of morty's

this bb season wasnt the most active at morty's imho

but nonetheless it was fun chatting away with everyone new and old

and my apologies to any poster that we may have exchanged words in heat of the moment during bb

i do visit o/t section on occassion

i will watch the winter edition of bb but idol i find is better during the winter

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I know that I am not much of a regular poster here at Morty's but I just wanted to take time out to post a thank you to everyone here involved in making Big Brother what it is. From the Live Feed Updaters to everyone else in between that takes and gives their hard work, time, and efforts into making BB into the watching and viewing experience that it is, THANK YOU! I loved reading all your updates throughout the BB 10 season and look forward to the next go around! You all give of yourselves, and it is truly and greatly appreciated! Thank you!! :)
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Post BB10 I plan to stick around and get to know everyone in the off-topic forum.

This season had it's moments and there were a few individuals I really enjoyed watching interact with the others. I'm not sure my time management skills are up to a winter season of BB though. And as they say, absence makes the heart grow stronger. Who do we petition to get live feeds in the jury house next year?

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It was more gameplay than drama for a change this season. Still lots of drama, but hey, it was no BB9 on the drama scale.

Loved the renegades!! It's been a long time since the HGs I actually liked got to the final two =] Kinda sad to see this season end.

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I enjoyed it. But too many funny people left too soon. Next time they should have one BB show were we vote based on saving the funniest and putting up most boring, obnoxious, odious. Maybe with AP, maybe with HG not knowing their votes don't count. That way HGs would think they are all big liars, which they are anyway!

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Loved this season. I would have loved to see a lot of good game, fun and laughs with Brian, Steven, Angie and Dan. They would have been a fun 4 to have running this game. It was weird that all the "normal" people were the first evicted.

Loved having the Renegades at the end. They gave me a lot of entertainment. I loved watching Dan play this like a chess game. I loved Dan's diary room and listening to his strategy and then watching it play out. In my opinion he played the best game I have seen so far.

Thank you to all the mods and feed updaters and all the people that kept this forum enjoyable.

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Well. I must say I enjoyed this season of BB. It was a fun season that renewed my obsession for this cheesey (tip of the hat to FatCat for that) game.

I also enjoyed my time on the boards here at Morty's. You ALL made it a special summer for me. Hope my sense of humor didn't rub you the wrong way, and thanks for not rubbing it up my butt too badly when it did!

I hope to spend some time with you all on the Survivor boards this winter!

:notworthy: to you all!

:cheers: Slainte

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It's not Big Brother without Morty's! :animated_bouncy:

Even though I'm not able to come to Morty's as often as I like, I find watching BB MUCH more enjoyable because of the live feeders and the wonderful diverse, but friendly opinions I find on this site!

Here's to MORTY'S! :food-smiley-005:

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I need to say thanks to everyone who posted live feed updates, you can't get them here in Canada. So to those of you who updated meticulously, THANK YOU THANK YOU!!

Dan has been one of my favourite houseguests ever, if not my all time favourite! Luckily for Dan, I live about 20 minutes away from Dearborn Michigan. I'll find him........ :lol:

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Thanks again, Morty's! Great job, as always.

This has been a most enjoyable season. So much better than bb9, which almost ran me off. I hope there isn't another winter show as it's sooooo time consuming, but if there is, I'll be here. I don't go to off-topic much here because I'm pretty active in political forums elsewhere. I don't want to make any enemies of my friends here at Morty's by discussing politics. ;) And BB/Morty's is my break from reality. I refer to summertime bb as my football season. My dh says goodbye to me in July and welcomes me back in Sept. So, I'll miss y'all and I'll see you next year--or next season, whichever comes first.

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The layout , up-daters, and conversations of this site I think, is the best out there. Threads are easy to read, great lay-out and the people kick ass. Even the ones I argue with. It comes from passion of the game and people it's what makes it fun. Hell yeah I want another Big Brother in the Winter!!!!!!

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When I need to catch up on BB, this is where I come. Thanks everyone for all your helpful & entertaiing coments!

I very much enjoyed this season, rooting on primarily, Keesha, Renny & Dan. I'll remember this season for the # of polls that went the way I voted, it was unbelievable.

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Thanks again to all the folks that contribute to what makes Morty's the best Big Brother site ....

Live Feed coverage, video, photos, the Main BB Page, Spread Sheet, Media updates... etc., etc., etc.

It would be almost impossible to list everyone that contributes.... even down to the every day

posters that are the heart of this site.

Thanks all for a fun ride for BB 10 ... see you all for BB 11 ;)

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1st - Jem thank you for coming to the rescue again this year. Morty's wouldn't be here if not for you and I want you to know that even though I do what I can to help... I know that it's nothing compared to your efforts, energy and love of Morty that you keep this machine running. You're a very dear friend and GREATLY appreciated!!!

2nd - Members/Posters I can't tell you how grateful I am to have all of you at this site. I love the differing opinions, the passion and the intelligence that you bring to this board. We may have fights with each other from time to time... be on the opposite sides of the fence when it comes to our opinions but, I truly adore and appreciate this "family" that is Morty's!!!

3rd - Live Feed Updaters/Picture Takers and Smirnoff (eppy video's) if it weren't for all of you I certainly wouldn't have enjoyed this season nearly as much. Your dedication and efforts are noticed and without out all of you there would be no way that Morty/Jem or the other moderators could have kept this board going this season. THANK YOU!!!

4th - Moderators/Hosts are a phenomenal group that keep the rest of the board running smoothly and, for me, just knowing you're all there to pitch in relieves a great stress from my shoulders. I :wub: you all!!!

5th- Last but not least Morty. I don't want to embarrass you but, in real life you've shown me what strength of character is and I think you're an incredible man. Thank you for keeping this site going. I know it's not been the same for you for the last few seasons but, you're spirit and dedication is carried out in spirit through your team. Bottom line is... there's just no place like Morty's... never will be.

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