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Dan & Memphis Splitting $$


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split the money 50/50?

I know this is against the rules...

however, it seems that I remember Memphis saying to Dan that it would take a couple of days for them to get the finances in order before they head to Vegas....

One way around the rules may be for them to start some sort of company with the Money... This seems to be a topic that both Dan and Memphis would have researched before the show, just in case a situation presented itself.

Also, why else would Memphis allow Dan to through him under the Bus with Keesha, knowing it would affect the jury votes.... Again, I got the impression that Dan and Memphis do not care which one of them wins because they plan on splitting the money.

Any thoughts on the subject??? Or did anyone else get this impression???

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There not allowed and I would think would forfeit winnings. Also, with that kinda money, the IRS will be tracking it as well as CBS. I don't think its gonna happen. Maybe, the big winner would treat to the Vegas trip, but I don't think so at all.

Because, Memphis is stupid and Dan is smart. Dan has been a master manipulator of this show from when he was saved. He has gotten every person to say everything he wanted, but they said or did it. He has always told the truth, or stretch it and guess what Keesha is very much aware based on her interview with either Julie, or Gretchen that Dan was probably in on the decision about her eviction, but she was extremly hurt that Memphis did that her after all she did for him in this game for Jerry. She knows its for the game, but its still raw and she is still thinking about how she feels. I also think by what she said is that Dan told her to finish it with the jury votes and Gretchen ask her if she had any plans, Keesha replied I always do and I will work to get him the votes. She doesn't regret anything except losing the two important comps, but she also realized she should have taken the time to talk with Memphis when Dan was away, but then she realized he had probably already decided her fate (which he did) and probably wouldn't have changed his mind. So even know, Dan has accomplished this huge obstacle and has her doing his work for him in the jury house. I think Dan is one of the best BB gamers.

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Dan if winner of bigmoney would be a fool to go into business with Memphis. They barely know each other. If Monica has an ounce of brains, she'll put the kebosh on that one. If Memphis gets big money, no way would he go into business with Dan. Do you think they would make it a 50/50 partner ship?

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They're not splitting the money. No. But they could invest in a joint venture later on. They probably won't. But they are wanting to party together in Vegas, so thats what they're talking about doing. They're going to Vegas to celebrate together with other members of the cast that they like along with family members.

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I agree with all that is said..... however how do you address Memphis so freely letting Dan though him under the bus to Keesha. And do you think there is any loophole at all to the $$ splitting rules (If so, I'm sure Dan or Memphis would have discovered)?

Also what did memphis mean by........Memphis saying to Dan that it would take a couple of days for them to get the Money Straight before they head to Vegas (said in the past 5-6 days).

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Honestly I think it just boils down to that Memphis was just dumb.

Also what did memphis mean by........Memphis saying to Dan that it would take a couple of days for them to get the Money Straight before they head to Vegas (said in the past 5-6 days).

Maybe to get the money deposited? .5mil is a lot of money...I know I've never deposited that much into any account. It might be a big deal to do it.

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Memphis probably thinks certain people like April, Ollie, Michelle, etc. will be delighted Memphis threw Keesha under the bus and sent her packing. When Dan evicts Jerry, That will be four to jump on the we love Memphis train.

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Its called the great manipulator. He even got Memphis okay to throw himself under the bus. That's true what Lenray said, but regardless after Dan had his little lunch with Michelle, she definately soften and Dan skillfully planted the notion that all of the four where involved with the backdoor idea, so memphis is not going to go unskaved(spel?). I think Keesha is going to go in there and state to obvious, while Dan behavior was strange to some, you cannot negate his game play in almost everyway this season. I think eventually, and after their speeches Dan will be rewarded with the prize. I really do.

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Splitting the money will all be impossible for them...For Boggie and Will they have many high valued joint business ventures already in place so it was easy for them to do it.....

Whoever wins they will be getting a 1099-misc that they will have to pay the taxes on the winning..aroung 30-40%...in addition to what they made prior going into the BB house and anything they won in there..like Dan's 20k for AP and Memphis' car which CBS will over value to cover their butts.......If Dan or Memphis write a check and split the difference, whomever deposits it will create a paper trail for the IRS and they will wonder why the recipient of the check didn't pay a "gift tax" on that money..where it came from...and why they are doing what they are doing..and the IRS will get CBS involved as to why two separate 1099-misc weren't mailed out since they will explain they are "sharing" the prize and when that happens they both could be in a world of legal troubles...

Once they get out and everything is explained to them....I really don't think they would jeopardize their freedom and financial well being and will not follow through....unless they really do go into business together and decide to share it that way....but there are laws about personal spending when you incorporate...so again they need to be cautious.

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"Why would Memphis allow Dan to through him under the Bus with Keesha, knowing it would affect the jury votes? "

I think he just wasn't thinking ahead and was focused on making Jerry think his deal to take him to final two was still in the cards. Dan putting him up the first time was a risk that paid off, Memphis probably assumed he'd be safe no matter what and wanted to do a repeat of that. Only he doesn't think it through like Dan did and probably lost a vote or two once Keesha got into the jury house. They know Dan was a player and expect it of him, but to find out Memphis kicked out an ally over Jerry will stun the jury enough to question whether he should get their vote instead of giving it to Dan.

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I actually don't know..but in All Stars Daniele mentioned she got her 50k check in the regular mail 2 weeks after the show ended....actually I understand the first and 2nd place winners lose their stipends in place of the prize money.....Of course there's the AC at the end and the winner gets that in addition to their stipend a la Janelle BBAS and James BB9...

Unless Dan or Memphis win ithe AC (if they have it) and that bumps them up into an even higher tax barcket come tax time...unfortunately the more you win the more taxes Uncle Sam collects....too bad for them..

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Thanks, Steven! I thought it was two weeks too! Last year, Crazy James was telling Chelsia and Josh they should hang around a couple of weeks until the checks came and he had to work until the checks came because he was broke. This was James Speak for, "Can I crash with you dudes until we get our checks?" Also, I kinda remember Memphis earlier in the game telling Dan a friend of his would seen M,D and their "beards" (GFs) on some trip. Maybe that meant they would pay the guy back. Although recently Memphis said we have to get the money deposited in the next couple of days. If I were Dan I would not let Memphis win tonight, the way Dan let Memphis win VetoComp and kick Keesha to the curb.

And thank you again Steven for your great work here!!!

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I honestly don't know if they have a deal to split the money. I don't know either of them personally. For all I know they could be friends or acquainances outside the game. Someone mentioned that the bios that CBS puts out aren't necessarily true so who knows.....I do know that it wouldn't be much money if they split it after taxes. "Much money" being relative. Taxes eat up about 30+%.

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Good point, Slimcruz! Not to mention unpaid college loans, credit card debts, Goodness knows how much Memphis may owe friends and family. If I took home $300,000 I would stick that in various govt. municipal bonds...around 5-6 percent right now, insured by Uncle Sam and never again will you pay tax on that money, plus you can get money out without any penalties! Starting a clothing line? I personally think since Dan did not swear on the Bible, if he wins that big money plans will change. I can tell will listen to Monica and I don't know any woman worth her salt who would say, "Good Idea!!!" Dan is playing Memphis to the bitter end. And Memphis is probably doing the same! If D/M want to invest, then both invest $40,000 each. Do they really think Wal Mart will be begging them for their stupid product line?

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I'm just wondering if Dan will lose on purpose, letting Memphis win, thinking Memphis will take him regardless. That's a slight chance because Memphis might take Jerry, thinking he doesn't have a chance with Dan and might with Jerry.

Do you think Dan will throw this comp b/c he believes Memphis will take him plus the blood will be on Memphis' hands for evicting Jerry, who he has a F2 deal with. Jerry will be mad at Dan if Dan kicks him out and really mad at Memphis b/c of their deal.

I think both boys are going to try to throw it so the other one has to do the dirty work to evict Jerry.


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