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Renny - Week 9


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As far as I'm concerned, show could end tomorrow and they could split the $$$..........usually, this is the part of the game I enjoy the most, getting from 5 to 2...................in this case...............BORING..............and once Renny leaves, even more BORING.............I couldn't care less who wins.

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Slimcruz Said: I am not necessarily such a thing. I do find it interesting that they want her gone because they are afraid of her because she is so well liked.

Who want's her gone ..... she has no game play ... she did nothing .... 1 HOH does not constitute a BB $500,000 Winner. Having an absolutely great personality does not consstitute a $500,000 BB Winner.

You go into this game knowing fully well you have to lie, cheat and steal to get the $500,000. I don't get why ppl are so hard on Memphis and Dan ......... they did exactly what this GAME is about. Get to the $500,000 ..... that is the goal of the game.

I mean really ............ who gives a shit about personality and being the nice guy/girl. Thats what BB is all about ... get to then end ... no matter what.

Give up 3 months of your life .......... for $500,000 or go into the BB House and be pure as the driven snow. Let someone else ... who came to play the game .... who is there for the money ... who don't give a crap about lying to get the money ... win. But But ... you can come out of the house with your dignity. Whatever!

Please ppl ... see the game for what it is. Cut-throat.

Ok...I'm done venting. Sorry if i offend anyone.

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Even though Renny was outplayed from a game standpoint, she offended very few of the Sequestered HGs. Dan (as AP for one week, a few other things) isn't that well liked by the voters (depending on whether they vote for best gamer or least offensive); Keesha rubbed a few the wrong way (to help her game); Jerry was offensive to many but could beat K,D or M I'd think; Mem isn't liked by Apr, Oll, possibly Mich. It depends on how bitter the Sequestered Ones remain when voting comes up. When Dani/ED on BB8 were F2, Dani had won many more comps than ED from a game standpoint; ED has yelled and bullied all; out of spite for Dani the sequestered HGs reluctantly chose ED over Dani. Anyone else with either ED or Dani would have won big money over ED or Dani. That group of Sequestered HGs were all pretty bitter.

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I think that I disagree about Renny not playing the game. First week, she was on the block because of her "big mouth" altercation with Jessie which I believe she couldn't control due to lack of meds. Once she got back on her meds, she was able to tone down her attitude.

  • Renny aligned with a cute, popular, mean girl right away to get in the clique
  • Renny took on the roll as the House Mom by cooking, cleaning and listening to everyone's problem
  • Renny took on the roll of comedian--making everyone laugh
  • Renny would plant seeds with Keesha and others in order for them to do the dirty work without them really realizing it
  • Renny won a HoH and made her own decisions about who went on the block

I think that this is a form of gameplay. If I went in the house it would exactly be my strategy as a 44 year old woman. I think it was a 54 year old woman's best strategy. Only thing is that she should have gotten a few people pissed at her and let the HGs know it.

I will miss Renny. I would have liked to see her in the F2 with Dan.

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It is not good gameplay to drink a bunch of wine just prior to a BIG competition. Taking 20+ minutes to complete a simple task with 5+ minutes coming in behind you is evidence that she played a lousy game. Renny stayed as long as she did because none of them felt threatened by her during the game and knew that they could toss her whenever they felt like it which is tonight. Each of them knows better than to take her to F2. Clearly. They make no secret of the fact.

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I am gonna differ with you on this one, I do not think at all that it was the alcohol that did Renny in, it was her middle aged mind, she got stuck on the Jerry baby and she just cold not get her mindset off of it, I also thisnk she thought there was more than two people involved in who the baby was made up of. I am not gonna say that they should have had wine before the comp, but they did and especially with Keesha, once she starts she cannot stop. Renny did really bad in that comp, she is just not good at that stuff and has said so, you do go dingy after 50 believe me, there are times when I am walkin along and all of a sudden I think where am I and what am I doin, I do this at work a lot,lol, and I am a very sharp cookie it is crazy so until you get over 50 and realize that your head is not always on straight don't blame it on the booze. I did not think either her or Keesha seemed that lit up, seriously. Renny was really embarrassed at her lack of doing well in that comp.

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Renny was always viewed as being expendable...even by Keesha. She was useful to have on your side for numbers/votes...other than that...almost useless...aside from her entertainment value and domestic contributions she brought little to the game.

This scenario has actually worked out perfectly for DMK now because Renny's blood isn't really on their hands. They were all probably secretly worried about how they'd have to evict her from the group...especially Keesha because I believe her true loyalties have been with Memphis. Now, the blood is on Jerry's hands because he screwed up his nom's by not putting up both M&D together. She and Keesha had every opportunity to split from D&M prior to nom's and strike up a deal with Jerry...he was all alone and would have agreed to it...they didn't do it...didn't even try.

If (by some fluke) she'd have made it to F2...I don't think she'd have had a chance to win grand prize because of her complete lack of game play...by default they'd have to give it to whomever she was up against (maybe she'd have gotten a pity vote from keesha?) You should have to play the game in order to win the game...imo. Her personality, domesticity and lacking of true enemies isn't enough justification for jury to vote her winner. (which would make her the perfect person to take to F2. Increase your won odds of winning. ;) )

I really like Renny...she's a decent person and also she'd be a hoot to party with...but she won't be remembered for being a good BB player.



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Why is Renny not talking to the guys at all? I don't think it would take much convincing to get rid of Keesha instead. Renny and Jerry would be alot easier to get rid of then Keesha and Jerry, and Renny would be alot less likely to keep Jerry if she won any comps next week much less team up with him.

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Na na na na, na na na na, hey hey-ey, goodbye

Na na na na, na na na na, hey hey-ey, goodbye

Na na na na, na na na na, hey hey-ey, goodbye

:animated_wave: :animated_wave: :animated_wave:


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I really like Renny but I think it was a defeatist attitude that did her in................self-fulfilling prophesy kind of thing............I don't think the alcohol helped.....................if you were serious about winning why wouldn't you give it your all. Seemed to me that before she was even on the block this week, Renny imagined that she would be on the block...............and..............she ended up on the block.


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Like she said, Renny and Keesha was a dream. She put her eggs in the Keesha basket and forgot to compete as well as I think she could have. Renny spent far too much time consoling keesha. I suspect her family is going to tell her much the same thing.

Age doesn't seem to have hindered her 75-year old fellow HG, Jerry, from actively competing.

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