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Monday, August 25th


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it must be pure bordom and they are eating constantly for something to do,lol

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Manchelle is trying to see the tapes of her supposed stolen ring being placed back into her dresser OK..But what I want to know why Ollies loser ass isn't in trouble for trashing the place? He can get away with using the word F_____ot, and now destroy things and nothin happens? Bullchit

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Yes, and Ollie also demanded Memphis perform oral sex on him (in a less polite way) to Memphis over and over and over. Shoulda put Ollie up.

Why do they keep cutting away from Manchelle every time she tries to talk???

Hi, Sam....cause crew getting sick of Michelle's mouth.

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lmao Manchelle things that this is wrong and that America has to do something about this. It's not right. It's a fuggin game is she really that stupid and self involved that she thinks she's above being backdoored or being put up? Did they not receive the memo that this is a game and not Little House on the Prairie?????

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At this point, I don't care either, Sam. And it's always this way for me when it's down to this few left. They are all equally undeserving.If I were in this bunch left, I'd want F2 with Dan or Keesha (both could never get big money); w/Jerry in F2 J would win over anyone. It would be hilarious if Ollie goes after Michelle Thursday and only Dan and Memphis left, who would Ollie, April, etc. vote to give big bucks to?

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This is such BULLS@#T that we have everything ..all feeds and BBAD on Dan Memphis Reeney and Keesha and they are not showing the bitterness of Ollie and Michele..except a 10 second snippet....ridiculous!

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I think it's bullchit that they are not showing the feeds with Ollies stupid ass because he's gay bashing. If someone were there bashing him because of his color there would be hell to pay. Talking negatively abut anyone's race or sexuality is wrong, so why is it Ok for him to bash up the place then continue to bash gay people?

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Actually, Sam, I think Ollie's butt is covered because certain important people called CBS on Ollie's behalf....

"This is Michelle O. and we will not take kindly to your network removing Ollie from BB House...What's that? No we ain't in power yet, but it's a done deal...so watch it!!"

"Uhhh...this is George W. Bush, that's right...Hey, I'm diggin' my man Ollie...just don't unload him, if you catch my drift./...."

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At least the hand bump and possibly many other types of bumps....

What will be interesting re: Ollie meltdown...

Can you imagine April's white bread family watching Ollie going off? Can't wait for Ollie to move in with April and start destroying her perfect little house. April, Ollie SOOOOOOO deserve each other.

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I would imagine, Sam, as our culture continues to crumble into nothingness, there will come a day when these stupids on reality TV will be pursued 24/7 like Brittney and her ilk are today!!! I'd love to see that first black eye April gets from Ollie.

Also, why in hell can't they intertwine reality shows like Cops with BB so today during Ollie's meltdown why now have a bunch of cops running in with a camera crew...."Bad Boys, whatcha gonna do?"...

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