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Memphis - Week 2


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That was one of the more obvious "throwing" of a comp. I've seen in a looong time. :lol:

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definately threw comp

made it look too obvious

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I don't care for him much either, but he doesn't irk me quite as much as Libra & April. He does seem to be in a good safe spot right now. Those V-neck t-shirts he wears are seriously repulsive though. After Dustin BB8 they should have been banned in the house.

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Those V-neck t-shirts he wears are seriously repulsive though. After Dustin BB8 they should have been banned in the house.

That's exactly what I was thinking.

I still can't decide if I like him or not, but I would like him to team up with Angie.

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I had visions of Dusty too...<shudders>

He's ok by me right now...and I hope and really think he will team up with Angie and they'll work well together. That is...only if Angie gets out of her funk and decides to step up her game a bit....and soon!

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Oh Sara...too funny and I totally agree!! I was going to make a comment in another area saying that I believe all V-neck t-shirts MUST be banned from BB and how do we make it happen!! I could not get the image of Dustin out of my head last night...not good.

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There's one thing I can't figure out. Jessie's a dolt and a douche, but Memphis seems pretty smart. So why is he hitching his caboose to the bitches?

What the bitches are doing is getting the house to do their dirty work and get rid of all the guys. Do these idiots not realize if they get rid of half the guys, the bitches will have the numbers and can then turn on them?

Memphis is an idiot. He truly is.

If he was smart he'd try to make his OWN alliance with Dan, Keesha, Angie, Steve and maybe Jerry and/or Renny. You can't stick with these women and Ollie. Ollie is STRONG with those women because of April. It would be four against him and Jessi. They really are stupid and I'm ashamed to call them fellow males.

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Memphis is trying to get a group of him, Jessie, Michelle and Angie...right now. Jessie is on the fence about Angie only because she hasn't talked to him since he became hoh (:baby:) but Memphis is pushing for it. Michelle is a loose cannon though...imo...but she really does seem to be in good with Jessie...so maybe.

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Really Imin? I was watching BBAD last night and Memphis almost sounded like the ringleader saying who needs to go next (Dan or Steve) and went right down the line. He seemed like he was with the girls but I suppose he could just be acting that way in order to get rid of Dan and Steve. I still can't figure out why he dislikes them so much.

Dan is a real nice guy and would be great to align with because he's so loyal and Steve seems cool too.

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as far as I know anyway...and yes...Dan and Steven are the immediate targets...with Renny being used as a pawn. It's just that Memphis wanted to bring in Angie to the group...and not necessarily her friends.

I question whether or not she will...she showed loyalty to an extent to Brian...and I'm wondering if she'll do the same with Dan and Steven.

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I still think this guy is a tool, and I do not like him much, Brian saying last night that he is the triple threat is laughable to me.

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i am really disappointed in the bb man this year

usually the men stick together or at least try to work together

this year from get go they are going after each other and literally kissing away the numbers game to woman

memphis may think he is cute by getting out the males so he can be alpha males

but truth of matter he is leaving brains in the house eg.libra,

bb is more a game of mental skills then physical strength

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i dont

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I sure do not want Memphis to win anything else, and not the game,lol

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