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July 19th Live Feed Updates

Guest ranster627

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Ivette:would you agree that this experience goes against everything that has been taught and in stilled in you

Kaysar: I knew coming in that there were things that would test me

Ivette: I didn't think it would be this difficult to incorporate the two. you cannot open up in this environment

Kaysar: I'm not like you were I can just jump into things and start talking to people. I need to understand and know people before I open up, thats how I do things

Ivette: there's certain things that you cant share, you wouldn't want us to touch your carpet

James: carpet

kaysar and james : well its kinda like a carpet, its called a prayer rug

I just need a clean place to pray

James: to you Ivette, spanish is easy to you, but to me it would be hard, its the same for us to understand kaysar

Kaysar: its a religion but its also a language, its the things that shape our lives

James: Its a cultural thing based on how you are brought up, I was brought up one way, Cappy left home early, Jennifer is probably still at home

Ivette: there is nothing that has stopped me in this house or made me think I can't do that,

James: he is a practicing muslim, but we are not practicing christians, if he was with devout jews or christians it would be a more leveled playing field, You need to look at this at the same level

Iv: if you are that devout and have these beliefs then you wouldn't have come into this house, there is too much temptation

K: Can I answer

James: I didn't know all this coming in

K: basically i knew all this, will i deal with stuff in the house that i haven't dealt with outside the house? I thought if you can get through everything after september 11 where people look at you different ... you can get through this

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Guest angelich

The convo about Kaysar with James, Ivette and Kaysar still going on. Ivette still not understanding and still trying to fight about it. (Ivette doesn't seem smart... not to put her down, but she can't see how similar his life and hers can be put together)

James went to drop a deuce.

Ivette butchering common phrases (to each its own)

Kaysar is trying to explain more about his beliefs.

Ivette is trying to get Kaysar to agree with her that he lied to his "advisor"

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Guest angelich

Ivette is complicating things about sleeping in the same bed with someone. Kaysar slept with Howie last night.

Kaysar: I don't think Howie is going to come onto me. Nothing can happen.

Ivette saying all the Orthodox Jews she's seen she wouldn't think of any of them coming into this house.

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Guest angelich

Ivette believes that the house is everything against everything that Kaysar has learn and believed in his religion.

Ivette is saying that eventually he will have to deceive.

Kaysar doesn't believe he will have to.

Howie has joined the convo.

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Guest angelich

Kaysar is saying he's not an angel. Whatever he did in the real world is the same as the house. He owned up to deceiving someone before. Yes he lied, but he owned up to it and didn't lie again.

Ivette keeps asking if they know what she means over and over again.

Ivette is saying this is the wrong environment for a Orthodox Christian or for Kaysar.

Ivette is asking if it would be wrong that Maggie and Sarah are massaging each other (nonsexually)

Kaysar says she is finding fault where there is none.

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Guest angelich

Maggie explained better that Kaysar in the real world can avoid those places that are bad, but he is purposefully submitting himself to it in the house.

Beau has joined the convo and is sitting on Howie's lap as Howie's "Bo Bo doll"

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Guest angelich

Kaysar says he's not part of a cult mentality. He has different types of friends from different backgrounds and different religions. He appreciates those things and he wants to learn about those things.

Kaysar is explaining that he didn't know at first that Beau was a Southern Baptist and he was learning about that.

Convo has changed from smart to nonsmart cause Howie is being weird.

Now Howie is going back to serious.

Kaysar explains he didn't know about tidings.

Ivette: don't do things unless you do it all.

She compared to a vegetarian who eats fish. Can't kill one animal and not another.

shoot feed went out

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Ivette is saying Kaysar can't handle her cause she is outspoken.

Kaysar is now sayign they are having a great convo and is telling her that he was just trying to get to the bottom of the problem.

Ivette is now telling Kaysar he cut her off. She is not listening and is trying to argue. Jaysar is making her angrier by asking her if he can talk. Ivette continues to interrupt.

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Guest angelich

Ivette is saying that no matter how hard Kaysar wants to try not to be the Muslim, but he is.

Kaysar saying what if he was the guy who wanted the personal space?

Sarah explaining how Ivette wants to know how he can come into the place with so much temptation. And Kaysar feels strong enough abotu beliefs and himself as a person he can block it out and play to the best of his abilities.

Howie keeps calling Kaysar a hypocrite as a joke.

Ivette says she's not arguing... but she is.

They are going back to the fight a couple days ago. Ivette saying she is too outspoken for him. Kaysar saying it wasn't that it was just that they had a time restriction.

Ivette is saying that he told her to give him the short version after the fight happened.

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Guest angelich

Michael and Janelle walking through some of the other feeds.

Kaysar didn't know ivette was mad at him. They keep back tracking.

Ivette explaining something using Beau going to a straight club in Texas. It makes no sense in the convo. Backtracked to earlier in the convo.

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Sarah: Ivette is saying why would you put yourself in this situation

kaysar is saying he feels strong enough about his beliefs and who he is as a person to play this game

Sarah: You (ivette) are saying its impossible to play this game

Kaysar: I can be anywhere i want to be whether it be iraq, europe, this house - and i am trying to make that point

K: I came to you and said I know you are upset I asked you to explain, i was worried that something bad was going to happen

Iv: you didn't let me talk

K: we started talking and the fight broke out

Iv: no this all happened afterwards, and you tried to shorten and hurry me up

(I know from the feeds of that night she wouldn't get to her point and then the fight started)

K: I should have appologized to you, now that we are talking about this I understand your perspective, I didn't know you were upset with me.

Ivette: In my life I try to avoid situations that I don't believe in. Say beau went into a straight bar in texas with his boyfriend yes he has a right to be there, but he put himself in that situation

K: are we still talking about the argument/fight

Ivette:No. I think you came here to be an Iraqi on this show, and to show you can be true to your self, but overall do i think your religion fits in this environment, no.

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I and K are still talking about religion and he keeps trying to explain how he feels and she just says "To me... no to me... " it is all about her. It almost seems like she is trying to tell Kaysar that he shouldn't be there b/c of his religion... um hello, isn't that his decision!

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Guest angelich

Ivette doesn't agree with Kaysar putting himself in this environment and his beliefs don't fit into this environment. :roll:

Kaysar is saying he understands where she is coming from. He did lose sleep over it.

Ivette asking if Kaysar had to tweak his beliefs a bit to be in the house.

Kaysar says no. It's not as big of an issue like that. It's not the first time he's seen a gay man or an outspoken latina.

Ivette keep saying that that if he is not uncomfortable in a group he can walk away in real life.

Kaysar saying that he hears it all the time now. In the beginning, he felt uncomfortable, but he doesn't need to make them stop their convo. He can walk away.

Kaysar saying everyone has tweaked different things.

Ivette is just trying to get him to agree with her no matter what.

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Guest angelich

Religion convo is finally over.

Eric tried to switch the alcohol with another food group. BB said no, but you're always thinking.

Eric: you don't ask, you won't know

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Just to add, earlier when Ivette was saying that Kaysar was imposing his special rules on the house by bringing in a carpet that they can't touch (and the convo ensued where he explained it was a prayer rug), he had to explain that he had to make sure it was a clean place to pray. He said that if he was outside on the grass, he could put it straight on the grass. Ivette was incredulous, saying 'So the grass and dirt is cleaner than THIS? Cleaner than THIS?' Kaysar has explained that the grass has to do with nature, pure, etc., and that is why he can put the prayer rug on the ground.

Kaysar is STILL being forced to explain his religion and Ivette's perception that he is being a hypocrite. She earlier brought up the fact that he says he can't join up in comps with certain types of food, and that isn't right. Kaysar pointed out that Maggie is the same, with her vegetarian beliefs. She said "Yeah, but..." and said that Maggie believes SO strongly in her beliefs, and if her food wasn't provided or she would be forced to eat meat, she wouldn't have come to the house.

Kaysar said that he stayed up nights worrying about whether coming into the house was the right thing for him or not. Every time he tries to explain something, she says she doesn't care; this is just her opinion.

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Guest angelich

Feed 3 is interesting cause someone is playing coasters and all you can see is the coasters flying

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