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July 19th Live Feed Updates

Guest ranster627

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Guest angelich

Jennifer looks like she's crying, Howie comes over gives her a kiss on the arm and is rubbing her neck

April is talking about how she got proposed to, she knew what was going on, but then she wasn't sure when and she was on her period

Cameras off the hot tub

Jenn is talking about the boy she was with and he wouldn't propose

Howie says he couldn't leave those boobies

Cappy is telling her to move on

2 cameras inside the house on no one

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Guest angelich

Jenn is talking about how her eggs/womens' eggs go bad at 30 (she's 27), Cappy says whatever 35

oh jenn is talking about how she had cheated on this guy, but then they got back

Cappy: You're only playing mental masturbation

Jenn says she can be a bitch

The guys said what woman can be?

James: you're such a woman

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Guest angelich

Cappy talking about his relationship with his wife

Jenn is mad that you don't wait 7 years to propose

Cappy says he told his wife that he was going to marry her on their 2nd date, and he proposed after 6 months

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Guest angelich

Howie telling Jenn she doesn't need that baggagem to move in with him and they can start over

Howie: you still look 17

Jenn says Howie will dump her after 3 years

Jenn says Howie will keep her for 13 years, after 13 years there will probably be kids, who gets the kids when they leave

neither of them want the kids

They will "Proc-create" them for Big Brother 18

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Guest angelich

One camera has panned into the houseguest wall onto Jan's pic

Howie says that Jenn and he shouldn't worry about kids, they'll just have passionate sex

Howie throwing out another percentage: 72% of people will divorce

Howie saying that he will talk to her parents

Howie says that he's going to be big time and he's going for greatness

Jenn is saying who's a big weatherman

Howie: Al Roker

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Guest angelich

Howie mentioning what he said the first day about being a CPA vs. weatherman

Jenn doesn't like the ocean

Howie will let Jen's mom live with them

Jenn says won't see eachother cause Howie work at night, Jenn during the day

Howie says it will make them get closer together

Howie blabbering on and on about their new life and future life

Jenn gets up from the table cause she has to pee

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Guest angelich

Eric talking about how he proposed to his wife (asked her parents for permission)

Jenn and Mike in the weightroom

Cappy now telling the story that his wife's parents didn't know they had moved into together. He made his wife tell them. She did and they went off on her, but his wife didn't tell him that her mother freaked out.

Mike just sitting in the weightroom day dreaming

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Guest angelich

Janelle is the only one now not accounted for

Kaysar is summoned to the DR

2 cameras now on empty rooms and 2 on the hot tub group

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Thanks for the updates Angelich.

I'm on the feeds.

Eric told his whole story... blow by blow... word for word of how he got to be a fireman.

All around hot tub impressed.

Still NO camera on Michael trying to find out combination of safe.

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Mike and Janelle's intimate moment has been broken up by Mike being called to the DR.

Janelle continues to talk about more of her clothes being taken..

MYSTERY SOLVED!!! Janelle goes to drop off her pants in the storage room ,runs into Eric and explains that whatever they say has to deal with Victoria Secret.

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Janelle is in the bathroom explaining that in the DR, she broke up with her boyfriend after the house made her realize that she did not want to be with him any more. Getting emotional, she held up her middle finger so this conversation would not show on TV...

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Guest angelich

lol I'm back... can't stay away

They are taking away the sweatpants because PINK is on the ass which is related to Victoria Secret and they aren't allowed to wear any logos

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Guest angelich

I believe they told Janelle in the diary room that they are showing the footage of her and Mike hooking up and she didn't really want Sean (bf) to find out that way, but she doesn't want to be with him anymore

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Guest angelich

Maggie to April: Pull it Out when you're done

Janelle: I have a dirty mind right now

Maggie: what?

Janelle: Pull It Out when you're done

Maggie: I would have never run it

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Guest angelich

Janelle trying to tell them about how BB made her say an apology to Sean, but BB is telling them no.

She filmed 4 takes of it I guess

Maggie, Jenn, April and Janelle trying to to talk about it without talking about it.

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Guest angelich

back out to the hot tub, hot tub people are drowning out the bathroom people (BB you're turning up the volume of the other mics on purpose)

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