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3:15PM - The girls are sunning in the BY, James in the WC, Adam reading bible in HoH. All is silent but for a plane flying over and James breathing loudly with the occasional little grunt. All is peaceful in BB world.

(*so peaceful I'll be back later...nap time!*)

James starts packing up his belongings.......

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3:16PM BBT: Sheila is laying out making her best "strike a pose" face. Natalie and Sharon are laying out beside her. James and Adam are just walking inside. Adam goes to HoH and gets into bed for a little bible reading. James heads towards his BR.

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6:45pm - Ryan and Nat? sleeping in PinkRm and Sheila giving Adam a massage (qui8te a nice one, btw) in the SpaRm. And the second I start typing it's FotH! Sheila was talking about her brother living in North Carolina. Talk is about family and kids and where people live. She says her sister was a stay home mother and the husband a Geriatric Dentist and they're good Christian people and a sister gave her kidney to her son. The kid is doing great she says. Sheila talking about organ donation now and then moves onto how she "worships her sister." She asks Adam about his brother Jared. Adam says they are best friends. Adam talks to his brother on phone several times a day. Adam says his brother supported his decision to go on BB, and Sheila says her sister was too. Sheila says she didn't even tell her mom. Sheila talking names and towns of her siblings.

talk moves to current events and Sheila says she'd love a McCain/Giuliani ticket but that she thinks we really need Obama or Clinton in office for change. (*regardless of your party affiliation, is that a good enough reason?*) Sheila quotes Hillary "it takes a village" and screws it up and can't even remember if it was Bill or Hillary who said it.

Adam wonders if Clinton and Obama will team up. Sheila thinks that'd be cool. They talk about the isolation in the BB house and Sheila says she would love to see something BIG happen with the presidential race. Adam says the Dems are really putting it out there this year. Adam says he has no party affiliation. Sheila wants Obama or Clinton but she thinks McCain may win. Adam sounding quite sleepy now. Sheila says she doesn't know anything about Obama but from what she's seen on TV he seems to be a down to earth guy and cool. She says Obama seems more laid-back than Hillary. Adam says he would pick Obama over Clinton. Sheila asks if it's because she's a woman or because of Bill? Adam says it's because it might be like Bush and his father. Guilt by Association is the phrase Sheila used. They agree the late night shows would go crazy over Bill being the "First Man". More politics.....Sheila reveals she voted for Bill Clinton but hasn't voted since....now she's saying people need to get out and vote.

Sheila says she met her son's father when working for Penthouse at an authgraph signing in Vegas. She refuses to discuss it further but says Adam will meet her son at the wrap party.

7:00 Sheila singing the praises of her ex who is watching her son. he's a computer genius but he's a lead singer and he loves music more than computers. She says he's from Finland and is not gorgeous but that's not what she fell for. She says she met him at the Viper Room and has been with him ever since...a year and a half ago. He's 42 and will be 43 in August. She says they're broken up now.

FotH.....looks like BB is asleep at the switch tonight! A little late there, BB.

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7:12 - Sheila still massaging Adam's back...she just asked if it's been a 2 hr massage now or what?

She talks about her book and what's been going on with her writer and things. She says BB has helped her step out of her comfort zone and caused her to believe she needs to make changes in her life. She says she was horrible and awful to Adam and that's a good example. She said it was because he reminds her of her ex.

Meanwhile, Ryan sawin' some serious logs in the PinkRm.

Adam tells Sheila her ex and son love her...she says she knows but she's not a happy person. She says she isn't a gold digger or materialistic but would like some security and she hasn't had that.

(Sheila show getting old...I'm outtie!)

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8:20PM BBT: Natalie is the only one that is still sleeping. Sharon just came out and told everyone that she had a dream that James was in the pool naked and Sheila joined him... More general chitchat.

BB gave the HGs beer, it wasn't the brand James asked for. They got 5 because Ryan isn't allowed to drink. They're drinking them before Natalie wakes up and they're not going to save one for her. They all agree that she is so ridiculous about alcohol and gets pissed if she thinks she isn't getting her fair share. James tells them he's enjoying being in the house because Natalie is sleeping and he doesn't have to put up with her.

8:50PM BBT: Natalie is awake, Ryan and Adam are outside playing ball. Not sure if Natalie knows about the beer yet.

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