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It is a weird inclined board that they are on and there are big tubs of smashed potatoes on the top... they are pulling the potatoes from the top to the bottom and there are various pots, pans and bowls throughout the platform... they are spreading it all over the place... sounds like Sheila, Nat and James are on one team... as they are being supportive of one another... Adam, Ry and Sharon on another team possible... Adam says "something about his hand something as hell" Ry asks if he is ok, Adam says NO then we get TRIVIA! Damnit!

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1:01 pm BBT sharon ryan appear to be on same team ... they are spreading mashed potatoes (or something that looks like it) on an inclined plane ... sheila says "go james" then "come on natalie" ... nat says "i'm coming" ... sheila says "here james i've got a bunch of potatoes" and "nat you need some more?" ryan is tossing potatoes into metal bowls ... sharon says "here baller"... sheila says "natalie you're doing great, james you need more potatoes?" ... they have an inclined plane covered with bowls ... and they are pushing potatoes along. james says, "watch out adam, i'm coming down with a load" as he pulls an armful of mashed potatoes down the plane then runs up to the top to get more. sheila is up at the top digging potatoes out of a bowl and it looks like nat and james are pulling them down. sharon is at the top getting out potatoes and adam and ryan are getting them down. There are also muffin pans on the inclined plane. (I have no idea what the point of the comp is LOL and I'm just typing as I see it)

So it appears the teams are Sheila, Nat, James vs Sharon, Adam, Ryan

1:06 back to trivia

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This week we get to see part of the Food Comp. The HG are on a slanted platform with blocks on it for footholds. Sheila and Sharon are at the top, dishing out mashed potatoes to Nat, James, Ryan and Adam. it appears they are trying to create mashed potato streams down to the bottom where there are food items. Ryan was lobbing globs of mashed potato towards the bottom while James was holding an armful close to his chest and dragging it down. Adam kept slipping. Sheila was determined not to be on slop again.

Then we got Trivia. Possibly the timer ran out and the comp was over.


Who believes Adam may have won a feast for the house...

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1:13 pm BBT - Now they are using gravy with the mashed potatoes... Ok they have tubes at the bottom of the inclined platform that has to collect the mashed potatoes and gravy to get certain foods (dairy eggs meat etc...) maybe they are all working together... Sheila just announced that they are almost done...

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Feeds back. The blocks on the platform are kitchen utensils like pots and pans and such. Sheila is the one dishing out the mashed potatoes. They appear to be creating river paths with the mashed potato and have to push gravy into the bowls at the bottom of the platform to win that item. There appear to be non-food items as well, such as outside toys.


Who is back onto TotH...

They have bread and pasta so far before Adam cut a finger, resulting in trivia.


Who saw in addition to the feast, there were bowls for bread/pasta, outdoor toys and an outdoor grill...

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Going back and relooking at the comp .... There are all sorts of utensils on the plane, rolling pins, bowls, muffin tins, cups, colanders, etc. they seem to be cheering everyone on because Ryan said "sharon i need some potatoes" and nat immediately said "get him some more potatoes sharon". They seem to not be putting anything in the bowls, so maybe they were just there for help climbing back up the slippery inclined plane. (They are all very winded especially the two smokers! LOL Still can't figure out at all what the point of the comp is though!) It looks like there's a lot more potatoes on the plane on ryan and adam's half than on james and nat's half.

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now gravy is pouring into tubes ... looks like they are having to use the mashed potatoes to guide gravy rivers that fill the tubes (if a tube is full they must win that prize). there are labels at the bottom by the tubes that read "bread & pasta" "outdoor toys" "bbq grill" "feast" (this label is up on the inclined plane by one of the bowls) "fruits & veggies" (also up on the plane by a bowl) "dairy & eggs" (up on the plane)

I could see that the Sheila, Nat, James team had filled "bread & pasta" and "outdoor toys"

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1:46 BBT ... everyone is cleaning up. sheila asks james if he's a big grill person and he says oh yeah. (wonder if this means they won the comp because they did have that tube filled). Nat is telling sheila she did great, saying sheila was handing them potatoes like nobody's business. Nat can't believe how slippery it got. Sheila says it was good for nat because she's an artist and knows how to work things like clay. They did not win the fruits and veggies, but evidently won the meat, fish, breads and pasta (these are the ones nat went after) she said james branched out.

Sheila is asking Adam if he thinks he needs stitches for his finger. Nat shows how she skinned her knee. Sheila says she was so impressed with how well everyone did.

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Feeds back. Sounds like they won the grill because Sheila was asking James if he is a big grill person. She thinks it was instant potatoes as James goes into the shower. Ryan says no fruits and veggies. Nat says Sheila was hauling out potatoes like it was nobody's business. They ran out of gravy.

Other options were Meat/fish, dairy/eggs and soda/beer.

They may have gotten everything but fruits/vegetables and beer/soda. Apparently no one in the house eats fruits and vegetables (sorry, mom), and the drinks didn't include wine.

Ryan wonders what the outdoor toys are going to be?

Adam did get cut but doesn't need stitches. Nat skinned her knee. Sheila said Adam will be all right, he's tough as nails.


Who notes once again all the HG but James, who is alone in the BR, are rehashing (or remashing) the food comp...

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1:50 BBT Sheila is talking about how out of breath she was and asks sharon if she was also out of breath from moving the potatoes. Adam and Ryan are wondering what outdoor toys means. Ryan asked if they got breads and pasta and nat answers that they did, she got that one. Sounds like they got snacks also. Sheila is thanking adam for getting snacks since that includes their ice cream cookies, etc. (LOL)

Everyone thinks that bb gave them more time than 30 mins.

1:53 Trivia

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1:54 BBT sheila and nat say they are glad they are not on slop. nat says she's never been on slop. Sharon chimes in from the shower "never say never". Sheila says she can't believe they got a grill. She loves everyone for getting the grill.

out for a little bit :)

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1:58 James and Adam talking in kt. James says that he tried to work with Adam but that Adam fucked him over. Back to James and Adam talking about who has fucked whom over and can they work together? Adam talking with his mouth full! James says he didn't put A up, and A saying he came in with a mission. (*seriuos feed issues today. Will report as possible. Audio and Video trouble*)

James throwing Natalie under bus and Adam noncommittal from what I can gather. James keeps saying he never screwed Adam even though he was angry. James says Chelsia wasn't supposed to be the one to leave and that's what pissed him off. James crying the 'alone on an island blues'. Adam says James would have screwed him. James says he's trying to make points with Adam and Adam says "Yeah, you have to." James keeps saying he never screwed Adam once and that he's mad Adam had his back. James keeps saying he could have kicked people out and didn't. (*coulda shoulda woulda*) James says he's not against Adam and that he wants to be there and not go home.

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2:08 PM BBT: Adam and James in the kitchen. James is trying to convince Adam not to put him up. James tells Adam that he was pissed about Chelsea. James says that if Adam puts him up and fucks him over more, that when he wins the veto and takes himself off the block he will be more pissed...

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2:11 James says he's been straight up with Adam the whole time. Adam says he knows but he's conflicted. James fighting for his life here. Sheila comes in and opens fridge. It's empty. Sounds like Sheila cleaning vegetable bins from fridge.

2:15 Adam in HoH reading bible and crankin' on the tunes.

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2:19 Audio of Nat saying to Sharon "I'm not worried about it at all. Adam won't do that." Sharon hmmmmmmmmmmms then back to the blowdryer.

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2:27 Nat and Ry talking in PinkRm. Ryan says he hasn't talked to Adam yet. They say James' word doesn't mean Jack-Diddly-Squat. Ry says he heard James ask if Adam's mind was set and A respond that James would put HIM up anyway. Nat says Adam has to put James up. Ry says the fuckin' kid needs to go dude. Nat says James would put Adam or Ry up with her if he were HoH. Ry says Sharon is up there now but he'll go talk to Adam in case he decides not to put James up and slap him upside his head. Nat says she'll slap too.

Ryan goes to HoH room. Adam alone and Ry asks what he's thinking and if he's getting worked over. Adam says James said he "never screwed you once dude." Adam says he wants to put up Sheila and Sharon and backdoor him because it would be better for Adam. (*risky move!!*) Ry says if J were to win POV he would pull Sharon and then they'd have to send home one of their own. Ry asks why Adam is worried about putting J up? Adam says he's worried about the POV. Adam explains if J wins POV on block, Adam screwed but if he wins before he can be backdoored, he will not have known difference and A would be fine.

Adam rehashes James' fight about not screwing Adam.

Ryan calls out the BS parts and says James is a bullshitter and con artist.

Adam says he wants to backdoor James and Ry tries to talk him out of it.

Talk moves to Matt and how he played game and lied. Adam says Matt threw him under the bus.

Ry asks A if he wants that kid to stick around dude? He reminds Adam that James is sneaky and will come after Adam and is kissing ass. He reminds Adam about James trying to sway Natalie. Adam says get Nat up here. Ry calls Natalie.

Nat joins the guys and Ry gets Nat to reveal that James and Chels tried to conspire with Nat against the group. Adam says if we have to win regardless, what does it matter when James goes on block. Ry and Nat try to convince Adam that if he tries to backdoor J that their group is done. Nat says each week he tries to manipulate with mind games.

(*looks like Adam is playing around, not serious about backdooring James*) Adam smiling and letting Nat and Ry talk like crazy. Nat says put up Sheila and Sharon next week and she and Ry say not to worry that he will go home! Ry says that Adam acts like he has been working with James the whole time! They explain that if James wins POV and isn't on block, that Ry or Nat would go home. Adam acting like he's getting a clue now. Nat says "James is trying to twist you! He did that to me last week and I didn't listen to any of his BS." She explains that James admitted to her that he would have not followed thru on the deal he had proposed to her. She says his eyes are dark brown because he's so full of shit. Nat tells A that backdooring J would be the dumbest move ever. She says James tries to deal with everyone and it can't be done. Ry tells A that J wants the two of them gone. Nat explains that James tells everyone what they want to hear. Ry and Nat try to hammer home that James will go home!

Sharon rings bell to see if anyone wants Hotdogs. Nat says "She's the mole!" and says Sharon was there to report back to James. Nat says she listened to James all last week when she was HoH and he's full of shit.

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2:46 Sheila enters HoH and asks what James has been saying. Sheila told Adam that James says he doesn't want to end with Adam and wouldn't vote A to get money. They're all mad that James is playing the game. Adam rips on Matt about the James eviction vote again. (*Adam getting LOTS of attention playing his cards this way, huh?*) They try to convince Adam that James will not win POV and will go home. Adam says he's worried James would win and go after A.

Sheila says James doesn't want to be up against anyone who could win the money over him. Nat says J is trying to confuse Adam just like he did Nat last week. Adam says he needs to make sure the ladies play HARD and if James isn't on block they are sure to play hard. They say that if he doesn't put James up, they won't play at all. Adam says chill out and look from all angles. It goes around and around.

Adam and Nat alone now and she's fighting hard to get him to put James up from the get go and not to wait for a veto. Nat says the Disco Ball comp. shows how James won't keep his word. James says he's "straight up" but he doesn't know what that is!

2:58 feeds switch to Sharon and Ry whispering. (*Can't hear what it was, because Sharon whispers better than anyone on the planet!*)

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4:00 p.m. BBT

Just notice no posts lately so I'll try best I can (broken hand!) Anyway, Adam just made a "deal with the DEVIL"! James has convinced him not to put him up!! Here's how it went down:

James up in the HOH with Adamand Natalie telling Adam he has never done wrong by him. Natalie keeps chimming in that James can't be trusted because he backdoored Matt. Then Ryan comes in and gets real mad at James. Ryan leaves and then Natalie gets called to the DR. (lots of FOTH while this is going down) After Natalie leaves Adam says F it, let them get mad. You have never done anything to me so if they want to get you out let them win HOH and get you out. Oh, and there were lots of tears between the two of them during this conversation. They made a deal, the two of them till the end.

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James told Adam that if Adam didn't put him up and he won POV he wouldn't use it on Sharon. Adam doesn't want to put James up but Nat and Ry have been working him hard to put him up

4:22 BBT Nat and Ry whispering that is Adam doesn't put James up then they will put him up against James next week. They are not happy with Adam.

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4:26 BBT

Adam in DR. Natalie and Ryan afraid it is because of Nom and they won't get a chance to talk to Adam before he makes the nom.

These two are getting very nervous! Natalie is saying that Matty will be so pissed if he does this.(ok, enough with the "what would Matty think" HE'S GONE NATALIE, not in the game anymore!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Feeds switch to Sharon and Sheila and it's the same Sheila stories we've all heard over and over again. (the only pleasure I'm getting out of this is the fact that maybe, just maybe, Sheila is in for a rude awakening!!!)

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