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If Adam puts up Sheila and Josh the hg's, it wouldn't matter which one left. The house would be considerably more tolerable to live in. Josh wouldn't be able to walk around slamming and threatening people and with Sheila gone the house would be soooooooooooooooooo much quieter. She talks so much and so loudly. She just never shuts up. It drives me crazy on BBAD and I can Fast Forward her to shut her up ..Can't imagine living with her.

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Hopefully the house will agree to give Adam 2 weeks of safety if he noms Josh and Shelia (one from each group), then let the chips fall where they may.

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And Sheila is a big threat to everyone? Pahleeeeeeeeze

I would first love James gone then Josh.

who will be the last one james and crew target next week? SHEILA

who cant win comps to help their team? SHEILA

who is getting by each week? SHEILA

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Hopefully the house will agree to give Adam 2 weeks of safety if he noms Josh and Shelia (one from each group), then let the chips fall where they may.

That would be a good offer for Adam but these idiots don't have a good track record with keeping their word.

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I was reading on the feeds that Adam really wants to put up Josh and Sheila and of course Sheila would get voted out. Does he not see that the J/S J/C are going to be the last 4 and we are giving the game to James if he does that?

Stupid stupid Adam

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Adam loves his "boys" and will do whatever they tell him too..... Dumb move if he puts up Sheila. They will all be laughing at him behind his back.

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ADAM, earth to Adam. Please think these nominations through. Those other 4 will rip you apart if you give them a chance. We need to all meditate together and communicate telepathically into Adams neanderthal cranium.

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Putting up Sheila would be very stupid. He would lose her vote and would put a person out of the house that he could beat later in the game when it matters. He should put up Josh and James and if one gets taken off the block put on Sharon or Chelsea. But I don't think Adam is smart enough to do that.

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yeh...makes absolutely no sense for him to put Sheila up...he has to know she has his back. Why would he want to alienate one of the few people in the house that truly would protect him.

Nat better get on her knees and "convince" Adam to put up any of J/S/J/C. ;)

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I don't think he's going to put up James or backdoor him either because he voted him back in instead of the mystery hg...and also didn't raise his hand when Julie asked if they knew it were Alex would they have changed their minds. Adam must believe James is with him.

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Adam fears James and what he will do to him next week. He feels James will win POV and that will be the end of James.

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How do you know that the j/c, j/s will turn on baller? I mean at some point the 2 couples are going to gun for the other and i wouldnt put it past josh or james to start thinking that step here in a couple of weeks, (if still there). That would put baller in the tie breaking vote. Wether its luck or not baller has won a hoh, so he can pull a win. Piggy backing the j/c, j/s thing and winning another hoh or pov at the right time might get him in the final 4 then 3 then 2. Ryan might stick with him, nat and sheila will cut him out if they can have a chick thing. I wonder. :juggle: Only thing is a double eviction might screw him.

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I concur, no need to be afraid, in fact showing no fear is a good strategy. I find it funny how James says "go ahead", "put me up, I don't care" yeah right, we all know he cares a lot and would do just about anything to stay in, that is a great reason to kick him to the curb, keep Sheila and Josh for later votes, till winning the comps really makes a difference , I just think Adam is too easily led by his boys and they really do not have his back or any ones elses back either , it isn't that he is not smart enough, but more that he has not balls, the man has no balls,lol

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From what I have seen, the J/C, J/S is fairly solid at least till the final 4 or 5. I cannot see why they would have ANY reason to break up that click at this point in the game. The unknown is with the other side and IF they can somehow pull it together and keep their numbers.

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