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Double Eviction Speculation and Discussion


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I know it won't happen, but wouldn't it be a great summer of secrets twist for there to be an announcement (taped earlier and shown on Tuesday's show):

"Houseguests, it's 2000 all over again. While those not nominated for eviction are still voting for the houseguest you want to leave the BB house, America gets a vote this week, just as they did back in 2000 when BB started."

The twist is, America gets to vote for one of the houseguests who are not nominated this week, so it would be a double eviction.

Of course, this would happen after the general public gets to see what has really been taking place in the house in the last 3-4 days....

I know PLENTY of people who would jump at tha chance to vote, it would increase ratings (HELLO ALLISON AND HOWARD, ARE YOU LISTENING????) and some of us would even be willing to pay $.99 to vote oh, 20 times to evict a certain houseguest. I'd prefer it to be free, but after Eric didn't get evicted after last nights events (Allison, Howard, are you with us?) maybe there is a way to demonstrate how such behavior is rewarded (and still have great ratings and make money.)

There's a lot of strong opinions about Eric, both pro and con (mainly con, with good reason lately) and I think the American public should be able to let their voice be heard.

I know, friends, I'm dreaming, it will never happen. But think of the possibilities......

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I don't completely agree, I do feel that it is there house and that they should be the ones duing the evicting, but then I have watched a fair amount of the feeds of Big Brother 3 Australia. The housemates due to the nominating and then its up to the viewers. It changes the game aspect to how you play. You are then playing for those watching the feeds and episodes, with out the alliances and backstabbing. I find it quite enjoyable watching their feeds.

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I's not going to happen, and for the record, it was a disaster for CBS in Season One because everyone who was provacative was voted out pretty quickly by the public.

I was just having fun with the idea. Mainly, I don't like how Eric is saying he is the good guy, while acting differently.

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Guest Shockalot

What an awesome idea!

This is a way that CBS can get the huge Cappy Ratings it demands to get AND satisfy the public and escape charges of game-show fixing.


I think they can almost assure themselves one of the highest rated BB episodes in history by making this happen right after Tuesdays show!!!

What does it take - A phoneline. Even an Online Poll would surfice.

Present the events and ask the public - Should Eric be allowed to stay..or should he be kicked?

The polls would LIGHT UP non-stop until Thursday and the next show would go right through the roof!!!!

Somebody email this idea to Shapiro ASAP!?

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As much as I hated what happened.

We weren't truly there.

I do not think the decesion should be America's .. but rather the producers and the House Guests who were there.

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Guest MJayDaPlaya

I just thought of this, maybe there will be a double eviction when and if a pair is nominated for eviction. So when James takes himself of the block and Kaysar puts up Eric, and on Thursday Julie has an eviction surprise. Since the pair of Eric and Maggie are on the block they have both been evicted from the house.

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Guest bb_bliss

Maggie as a person and player I dont think that she is a threat and I dont think that it is fair that she is a pawn in this game but I will be so so glad when Cappy is kicked off/thrown out the door by Kaysar and Janelle!!! They are the ones that really should be able to swing that door pretty hard why he leaves.

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Guest Witness

You'll never see it happen. Even BB and CBS aren't that cruel, not to mention the legal issues involved.

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Guest metaldale

Oh good thought, can you imagine how sweet it would be to have Maggie and Eric both walk out the door?! That would rock!!!!

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I had a dream last night that this was a double eviction night. It would be great that if the first couple that was put up on the block together (no matter how they got thier) were taken out of the house together. OOOOOOOOOOOo that would so great especially in this case. then they could go cry together all night. I dont think they get to go home cuz no one has been there to greet them besides Julie when they are evicted.

Do the chant Double eviction, Double eviction, Double eviction!

It would be wonderful. :rofl

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