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Big Brother 9: Matt Evicted, Adam Wins HOH!

Writing by Ryan Haidet on Wednesday, 19 March, 2008 at 8:54 pm


Day 42 arrived with another eviction night for the Big Brother house. After winning Head Of Household and then the veto, James backed out of his promise to keep Natalie and Matt safe when he pulled Sheila off the block and placed Matt in her place. Natalie was very upset saying that James was a hypocrite.

Matt went to James and told him that he didn

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Big Brother 9

by Krista and Adam

Episode Recap: March 19, 2008 (Eviction 6)

Well, Matt

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Big Brother 9: Adam Nominates Chelsia & James!

Writing by Ryan Haidet on Sunday, 23 March, 2008 at 8:19 pm


After a short Head Of Household competition last week, Adam claimed the title and was set to finally have power in the house. But he didn

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Various trade publications are reporting that "Shark" will return with new episodes on Tuesday, April 29th in BB9's time slot. That means this season of BB is now set to end Sunday April 27th. (A contest to win a trip to the finale that was running on CBS's website indicated the finale was tentatively scheduled for April 29th.)

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Big Brother 9: James Wins Veto, Sharon Nominated For Eviction!

Writing by Ryan Haidet on Tuesday, 25 March, 2008 at 8:10 pm


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Big Brother 9: Chelsia Evicted! Natalie Wins HOH!

Writing by Ryan Haidet on Wednesday, 26 March, 2008 at 6:55 pm


Her relationship was split last week when Matt was evicted. This week Natalie wanted James and Chelsia

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Chelsia evicted as the houseguests continue their half-assed attempts to be entertaining

This week, I discovered that my DVR is not taping Big Brother 9 any more because CBS officially changed the name of the season in electronic listings from

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Big Brother 9

by Krista and Adam

Episode Recap: March 30, 2008

And so the reign of Natalie begins. I must say that I have always believed Natalie was kind of dumb. Between the 27-letter alphabet stunt and her silly theories, I didn't give her much of chance. But she did win a mental competition in the clutch, so I am willing to give her another chance. Though she did do some bone-headed things in tonight's episode (like leaving her knee hanging out when playing HIde and Seek. Regardless, she still cracks me up. Between stalking Matt's picture and incessantly talking to herself, she's always good for some kind of laugh. I guess we will continue to see if she is indeed "playing dumb," as she suggested in the diary room.

It seems that the "Bible Buddies" have spread their holiness to their teammates, forming "Team Christ." It's a risky moniker in a game known for hypocrisy and deceit, but I'm sure after being isolated for 50+ days, something (be it faith of $500,000) has to keep you going. Maybe it was the "holy spirit" that Adam mentioned that got into him and Ryan when they created a whirlpool in the tub. That would at least make some sense of a very quirky, awkward moment in tonight's episode, which is otherwise lost on me.

Between her getting emotional as Natalie read her letter from home and asking Joshuah about how he came out to his parents, we saw a little more of Sheila's motherly side. Joshuah's story might have won over the hearts of the ladies in the house, but didn't he previously say he was outed by someone else rather than his own doing? I seem to remember that being a huge reason why he was upset with Sheila and Allison for their fake lesbian affair. (Or maybe he wasn't referring specifically to his parents in that case.)

Speaking of getting emotional, it was strange to see Crazy James letting the isolation get to him. I believe his feelings for Chelsia are real (despite however awkward a coupling they are), and his reaction to her being gone further proves that. Although I am pulling for the other side of the house, I kind of felt bad for him, mostly because I did like him early on. But his gameplay (and relationship with Chelsia) got him to this point, so it will be interesting to see what he makes of it.

The food competition again wasted some perfectly fine food, as the houseguests clobbered their individual watermelons in the revealing moments of the competition. I must admit the rules of the game made my head spin, but it was basically a test to see how greedy each house guest was, or how greedy each player thought his fellow houseguest was. At the end of the guessing game, however, all of the houseguests except Adam (and Natalie who was immune from slop as HOH) putting themselves on slop this week. The best part of this competition for me was watching some of the houseguests try (and fail) to smash their watermelon. Joshuah's little leg kicks while hammering really cracked me up.

Although James tried to cut a deal with Natalie, she ultimately is still playing this game for Matt. Ryan tried to make the argument to back door him instead of nominating him outright, but I think she made the right decision by putting him up from the beginning. If she had nominated Josh and Sharon in an attempt to back door James, he could have won the veto and saved a nominee, forcing Natalie to put up a member of her own alliance. This way, she can still guarantee that "Team Christ" remains safe this week no matter what happens in the veto competition. I couldn't be happier that Joshuah is finally on the block. He didn't seem so quick to gloat this week! I am surprised, however, that nothing was shown about how this affects Ryan and Joshuah's secret alliance (which I honestly wish Ryan would own up to with his teammates, and end all together.) I am sure if Joshuah remains on the block it will either be discovered or Ryan will betray it. I guess we'll find out after the veto competition.

Are you satisfied with Natalie's nomination of James and Joshuah? Who do you think will win the Power of Veto? Share your thoughts on tonight's episode and check back for more Tuesday!

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Big Brother 10 will cast kids ages 8 to 15

Instead of renewing its controversial reality series Kid Nation, CBS has announced that the cast of Big Brother 10 will be composed entirely of kids ages 8 to 15. The show will otherwise be identical, retaining its usual format, although the prize will be lowered to $50,000.

The idea for a kid season of the summer reality show was initially floated when producers were searching for a location for Kid Nation 2, which ran into child labor law problems during its production in New Mexico last summer.

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Big Brother 9: Sharon Nominated After James Wins Veto!

Writing by Ryan Haidet on Tuesday, 1 April, 2008 at 9:24 pm


A milestone had been reached in the house recently. The seven remaining players have lasted more than 50 days in the house. And Day 50 was a big one. Nominations were made as Natalie, the Head Of Household, put James and Joshuah on the chopping block. Without question, the whole house was targeting James and wanted him to be the one going home in this week

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Ratings: Hell's Is Hotter Than Ever

Tuesday's ratings highlights:

8 pm/ET

American Idol delivered 25.18 million total viewers, a week-to-week increase of 800K. Biggest Loser (8.2 mil) gained 20 percent, while Beauty and the Geek matched last week's measly 1.57 mil.

9 pm

Dancing with the Stars' results show (16.9 mil) dipped a bit (-300 thou). Hell's Kitchen returned to a series-best audience of 12.55 mil, and Big Brother (6.4 mil) added 450K.

10 pm

The conclusion of CSI: Miami's two-parter drew 14.3 mil, the largest audience CBS has seen in the Tuesday-at-10 slot since Judging Amy (Feb. 25, 2003). ABC News taught 10.2 million people how to live to 150. Good luck, Social Security system!

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Big Brother 9: Joshuah Evicted, Adam Wins HOH!

Writing by Ryan Haidet on Wednesday, 2 April, 2008 at 6:47 pm


Day 56 had arrived in the Big Brother house in the form of eviction night. After James used the Power Of Veto to pull himself off of the chopping block, the current Head Of Household (Natalie) was forced to replace him with another player. Sharon was that person.

Sharon said she felt confident that she would have the votes to keep her in the house against Joshuah. But little did she know that her friend and ally in the house had quickly started campaigning against her. He made a deal with Natalie that if he could get two votes against Sharon, which would have brought on a tie, that she would break it in his favor.

Joshuah knew he had a vote from James and only needed one more. In his efforts to get more support, he faked a situation hoping to convince Adam that he was weak and should be the one to stay. His plan was to make it seem like he couldn

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Joshuah evicted from the Big Brother 9 house

The only thing that can get me to care about Big Brother 9 is the elimination of a stupid, enunciation-challenged hamster, and thus Joshuah

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Ratings: Top Model, CBS Dramas Looking Good

Wednesday's numbers:

8 pm/ET

Moment of Truth topped the hour with 10 million total viewers, on par with last week. America's Next Top Model surged 610K to hit a season high of 4.08 mil.

9 pm

Idol dipped 1.25 mil to 24.17 mil. Criminal Minds returned to an audience of 12.8 mil, an exact match for its last fresh outing.

10 pm

CSI: NY was welcomed back by 12.84 mil, on par with its season average. Trailing a CI repeat, Men in Trees (5.5 mil) inched down another 110 thou.

Posted by Matt Webb Mitovich 04/3/08 3:31 PM


BB not even mentioned here but at ZAP2IT it said...

FOX grabbed the lead at 8 p.m. with the season finale of "The Moment of Truth," 6.4/11. "Deal or No Deal," 6.0/11, put NBC in second. "Big Brother: 'Til Death Do You Part" drew a 4.0/6 for CBS, edging "Wife Swap" on ABC. "America's Next Top Model" earned a 2.8/5 for The CW.

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Big Brother 9: Sheila & Sharon Nominated For Eviction!

Writing by Ryan Haidet on Sunday, 6 April, 2008 at 6:45 pm


After Adam won Head Of Household, he said he felt much more confident in his abilities with the power this time around. Natalie claimed yet again that she had a dream that Adam would win HOH, saying it

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Amanda got booted

Amanda Hansen is home after a good run on the Big Brother Reality Show.

Roger Hilde

Sentinel Reporter

FRIDLEY MN-Amanda Hansen, Web Lake native, and former track star at Webster high school, had two goals when she learned she was going to be on the CBS television reality show, Big Brother. "I wanted to win the half million dollar first prize and I wanted to become a household name to further my acting career dream," she said.

Hansen lasted for three weeks before she was voted off the show so she didn't win the grand prize of the half million dollars. But she did get to be a household name among all of the viewers that watched the show three nights a week.

With over 1,300 You Tube videos of Hansen and more than one million plus hits on You Tube of her fight with Joshua, Hansen has accomplished becoming a household name.

"That fight was the biggest fight in Big Brother history," said Hansen proudly.

It all started in April 2007 when Hansen made it to the final cut of 40 for that season's Big Brother series. "They said all kinds of nice things about me, but I didn't get on the show," reported Hansen.

Hansen returned to the Twin Cities area disappointed, but happy to be settling in to her new job as a paralegal with a major Minneapolis based company.

Then in November, 2007, Hansen received a phone call from a CBS producer of Big Brother telling her they wanted her to be on the 2008 Big Brother series. Hansen put off sending in the paper work not wanting to interfere with her new job

A second call from the producer convinced Hansen to send in the photos and paperwork and the adventure began.

Hansen was flown out to Los Angeles for a final selection, then home for four days, and then back to Los Angeles again two weeks before the show would be aired.

Each of the contestants was totally sequestered for the two weeks prior to the show with nothing more than a few toys and a puzzle to keep them occupied.

"I nearly went stir crazy," said Hansen. "The only people I saw were the ones that brought my breakfast, lunch and dinner."

Each of the contestants went through psychological testing so the producers could pair each one with their soul mate. "My partner was like a friend not a boy friend and I think it hurt our chances," said Hansen.

They were forced to play the game as a couple. "We had to do everything together," Hansen explained

"If we got along with each other we were a threat to the other members of the house," she went on.

The producers tape continuously 24 hours a day every single day. "It was so frustrating having no privacy, I eventually just gave up and that's how the bad photos get on the internet," said Hansen

Hansen did most of the cooking for her team.

Before she came up with a tolerable mixture for the most disgusting meals, she went for two days without eating and being hypoglycemic ended up in the emergency ward at the hospital.

Probably the toughest moment on the show for Hansen was when one of the other contestants said, "I wish you would hang yourself like your father did." "He didn't need to say that on the show," said Hansen.

Hansen's father committed suicide. "He was not there for my graduation from college, but if he had seen me on TV he would have been so proud," said Hansen.

"I have used his death to make me a stronger person and if I can handle his death, I can handle anything," she added.

Hansen was not allowed to reveal the location of the house where the show is being taped other than it is in the Los Angeles area. "We were totally cut off from the outside world," she said.

Since returning home, Hansen has been busy. "I just had a photo shoot in Chicago and am trying to find a reputable agency to promote me," explained Hansen

"I have some auditions for both modeling and acting coming up," she went on.

Her memorabilia is on e-bay under her name and everywhere she goes she is recognized.

Not all of her return home was a happy event, however.

"When I came back to work on Monday, the 24th of March, I walked in and talked to my boss and he told me I was no longer employed with this company. He did not like the show," explained Hansen.

In spite of the company promising to hold her job for her when she was on the show, she has 30 days to find another job and then she is no longer employed.

Hansen has two predictions. "Adam has been flying under the radar and hasn't made anybody mad so he will win the half million dollars. In five years you will be able to go to any theatre and see Amanda Hansen on the big screen."

As fierce a competitor as Hansen has been all her life she just might be right.


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Big Brother 9: Ryan Wins Veto! James Nominated!

Writing by Ryan Haidet on Tuesday, 8 April, 2008 at 7:31 pm


It was a controversial night in the Big Brother house after Adam had nominated Sharon and Sheila for eviction. His allies, Natalie, Ryan and Sheila all wanted him to put James up on the chopping block, but after a tear-filled conversation, Adam decided to spare the pink-haired bicyclist. Ryan was livid about the move and thought it was spineless on Adam

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Big Brother 9

by Krista and Adam

Episode Recap: April 8, 2008 (Veto Competition/Ceremony 8)

My, how the mighty have fallen. Though Crazy James has repeatedly saved himself when the pressure was on, this week he fell short in a do-or-die situation, and as such, is most likely on his way to the jury house.

After Adam honored his word to James (which he later admitted was probably because he got caught up in James' sob story), Sheila went on a rampage reminiscent of her first week in the house. She felt betrayed by her ally and former partner, but she has to realize that at some point everyone has to start playing for themselves. I (and Sheila agreed later) believe that Adam's nominations were the best thing for him, and even though he regretted the move, it ultimately did give the house a chance to finally seal James' fate.

Adam really came out the best in this situation. Although he initially stirred the pot, at the end of this HOH reign, things will have basically ended up they way his alliance had wanted all along. Plus, even though James said he was playing to win, I think his "safety" diminished some of the extra fighting spirit that gets into people when they are on the block. It may have just been luck, but at this point, Adam was able to accomplish what no one else was in the past three weeks, so kudos to him.

I've flipped-flopped on my opinions of Natalie, and I am glad to see that Ryan and others are starting to get wind of her true colors. I honestly wouldn't mind seeing her join her precious Mattie very soon. True, she is playing both sides just like Ryan has been, but I feel Ryan's loyalty is still with his original alliance, as he proved again tonight by not taking James up on his offer to flip the house (more on that later.) Then again, Ryan could just be playing a numbers game rather than being truly loyal. Either way, I just hope he doesn

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Idol, Kitchen and Dancing Cook Up Hot Numbers

Fox continues to dominate Tuesdays, with Idol and Hell's Kitchen leading the way. The preliminary numbers, by the hour:

8 pm

Fox's American Idol easily out-sang its rivals, with 23.9 million viewers, although NBC's Biggest Loser huffed its way to a small improvement over last week, with 7.8 mil for the hour. NCIS (CBS) charged back with 13.8 mil for its first new eppy since the end of the writers' strike, while ABC's Just for Laughs lagged with 5.4 mil.

9 pm

Hell's Kitchen cooked up 11.6 mil hungry pairs of eyes, while Loser jumped to 10.3 mil for hour two. ABC's Dancing with the Stars waltzed away 16.5 mil and CBS' Big Brother shacked up with 6.2 mil overall.

10 pm

Boston Legal's post-strike return to ABC ruled with 10.1 mil viewers and an NBC Law & Order: SVU repeat put the gavel down on the premiere of CBS' new reality series, Secret Talents of the Stars, which attracted 4.6 mil.

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