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Daniele And Dick


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I have been in contact with Daniele and Dick and they will both be giving us a little update of sorts and their thoughts on the new season and the new house guests... Please understand that it may take them some time, but hopefully before long they will send us something... Dick is under the weather right now and busy with paying gigs, but will get back with us as soon as he can...

These aren't really interviews, I have just asked them to give us an update on themselves and to give us their opinions of the new season in their own words... So keep an eye out for them...

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  • 2 weeks later...
:food-smiley-005: ahh that's better.I still love what Evel said about the cast this year.One thing in particular was how he was reminiscing about the 80's and Sheila.I mean almost everything that comes out of his mouth is priceless.Don't quote me but it went something like this.She had such a big bush(refering to her nude pics)down their,it seems you'd need a weedwacker just to get to the prize.Then there is that one stray pubic hair that always seems to get caught in the back of your throat. :animated_rotfl:
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