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Guest ranster627

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All I heard was kaysar saying he's not stupid and he see's whats going on, and i heard him saying good things about janelle trying to get james to stick with them, but you're right its very hard to hear them.

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(Sarah/Maggie were sunning, Sarah explaining the issue from last night with Ashlea waking up to find Howie sleeping with her, and how Ashlea freaked out over it, then Sarah got in the pool for about 30 seconds before getting called to DR, group on patio talking chit chat, James/Kaysar playing chess while Ivette watches... Ivette left, Kaysar started talking strategy with James, and we got fish, for 2 minutes... audio is back but video is still showing me fish)

K:I don't want you going to tell someone else, this is sensitive, I don't know who I'm going to approach next... I need help coming up with something...

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Big trouble: Ashlea is telling MAGGIE that Eric is telling people if they don't vote her out they are in trouble later on... This is stuff James and Kaysar have told Janelle...

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Ashlea wants to confront everyone about eric trying to get rid of her for nothing... janelle said "we are going to tell everyone about beau about ivette" (i am not sure who "we" is)

Janelle is telling ashlea that if ashlea tells eric off then she will be the one voted of next week.. and to think of her too...

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Janelle:we are going to tell everyone about ivette & beau.

Janelle: everyone already said your going.

Ash: i should say what I want, im not going quietly. i f i see it 1 more time im going to be like 'listen.'

Janelle: you do what you want but im gonna be the 1 who is. (can't hear). if you do it its gonna look like we're together.

Ash: dont worry about it.

Janelle: if kaysar is going around saying that it might look like he wants himself off the block. they want you off for a reason.

A: why

J: ivette and beau might suspect we know each other. it makes a big difference w/ that florida thing. thats gonna be my biggest thing is telling rachel that ashlea tried to start an alliance when she was on the block. dont you think it's best to lay low?

A: lay low? tognights my last night.

J: you dont know that

A: i hope it is.

A: if im going home im going home dont waste my time, dont drag it out. im not gonna sit here and listen to people talk crap about me. I like maggie and april.

E & K in bathroom

E: your in a game..how can u base a judgement on no fact what soever

E: lsiten kaysar, every stake comes out of the grass guarenteed.

E: just because 2 people are from same part of FL ...cant hear..ahh

E: if thats the truth who cares, if they stay away from you until you get to 4 or 5

can't hear eric and kaysar..except kaysar is mostly listening and erics talking

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Eric: Kaysar you have to keep your emotions in check, just relax.

Eric is working Kaysar, said how do I know you and Mike aren't together, you're both from California.

Obviously, James and (couldn't hear) are from the same modeling agency.

Eric: Lets see how this vote comes out, I know you are safe... You need to sit tight and relax.

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Jen to April: i dont see how opinionated people are in this house..you jsut don't do that.

April to Jennifer: the 2nd and 3rd week are going to be critical

then ash joins and they stop talking game.

Howie: you are very perspective.

Janelle: I keep acting dumb as hell

Howie: you fooled me

Jan: Ivette thinks im dumb. just keep saying janelles an idiot. I'll be your secret.

talk goes into howie wanting to lick food off of janelle. janelle hits him with a pillow. he continues anyways.

Janelle gets yelled to put on her mic.

Howie keeps talking about her boobies. "you're the dumb blonde with big boobies"

J: howe did you watch last season (PLANE)

H: hold on i can't hear you

H: is aw a few ep's.

J: you know how they had twins right.it was kinda weird. people were suspicious there were twins..do you know why??

J: Diane was also a twin and so was drew. so they were suspiciosu there was a twin they ALWAYS put someone in to NAIL them. thats why they put me and james in the game..because we can nail them.

lock down outside 4:20 EST

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*computer lost the conversation between Janelle/Ashlea/Maggie comes in*

Maggie came in and asked if Ashlea was ok, Ashlea said no and went off on Eric pushing to vote her out, Maggie tried to stand up for Eric saying she hadn't heard anything like that... when Maggie left, Janelle told Ashlea not to do that, because they would think Janelle was upset also...


(Eric finds Ivette)

E:James is trouble... James is getting Kaysar cranked up... James is telling him that you and Beau are in an alliance with me and... (Ivette looks shocked)... you better not say anything... Kaysar has got to go... I'm not saying this time, but...

I:What about Michael? he's... (does the twirly finger to the head crazy motion)

E:James has got to go... he's slippery... he's more calculating than Michael...

I:he said what I like about you, is that you aren't manipulative... but that's what he wants, is a girl who he can manipulate, not like me...

E:they are talking trash... it's getting crazy because there are so many people going different directions...


(Eric lays down, Ivette leaves, Howie laying with Janelle again trying to seduce her, BB tells her to put on her mic... Howie says they(BB) are jealous...

J: did you watch last season...

H: I saw a few episodes

J: they had two twins... Diane was also a twin, so was Drew... so they were suspicious... they could have been nailed... (she says something about James... then BB calls for an outside LD)

*feeds died, had to reboot*


all still on outside LD

Howie explaining to April the difference between good looking women and good looking guys, using Janelle and himself as examples... she can get a guy 24/7.. but he, a good looking personabl guy, get's rejected most of the time *imagine that? lol*

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Not much to let you all know about

Howie explaining how hot Janelle is and how hot he himself is. Howie says he is great body, etc, but he gets rejected a lot. but Janelle gets sex 24/7.

Howie is telling this to Rachel, James, Janelle, April and I think Sarah and Ash are nearby.

nobody else is talking but howie and how if you're rich you get some and explaning the differene between males and females. the food chains ie: top of the 'food chain' is a hot, rich guy.

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Howie was explaining that even fat ugly guys with money can get hot chicks but the fat ugly girls are resigned to sitting on the park bench to pleasure herself. Even if she won the lottery Survivor, Big Brother and had a ton of money no one would still want to touch her.

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They think they are on ourdoor lockdown because of the fish and the fish professionals are comming in.

Now rachel, jennifer and james are talking about james nailbiting. he wishes the 'voice' would say 'james, stop that' everytime he bites his nails. eric is sound asleep in a chair between james and rachel.

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outside LD still...

(Howie still sharing his wisdom of the ages, inspired by all the women laying out sunning, while James can be heard asking Rachel about computer programming)

Howie can see Janelle settling down with an ugly guy while having Howie as her boyfriend, and he'd be ok with that

(Maggie, Beau and Kaysar discuss POV competition will have 6 compete, Kaysar thought it was just that one)

Howie gets up, finds a pair of his underwear laying by Ivette...


(Rachel/James/Sarah together in chairs, Kaysar, Beau, Maggie, Ivette together at a table, Howie roaming)

James suggests Michael put on gloves before frying his hands on the weights

Maggie says that crows feet is a compliment.. Howie says Beau did botox to get a wrinkle in his forehead..

Rachel complains about James biting his fingernails...

James says he has a sister and brother, sister is closer/younger to James...

Beau tells April he wants to get a nose job/bridge

Beau says he got a petelar(?)/knee implant, April is asking if it's cosmetic or orthopedic... James talks of getting a hair implant when he's older...


Jennifer tells Howie of Taco Cabana, he hasn't heard of it...

Jennifer says her dad is awesome, God's gift to her... and her mom...

discussion of parents/marriage/divorces, April says sad thing is when you get married, statistics are not in your favor...

Janelle and Sarah are playing catch with a toy, Howie jumps in, and a game of monkey in the middle starts...


James thinks Dixie Chicks showed cowardice by making their statements about the President outside of the US... April can't believe they made it back safe... Howie is getting more agressive at getting the toy, and using it as a chance to get closer to the girls... April is sure Janelle is going to fall of pool steps and says BB will tell them to stop... political talk turns to Michael Moore documentaries...

Janelle is in the middle now... Howie is trying to intice her to come get it from him...

James/April/Kaysar talking politics... BB annonces the LD is over, Howie grabs Janelle...

James starts to asks if Pfiser is doing something, stating first that he isn't saying facts so don't sue him... Janelle suggests playing Howie in the middle again, but Sarah says she wants to go in for a minute, then the feeds go to fish...

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(4 cameras showing 2 angles of Janelle/Howie playing catch in the pool, more endless sweet talking from Howie... )


(James/Kaysar back at the chess table)

K: what do you think about this(no reference to what 'this' is)

J: I don't to be honest

K: starts singing and we go to fish for a second


(4 cameras showing 2 angles of the chess game)

unknown female(voice only, I think Ashlea):(talking to someone else we can't see, maybe just out of the DR(I found out later it's Rachel)) you can't tell us? if she goes to put on makeup, then we'll know somethings up... (pause)... ok, we are doing something...


(still 4 cameras of chess, but we can't even see the board to follow the game, no other audible sounds)

K:(prophetically) speaking about the chess game, I'm not going to take this laying down...


watermelon being eaten in the kitchen by Eric, Maggie, Ashlea, Rachel and Jennifer... Maggie is making watermelon balls out of the remainder

Sarah joins the kitchen crew and Maggie feeds her some... Ashlea starts eating the white part of the rind...


Michael is working out, Janelle, Howie and April are in the pool with a flying disc(or Frisbee if they got the rights to say that)... April is on the side, Howie is back in the middle, rules are Howie can't touch Janelle... Janelle says Howie can't put his arms out... she hits him then asks if she hurt him... he has to keep his arms below his shoulders, he can only get it if it's in the water... April says he can bob his head to try hitting it... Janelle is now teasing Howie with the Frisb-- flying disc... Ashlea has joined them pool side... Howie hurt his finger and is out of the pool...


Beau has taken Howie's place in the game, but April/Janelle didn't give him all the restrictions, so he jumped on Janelle... April is in now with Beau/Janelle, Ashlea poolside...


(In the kitchen is Eric, Maggie, Sarah and Jennifer)

Eric wants coffee, others decline because it's mid-day

April is tossing the disc to Beau/Janelle who are catching/jumping in the pool... now just doing toe touches while jumping... and cheer jumps for orange and blue teams(looks like Beau's head is close to the edge... then discussion of a pool boy and/or waterslide...


Sarah is looking at the fish, Eric, Maggie come over to look at one with cloudy eyes


Ivette wakes from a nap... says she wishes her cappy(Eric) was still on PBJ, that she lost him to the kitchen...


A helicopter comes by VERY loud, then Rachel hears a siren, excitedly asks if it's a high speed chase... they decide it is and that's what the helicopter was...

April, Rachel, Jennifer are sitting on the patio, getting bored, want something to do... Rachel has music going in her head and may go walk the stairs...

they decide evictions aren't until Thursday, because they would have been voting today already otherwise... Rachel confirms it's July 11... Jennifer is sitting with her head in hands, looking VERY bored...

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Sarah, Maggie, Janelle on the couches, Beau, April laying on chairs outside... April talking about 'him' being a strong contender, and that's why he's a threat... thinks if he was HOH he'd put up Ivette and herself(April)

Maggie says she is a private person, so this(BB) is such an invasion...

April:I think he's(Michael?) a nice guy, but if I have to be on the jury, I wouldn't want to be with him... if I had to hear his stories, I would become violent... he says he's cultured...

Beau:there are some stories he tells, I'm not as confident and outspoken, but someone may take offense, with him, I think he looks past that some aren't as fortunate as him and doesn't think of what he says... it's all personal... if Michael puts up James, it'd be for the game, because he's a threat to him

B:I haven't promised anyone, if you save me, I'll save you... I've only done that for Rachel, because she's HOH... I'd put up Maggie or Howie...

A:I would too.. it will be hard, third and forth week, when you have to put up people that you care about, but want out because of the game... Rachel got it when the getting is good, at this point it's easy

B:myself, I can see me being nominated alot

A:I see where you are coming from... if people say you are nice, you have no enemies, would you want to be up against me at the end? In your position, it could go either way...


Eric, Ivette have joined the couch group, Michael stopped by talking to April/Beau before going into the pool...

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James, Kaysar now with the couch group... Eric sitting with his legs crossed like a woman, says he's ok with his masculinity.. Ivette starts talking about ways guys sit at work...


Eric says he doesn't shop for pants, spends his money on his kids... Ivette says why bother and others tease her at how she says it.. why baather...

Eric says at one time he had 3 jobs so his wife didn't have to work


Rachel goes to fold towels, James is going to help, then walks back over to table where Howie is talking to Jennifer... she gets up and goes inside... Janelle comes out and Howie gives her a kiss as she goes by, and she says "Thanks Howie"


James goes inside, Kaysar tries hitting a rubber ducky with a wooden massager to Beau/Howie in the pool...

Kaysar is sitting at the patio with Janelle

J: I wish we had waited, about Eric...

K: it's good that they know where he stands...

J: if I told Rachel though... I don't know...

K: just hold off... I'll let you know...

BB:Kaysar, please come to the DR

J:I'm scared that they will think it's safer to keep...

K: well, you'll have your friend here...

J: no, we'll just be next

*seems like Kaysar knows Janelle and Ashlea are partners*

K: if you think it's safer to vote for me

J: Ashlea said she wants to go...

K: I think I have Mich, James... April, Maggie

K: what are you thinking about?

J: I'm thinking of talking to Rachel and Maggie, and tell them to observe, I'm sure they've heard things from Ivette and Beau...

K: I don't know how close her and Eric are though...

J: me and Maggie and Sarah and Rachel are going to meet later in the HOH room... I'm going to tell them what I know... not with April there, I want to just tell Rachel...

K: don't mention me yet... if it doesn't work, let me know.. even if she says yes, I understand, read her eyes, make sure she doesn't have any doubt... tell her... ahh...

J: I think the biggest mistake was telling Eric, otherwise he would have thrown the HOH to Ivette, now he's going to try to win it, and that's bad...

K: did you already tell James? he said you mentioned it already...

J: I mentioned they already have planned who they want to send home next, after me it could be James...

K: (talking of Beau and Howie in the pool) I think they are having a gay moment...

J:I'm going to go wash my hair

K: ok, go so I can look at you...

Janelle leaves to wash her hair

3:20 all fish

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Janelle is talking to Rachel telling her how Beau and Ivette already know each other.

Rachel : Who else knows about this

Janelle: James knows

Janelle: they put us miami people in the house so we can figure this out.

Rachel: that might not be the whole twist

Janelle: I want to tell Maggie but I don't know what she'll do with the information.

Rachel: I have noticed how they are insync with each other

Rachel: I need to think about it and observe more, I'm not as connected anymore, I'm up here and you are all down there.

Janelle: Its too much of a coincidence that I live only a block from Ivette

Rachel: did you tell james

J: no someone else did

R: Oh, so someone else knows

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April and Eric think Michael is emtionally unstable.

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Howie just asked Yvette if she swam over from Cuba. Too rude

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