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Dustin Week 6 - Evicted


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Alexie - "I want somebody to knock the queens crown off of his head. "

Watch it Alexie. Calling a gay guy a queen can be considered a slur by some and you might end up having all of the sheep jump on the bandwagon against you.

Dep :food-smiley-005:

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I just went back and watched Dustins goodbye to Kail again, and I watched her face. I think she took it in the way it was intended and I agree with dustin. I hope that knowing him did at least open her world a bit. Everyone needs theie horizons expanded from time to time. (cough.....cough.....no names mentioned)


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He is an embarassment to humanity...

But in true game strategy it was a good move on his part to vote out Kail and keep Eric... Thats what this game is about... Emotions are baggage...

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THAT is exactly why I don't like him...his superiority complex over the rest of his "team." His condescending tone. I wouldn't like him no matter who's "side" he was on.

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Dustin, Eric, Jess, Jameka, Amber: Nerd Herd the sequel.

HAHAHAHA love it! "Nerd Herd the Sequel" That is hilarious :animated_rotfl: I hate that whole group! JMO

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Hey GreatXL

Don't assume that he is an embarassment to us gay folks. Some of us actually like him and the way he is playing the game.

If Dustin is supposed to embarass us, then you must feel like total shit after Dr Will, Mike Boogie, Howie, Drew, Will Mega, Scott Long, Cowboy, Dick, and all of the other straight guys who have done things that people didn;t agree with over the years.

I'm sorry for


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sorry depeche if you think Dustin is any example of what gay stands for, wrong. I participate a lot in the gay community, I have a gay child, and dustin is a smug queen and a disgusting human being, I hate him, and what was his comment to Kail supposed to me like "hey Ho" in fun? not a chance he was being his smug self-important nasty self, he called her a bitch and he meant it, it was not a joke, he was putting her down as he does everyone, something will happen to him, they may all be acting happy now, but something is gonna burst their bubble, and I now ofically dislike Jameka worse than I did, fake fake, all of them and we have to be subjected to them this week, yuk. Oh well next week will be something different.And by the way I would take Marcellas or beau any day to puke head Dustin. seriously, and that is sayin somethin.

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I see nothing fake about these people. They are playing the game and you have to lie to win.

What is everyone getting so worked up over? So Evil Dick got outsmarted? About bloody time.

He's nothing but a bully. Notice he's not near as disgusting to the men as he is the women? No. Dick has women issues. That much is clear.

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I don't have a problem with Dustin being gay but what I did not like was his nasty goodbye comments to Kail, she probably does come from a small town and never been exposed to a lot of things. Also the way he is maipulating Amber, Jamecka, and Jessica. I mean he makes promises and then turns around and denies it. Also it seems that he is still thinking that he is the one in control of the house, ( also hate that stupid king's robe.) I had liked him at beginning of BB but the more his true self came out the more I came to dislike him.

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it has been beat into the ground about Dick this and Dick that what the hell ever, he is not who you all think he is, I like him, I think he is funny, I do not like some of his habits, but he does state his mind, and if you are not strong enough to take it oh well, and besides it is all magnified in that house, on the out side they have other things to do and distractions, so I am sure Dick is not the same on the outside of the house, and you all can slam me all you want, I could care less, I am sick of hearin Dani is a whiner when she is a really smart and pretty girl, she is 20 yrs old for Gods sake, I know what I was like at 20. I am 61 now so I think Ive been there and back a few times.

Dustin, Jameka, Jessica, Eric, and Amber are the most booring people on the universe, it is my opinion and I am stickin to it, I can only hope something will happen for Zach Jen D&D.

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Dustin bullies but in a different way. He uses a different tactic to make people feel like they need to do what he wants. He may not use the words to their faces but his tone to his "team" is ridiculous.

And Dick is not the only one in the house to call people foul names. He just does it to their face.

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