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Eric Week 6 - America's Player


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Thank you!

Yeah... another week the AP is safe!!!

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I voted Dick too... I don't want Eric to have to try and get anyone but, Dick or Daniele or maybe Jen (not that I want her to go, she's my fav) on the block... it would be too suspicious.

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I voted Amber because she will be a lame duck in the POV comp but I dislike Dustin more so either one is fine by me. Oh well I guess we get to watch Eric gloat all week. Should be interesting to see if I can keep solid food down this week plus I have never seen a weasel gloat.

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Well, at least it's a win win situation dumblonde. Either both D & D stay or you'll lose some weight. ;)

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I don't think Eric will try to hard to get one of his own allies nominated...he'll probably gladly lose this challenge if that is the case.

btw...I voted Dick :pirate_new:

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Mine were split between Dani and Dick.

Sorry guys, I want AP to stick around and don't want to shoot him in the foot.

Game on.

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How many of these people are Eric fans? If Dustin is voted to be nominated, it should tell Eric to align with Dick/Daniele because as it goes from a logical standpoint, if you want Eric to make it far in the game, to want him to align with who America likes, not who he wants out of the house. If America keeps voting against his alliance its going to put Eric in a bad spot and cause him to be evicted. If you want Eric to win think of the bigger picture. Have him align with the people who America doesn't vote against. So think of both sides.

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When can America vote this clown (Eric) back home to where here came from?

New name for LNC alliance...CLOWN TOWN?

Not to be confuse with CHILL TOWN.

ClOWN TOWN lies somewhere between LIAR-VILLE and CRIER-VILLE!!!!

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If America keeps voting against his alliance its going to put Eric in a bad spot and cause him to be evicted. If you want Eric to win think of the bigger picture. Have him align with the people who America doesn't vote against. So think of both sides.

I am going to vote either Dustin or Jameka... I want that scum out of that house!!! He's not my player!!! I want nothing to do with that piece of EDIT...

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