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He has sealed his fate if he votes out Eric. What a stupid move. Not that I'm pulling for Eric, but they were much smarter in a strategic sense by sticking with their plan to stay together and separate Dick and Daniele. Now they are all but handing power over to Team D&D. Suckers. As much as I dislike Dick, I will give him props...he's one WICKEDLY good player!

Now, on the other hand, if Dustin and Crew are pulling the wool over D&Ds eyes and will turn and vote out Kail after all...well, they'll get the Oscar for best performance by an alliance ever! I think not though- Amber is just too flaky and Jameka would be struck dead if she actually LIED. One can only hope...

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Last night I almost puked when Dustin asked to use Jen's chapstick! I'll bet Jen silently did too. EwwwwwwwwwwOne other thing. Does it bother anyone else when they play beer pong and dustin sticks his fingers in the cups to get the caps out? OMG, how can they drink behind him with his booger fingers??? EwwwwwwwThat's right up there with spit in the astroturf.

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Ugh. I can't stand this guy's condescending tone and air of superiority.

Everytime he "talks down" to someone...which is basically every time he opens his mouth...I want to :bash:

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Joe does seem pretty right about Dustin. I don't know where his sweetness does. He's the most dangerous player so far.

This is where I'm sad for Joe when he actually loved the show and Dustin was a tagalong.

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It's official! Dustin is now #1 on my list as the lowest class scumbag in BB history. His goodbye comment to Kail:


Nothing he can say or do the rest of the way will change my opinion of him.

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oohh, did he say 'bitch'? i wasnt paying close attention.....(why do family members think they need me to do something when bb is on, i'll never know)

im still liking him for his lying and backstabbing....but he's rather bitchy himself isnt he! just remember, no matter how much you may hate seeing someone sneak around and lie, it'll catch up with them and make a big ole mess that is going to be great to watch! (hopefully)

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uuggg...I cannot stand watching him!!!! I have never hated watching somebody on TV as much as him. I cannot even watch Sho Too now...he has ruined it for me. Send Joe back in to piss Dustin off!!!!

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