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Dani done.....hugs around

Jameeka had walked out of HOH ..she is on the couch outside

Jess and Dani talking in HOH

everyone left to couch outside to let them talk

I can hear dick and zach in kitchen

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Dic and Daniele talking in the round room. Dani is giving her version of what was said in HoH. He said he will quiet down, since he wants his time left with her in the house to be good. Dick said it is great that he won PoV, and will save her making it a great exit from the house. He has a great speech planned, something this game has never seen. He goes to get mouthwash, and sees Dustin in the kitchen. Dick starts taunting him, calling him a princess, then goes back to round room. He said he forgot what he went for, and Dani told him mouthwash, so he went to the SR again. Dustin was still in kitchen, completely ignoring Dick, and Dick yells WooHooo, more taunting...Dustin still ignoring him.

Dick gets called to DR.

Feeds cut to HoH room. Eric said it doesn't matter which one gets taken down, the other one is leaving the next week. They said that Dick was making rude comments about swallowing (Dustin) yet he swallowed just as much. Eric said Dick has offended everyone in America....homosexuals, all religions, sisngle mothers, certain jobs, people's looks, people with implants, people without implants. Eric notes that what man makes fun of women's breasts. Jen said camel toes, too.

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Eric told Jessica that for an hour or so he wants to take a bubble bath, or walk the track, or whatever, but just be their normal, fun selves for a while. Jessica said one of them needs to win HoH next week.

Dustin is in the kitchen, telling Amber not to be offended by Dick calling him princess. he said his family is probably sooo upset.

Jameka is confronting Daniele. She is letting her know that Daniele has made no effort to approach her (Jameka) in the game. She said Daniele has been in bed awake when she has come in, but Dani has played asleep. Jameka is also bringing up that she votes and does what she said about PoV but is confronted for it. Dani agrees that Dick goes overboard. She promises that it is all over. That all of Dick's crap is done.

Jameka wanted to know how Dani can promise that. She said that one of them is going home on Thursday, and he wants to spend time with her rather than with people he doesn't care about. Jameka said she cared about Dani the first few weeks, but it kind of went away. it was in passing, but jameka said she doesn't know who she is. She said she knows other housegusets, but nothing else. She said all she knows is where Dani works, her boyfriend's name, this is her dad, she was raised by her grandmother and she has a brother, but she wants to know more. When they were playing games in the house, she and Nick didn't even join in. Dani said she has a good time watching, but Jen was making rude comments. Now saying how much she misses Nic.....blah, blah, blah. She said his leaving is in the past. Jameka said she understands. "Why do I matter now?" Dani said Nick really really liked her, and said he always had Jameka's back, and she said she doesn't know why. They didn't talk that much. Jameka said she wanted to be helpful, but Dani is all surface. Dani said she doesn't even talk in the DR. she is a very very personal person. (private?) She doesn't like her business out, and this is soooo hard for her. She even wouldn't answer qustions Nick asked. She can't be honest...backtracks, honestly open because of the cameras and microphones. Jameka again says what she knows, but it is all surface. Maybe that is all there is to Dani, and she feels that Dani doesn't know anything about her at all. She feels they haven't gone past week 2.

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Jess said she wont let dick in the HOH room, and Eric said absolutely not, under no circumstances. He is doing his little clap thing, and Jameka just explained to Jess and Eric that Dick is making fun of her.

Jameka said that she talked to Daniele and things went fine. Jameka says that it is pretty sure that Dani will come off the block. Just general stuff. Jess was doing all of her dance routines and she was sick during the POV competition.

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Amber is working out on treadmill. Zach comes in and admonishes her that she started without him. she said he burns more calories on his than she does. He said it has nothing to do with calories but about team work. After a short talk about working out, Zach said the spider was dead. (earlier conversation where Jameka blew up at Dani for putting a spider in her bed) Amber said still, it was a bad idea. He said it fell, and he said something to Dani about getting it and Dani said it didn't matter, it was dead.

Zach and Amber talk about what they think Dick is going to do. Zach said Dick doesn't tell him anything, but he thinks he will use it to save Daniele, and try to repair that relationship. He said he is waiting for Eric to explode on Dick. He is looking forward to watching it. Zach said it isn't right that Daniele gets penalized for her dad. (maybe an alliance there???in his mind??)

Talking about their workout. She has burned 112 to his less than 50 calories. He is going to have to step it up. Amber asks if he likes being tall. She said he has really improved since he has been there. Talking about "the angry inch" and competitions they have been in. He complains he isn't gaining any ground against her.

Amber says Jessica thinks Zach is cool. They were talking about his eyes. (What happened to his being a creep?) He said he was laying low the first few weeks. He said after the handshake at first that was a bad mistake, he was on the outside for a while. He hasn't changed, he is the same person. He said he might go toe-to-toe with Dick before he leaves. He doesn't know yet. He thinks Dick would be fun to party with, but other than that, he is wrong.

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Dustin, Jameka, Eric and Jess in HoH. He is saying all of them are strong in the house, but it is hard on their families. He said that is why he blew up out there, standing up for Christians, single mothers, women with estrogen imbalance. (joking) Eric said Daniele must have misunderstood what he was saying, but that anyone would be outraged at what Dick has been doing. Dustin said he has had to say things to his parents, he won't get into it because it doesn't matter, but sometimes YOU have to be the parent.

Dustin is saying how Daniele keeps saying she doesn't want a pity party, then how no one knows how she feels, poor me....they feel it was rehearsed, like Mike's speech, but not felt.

Now bashing Zach. They said the competition was Zach's 2 strong points. It sounds like it was both sports and eating or drinking a lot. They said he can drink 25 glasses of water and eat 3 omelettes and 2 hot dogs for a snack, and he was out early. They said that is his game strategy, to skate and not win any competitions, just lay around and stay under the radar.

Now talking about previous comps, and this one. They said they are having a great summer. They don't realize it until later, but they are smashing guitars for an hour, but are wrapped up in the competition and can't really enjoy it. Once it is over, it is...wow, we just spent an hour smashing guitars. They are talking about the yuck they had to drink...hot dog, relish and cola, all pureed together.

Eric said it will be when they get down to the final 6, if he makes it that far, that he will be able to compete in PoV.

Dustin said he was glad Dani came up, even though it was insincere. They said if she was really upset over they way he was acting, she would have told him. During the comp he heckled everyone, and Dani never said anything. They are tired of listening to him. Eric wanted to know if they could trade Dani for the rest of the season for Janelle.

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Jameka said Daniele already said she will be alone again in th house,so it sounds like Dick is using the veto on Dani. She was trying to play the poor me again.

Jess asked who they thought Jen would put up next week if she got HoH. They thought Dani and one of them. Jess said"not 2 of us?". What happens if Dani wins PoV? They said Zach could go home. Now they aren't sure Jen would put up Zach.

Saying is better to not remark to Dick rather than saysomething back. Dustin said he used to stare him down.


Back, Eric wanted to know where Amber is.

Jessica said she didn't want Dick to win, but this is really kind of better. He has to make a choice. They said they loved it when Jessica said "so who are you going to evict, you or your daughter?" If he doesn't use it, then they get to decide who goes home. Jameka asked if they really thought he would do anything other than use it on Dani. Jessica said she wouldn't be surprised if he didn't use it so he doesn't have to make the decision.

I am out.....

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Daniele is talking to her Dad, talking about her conversation with Jameka. She said that she only has surface relationships with people in the house, because she got close to Nick, and she was devastated when he left, and doesn't want that to happen again. She said she can't believe all of these people came into the house just to make friends. She is being very catty. she is trying to figure out how they can both stay. She is trying to figure out how to make flashcards with eight names on them. She said Nick tried to scratch the names with a safety pin but got yelled at. She wanted to use nail polish but was afraid of getting yelled at. Foth....back for an instant, said they put names on the snapple bottles, more Foth....They are going to the SR trying to find something to use. As they go in, she asked if they could really get a penalty nom and ...more FoTH....

Dani found olives, Dick said he hid them. He is going to put them in the bedroom, so Dustin can't get to them. They are taking candy bars, Advil, etc, and will assign players to each of them. Dani is getting into the first aid kit, saying they could cut out the letter of their name, more FoTH.....

Dick said they could assign Amber to the Advil, since she was on drugs. They are trying to name different ones. Mr Goodbar is Zach, the plain one is Eric. Dick is still lookin for other stuff. Dani is the band-aid, representing she has been banged up since she got there. They still need something for Jen. Dickis trying to think of something all about "me". They are going to look in the kitchen. Dani leaves, and Dick keeps looking in the SR.

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7:34 pm bbt

Up in the HOH

Another gem of a conversation.

Jess is describing the Macho Mug game again, to Jen this time I think. She's trying to come up with a word for that thing you drink out of at camp. Jug wasn't the word. One of the boys offers canteen. No that wasn't the word. Amber offers thermostat. and Jessica says Yes! Thats it!

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Daniele is using pieces of candy and wrappers to illustrate (with Dick) who needs to go home and who needs to stay. It's impossible to understand who they are talking about.

'These two, because she's smarter than these two..."

"Without this, this can come over with this..."

Moving candy bars around.

(I think I liked the color coded houseguests better....--Cat)

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Dani says "Eric is the martyr, again!" Dani says that Eric was saying that Dick attacked everyone, for sexuality, morals, character, etc. Dick laughs.

Dani says that you can tell Eric is a "manipulative person outside the house."

Dick agrees and says "He has many character flaws."

Dani says Eric told her the only ones not attacked by Dick were Dani and Zach.

Dani: Oh, and Jen, for her..

Dick: Conceitedness. Narcicissm. And they all claim to be goody two shoes, right?

Dani: They're all perfect.

Dick: So, because I say shit outside the DR, as opposed to them. Who cares?

Dani: I'll bet people up there are thinking that they're all going to be off my list, because Jameka is going to be number one.

Dick says that Jameka should be zero on her list, as she can't win HOH.

Dani says that this is what THEY are thinking, though.

Dani: Because we were seriously screaming at each other. Like, better her than me (they are thinking that).

Dick says where does Jameka get off--she's a hypocrite Christian.

Dani says Dick need to not say stuff about that.

Dani: She was saying, I don't know where you stand with your beliefs. We could be like this or this. But God is everything for me.

Dani says Jameka cusses and stuff, and is annoying.

Dick: Where does she get off saying anything about religion to you, period!

Dani says she told her that just because she doesn't go around "preaching about it," and Jameka went "aaaahhhhhhhh!!!!" (all upset) and Dani said that she told her she didn't need confirmation from other people.

Dani: Whatever. I really don't care. She can think what she wants, just like everyone else, at this point. Like Dustin thinks he is such a great person. And Eric.


Dick: Do you think that there is any way that we can cause any dissention between Eric and Dustin?

Dani: I don't think. Not you and I. Zach maybe, Jen maybe. But Zach using Jen.

Dick: Huh?

Dani: Like Zach saying something about what Jen said, but nothing from us, personally.

Dick: Did Eric say I was using Amber's daughter?

Dani: What?

Dick: Did Eric say I was using Amber's daughter? Drug use? What?

Dani: Oh, motherhood.

Dick says she claims it isn't true, but he knows she was high and used drugs.

Dani: Who cares?


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Dick: Do you know how furious Dustin must be that I won?

Dick and Dani look close up at the camera. They laugh and think they heard laughing behind the wall.

Dani says that when she had to drink the steak and broccoli, that she heard hysterical laughter behind the walls and she thought they were "excited thinking I would throw it up!"


They leave the room.

Dani sees Zach and says "What's up, cool guy?"

He tells her she needs to tan. She says that she hasn't been outside since Nick left.

Dani: America, this is me. I'm not changing for anyone.

Dani whines that she isn't going to "tan good either, because I'm on the slop."

(I didn't know certain foods were essential to tanning--Cat)

Dustin is making slop.

Zach says he can't drink stuff that's like "that."

Zach: I can eat things. I would have eaten cockroaches, crickets, brains. I mean, if it was something that was solid, I would have been money. I made the mistake of smelling some of those things and just almost barfed three times in my mouth.

Dustin says he didn't smell it.

(Sounds like either the food comp or the POV had to do with drinking foods blended together).

Dustin: Dani, you did really well!

Zach: Seven! Runs in the family!

Zach says he's going to attempt to get beer.

Dani: I was so depressed when I went out there and saw the sign that said "pig ear, pig tongue." I knew what it was and I wanted to kill myself.

Dustin: Yeah.

Dani says her face was classic.

Dustin asks which she didn't drink. She says the pig, the hot dog and then the eggs.

Dustin: Ugh! The eggs, the OJ and the bacon!

Dani says when she read that, she thought she'd do that last. She would have done the pig before that. Dustin says he did the pig first.

Dani: I have a weak stomach, though.

Dustin says he thought that, too.

Dani: I thought I was going to do really bad.


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8:08pm bbt

Up in HOH talking about playing beer pong or potentially another game Eric knows called Zip Zap Zup. They are concerned about Dick. Looks like on the screen he might be downstairs going off on Dustin in the Kitchen.

Zach offers to go down and clear the way.

Zach in Kitchen asks Dick if he can have a game of beer pong with Jess without any obtrusive behavior.

Dick says yes, as he was just telling Dustin he got it all out, he got what he wanted so there won't be any more issues.

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Dick and Dustin in the kitchen alone.

Dick: I'm not going to give you a hard time anymore. I'm done. I got what I wanted. (Dustin nods) And you can let everyone else know, too.

Dustin: I think you can! (High, cold voice)

Dick: I'll be more than happy to. (Irritated voice, slightly) You do what you gotta do.

(Dustin is chopping at his slop)

Zach comes in.

Zach: I am curious to know if I am able to play a game of beer pong with Jess without any intrusive obstructions on your end. (This almost sounds rehearsed, imo --Cat)

Dick: I just told Dustin right here that it's over, I got what I wanted. Nobody's gonna get a hard time. I'm finished. It's no problem whatsoever.

Zach: Ok, good! Because I would like to play beer pong and kiss her ass!

Dick: Knock yourself out! It's all good.

Zach says he just wanted to be sure.

Zach: Because, they're all up there. Thanks, Dude!

(Noise of Dustin mixing his slop. Someone says, "That's a dumb idea" but I can't tell who it is. It doesn't sound like Dustin at all. Sounds more like Zach, so maybe we are hearing him outside? --Cat)

Edited to add: Yep, it was Zach. He wasn't outside really--he came back in to get something. He's talking about ants or something.

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Zach: He gave me his word (door shuts)

Dani comes in and asks about the new batch of slop. Dustin says it is worse.

Zach is getting beer pong ready. Dani says to tell her when they are playing and she will watch.

Dick goes outside.

Dani asks if he wants to play golf? She wonders why they hosed everything down. (Could be the spit?--Cat)

Dani says they left the croquet for them.

Dick tells Dani that he told Dustin that it would be a peaceful week as he got what he wanted.

Dani asks if Dustin said "Ok, Dick!" (in a mocking voice)

Dick says he told Dustin he could tell the others, and Dustin told him to do it.

Dick talks about the competition, and how he was so nervous. They didn't know it would be two parts. They saw there was drinking of stuff, and Dick felt it was nothing, and it was "mind over matter" and he had the fastest time at that. Then Dick knew the croquet was next, and he got "10" and he felt at least two more people would get 10. Dani says no way anyone else would. Dick says that he thought Dustin and Jess would do well.

Dani: No way! I didn't think so! I knew you were going to get ten! I knew you would!

Dani says she thought Zach would "throw it at the end."

Dani: People believed him, that he was trying!

Dick laughs. They saw Zach got a "6."

Dani: But remember I told you, too, this morning, that my stomach was already hurting me.

Dani says she was so distressed when she saw the pig signs.

Dani: My dog eats that! Come on! What was the blood? Zach says he thought it was pig's blood. Can you eat that? Drink that?

Dick says he doesn't think it was really blood.

Dick says the eggs got kind of thick. Also, the hot dog was kind of gross.

Dani: I didn't eat it.

Dick: You didn't? It was a hot dog!

Dani says it was hot dog and something else.

Dick says it was relish, and a hot dog.

Dani says she was gagging the whole time--she couldn't do it!

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Dani says she was "a wreck" and in tears, and gagging during the comp.

Dick: Jameka's is going to be classic. I walked up to Jameka and said oh, pickle juice!

Dick says that Jameka drinks that, anyway.

Dick says "Mike just started laughing."

The playing order was: Dustin, Zach, Dani, Dick, Jameka, Jess.

Dick says that he thought he would win the croquet part. Dani says she can't believe he cut it so close! Dick says he can't, either. Dani says he talked so much crap, it would have been horrible if he hadn't won the comp.

Dani: It would have been a "booya" moment. (mocking voice)

Dick: Without a doubt. They'd be all jumping up and down and hugging each other. But, I saved the best for last.

Dani says if she would have used that strategy, she would have done better. Dick says he kept his in the same place, and it kept going left, so he aimed at the right and it worked.

Dick: I kept getting closer and closer, and it kept going farther and farther.

Dick: Once Dustin hit it on the 7th one, I was like, oh man he has a line. He's gonna make it really tight.

Dick: What was all that stretching, aiming crap he was doing? That was so retarded!

Dani: Oh, God!

Dick: I'm like, what are you, joking?

Dick: Jameka was so pissed, man!

Dick: The funny thing is, is like, working in bars and stuff, you know how you can get to people to like piss them off right when you are getting ready to kick them out or something? And you get your last one-liner shot in at them, right before they are booted or whatever? Or when somebody is giving you a really bad time and you kinda want to set them off so you can kick them out? Something like that, I can always do that! Always!

Dick: I found it very funny, very amusing. And no matter how they tried to act like I wasn't getting to them. Oh, Amber! (mocking voice) "You won because you swore on my daughter's name!" What I swore on her daughter's name was--

Dani: I know. That you would make her life hell.

Dick: That I would make her miserable. Not that I would WIN! What an idiot. That chick is a bozo.

(more spitting)

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Dick: God. Talk about drama at the end! I always picture Vincent just like cheering. Like when I went from being on the block to HOH in a matter of ten minutes!

Dick says he can picture Vincent and his friends yelling and screaming.

Dick asks when they will play that. Not until Tuesday.

Dani says that is what makes it bad, because the Internet viewers know for so long ahead of time. Dick says it kind of spoils the show. Dani says it used to be every other day. She hates the boring down time.

Dani says there isn't anything to do.

Dick: Should I pull a Jen? Oh, why should I pull myself off the block?

Dani: Oh, I forgot I have to do some stupid speech.

Dick: You don't have to! Just say, I love you no matter what you choose. That will be enough.

(Dani says nothing)

Dick says his neck has been hurting all day, and says it is because he banged the pots and pans.

Dani: You are so dumb!

Dick says he doesn't know how he thought of doing that.

Dani says that Jameka will be yelling, 'Karma, baby!"

Dick says that he will put "karma" in his speech. He says Jameka is so stupid--"Karma" is from Buddhism. He knows religion better than she does.

Dick: Maybe your curls are too tight or something! (about Jameka)

Long silence, broken only by spitting

Dani says she is exhausted.

Dick: It was a stressful day. Very stressful for you.

Dick: What did Jessica call me? America's biggest asshole or something?

Dani: No, she said "America knows that you are" or something.

Dick starts to talk about how funny the pots and pans were and talks about DR and we get FOTH

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8:30 hamster time

Dick says if he is leaving, this is the way he wants to go out, and he's glad he got the POV rather than Dani.


Dick: Dustin has won HOH. He could have won a POV, and he was very close to winning that POV. So even though the only thing he has won is HOH, he could have won two of those POV's.

Dani: But I could have won that POV, too.

Dick: Yeah, but

Dani: But he didn't win either, so....

Dick: Jameka has fucked this game up for a lot of people, including us. The "good people." (sarcastic voice)

Dick: Your grandmother is going to be really mad at me for ripping on her religion like that.

Dani: She's going to hate you.

Dick: Well, I'll get my parting words. They'll call me in before the eviction. And I've been saying all week that this is what I was going to do, and why. (Doesn't mean his mom will see it --Cat)

Dick: I just picture when they play this on Tuesday, 9/10 of the audience when I win just going "UGH!" and the other 1/10 just jumping up and down!

Dick says his friends will be thrilled but will also say he was a "real asshole."

Dani: You were awful this morning. I'm really tired.

Dick says every time he was "doing it," Jameka was making gagging noises. They were told no talking, and Dick says Jameka was trying to whisper.

Dani: (mocking voice) "Can I go get another balllllll?"

Dick says the balls were slightly different. The size and the softness was different.

Dick: I knew that my only competition was going to be Dustin, because of the number of shots.

Dani: Well, yeah. Three and four shots. That doesn't have a chance against ten shots. That's ridiculous!

(So, it sounds like the number of items they drank had an impact on how many shots they had with croquet).

Dani: Zach's score was 6? Oh, God!

Dick: I know. I was like, Dude, you could have at least tried with your shots. It didn't matter.

(Sounds like Zach threw it and supposedly the rest of the house believes he tried).

Dani says Jameka was pacing back and forth the whole time before the drinking part.

Dani: And Jessica kept talking to herself.

Dick: She was praying all of the time.

Dani: No, Jessica.

Dani says Jess had to be in the round room.

Dick: She probably went through all my shit. "Booya!" (sarcastic voice) Oh, I forgot to give a booya at the end. Dammit.

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