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August 30, Live Feed Updates

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6:25 Zack asks he he an go naked. Dani says yes it would be shocking. and ED oil stops Dick compains where my butter.(Zack is visable in the lead." Jam says Zack dumps his cup and Dani puts her thumb into cup slowing her down."

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Zack says Dick you winning. And Dick said something back. Zack"o boy!" Jess wants to laugh "this is funny." Jam "hes gonna kill himself be careful" Eric"have a medic waiting a medic is in my future." FOTH at 6:29pm

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6:30pm feeds back Eric falls again and Zack"says ya still heald onto cup." Zack says "does anyone else have butter in their eyes." Dick says yes. Dani talks about Julie asking about the 153 code. Dani says she think shes about to start her period. Eric: "is there is there a trigger you hit in BR that tells you."

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My first post.

682 trips (min)

avg 15 sec per trip

10230 seconds at best = 2.84 hours

So figure they are spilling and falling it should take 3-4 hours.

of course that does not count that they might slow down a little. so might be a little longer.

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Zack in lead and gaining. After all his workouts this could be his hoh week. Eric commented that he should have taken Zack up on his personal training.

Danielle talking about how it would suck to get her period. Eric asked if it could just come randomly (sorry if this is too much!)

Zack asks Danielle if she is happy she has started working out. She says no it doesnt make a difference lol.

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(Ah, I love the smell of an endurance competition in the evening!--Cat)

Right now, the only sounds are feet pounding on a slippery surface, planes going overhead, and liquid pouring out of what I assume are the funnel things.

It looks like Zach's got the red liquid (each person has their own color). His looks fullest at this time.

Zach yells: Butterfinger! That's bullshit! In the scheme of things...

It sounds like they just had an outpouring of some kind of liquid.

Colors: Dick has blue, Dani has an aqua color, Zach has red, and Eric has a reddish color, but I haven't seen a closeup yet--maybe it is orange? (Yep--it looks like orange). Dani's "tea" is aqua, but is is meant to be the "green" color.

Jess: What a crazy HOH game!

Jameka: It is! What is this called? Tea party?

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6:41 pm Zack leads Dani close ehide and Dick coming quicker, Eric last. Jam"Ed is getting quicker each time" to Jess. then FOTH 6:42pm Jam says Dick has taken lead from Zack in last 10 minutes then Dani 3rd and Eric last. Jess "says im gonna be me dinner, im gonna get a drink Jam ya want one."

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6:44 Jameka is coaching someone, quietly. My feeds messed up at that time visually, so I couldn't tell if she was talking to Eric or Dani. She tells the person to "Hold it from the bottom. Your thumb is taking up room. Hold it from the bottom!"

Eric almost slipped.

Jameka: That's okay, Eric! Anything can happen!

Jameka announces loudly that Zach is in the lead (sorry--the feeds are really messing up) and that Eric is coming up close. (Eric had just made a really frustrated sound as he almost slipped. Jameka seems to be encouraging him and maybe Daniele--Cat)

Jess says that she didn't want to be "shaky" earlier when Julie questioned her, and she says that Julie gave her "zingers, as expected."

Jameka; Anything can happen, but we have two men who really want HOH!

Jameka says they have two other people who are really working to come up in the ranks, though.

Jameka and Jess are talking low at certain times, between themselves.

Jameka asks Jess if she thinks Zach is in the lead. Jess says maybe--it's hard to tell as the red is so bright.

Jameka tells Dani "Let's go! Let's go!"

Dani asks for one of them to get her a hair tie, and they go to do it. (Isn't that against the rules, as she didn't come into the game with it?? Remember Dick tearing off his own sleeves? It was against the rules. --Cat)

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6:44pm Jam says this is very close. "Zack wants 1st time. Dani wants 3rd HOH and ED hasny had since 2nd.. 3rd week." Dick"i want my letter from my son!" Zack:"i want my letter from my folks.!" Jam rambles off lucky numbers and Dani corrects her twice. Jam roots on Eric"anything can happen." Jam"Ed & Zack are tied for lead." Zack:"Jess drinks another Red Bull." Jess: "my questions from Julie were zingers." Jam questions HOH coimp rules. Jam"anythng can happen"but the men are in lead." Dani gets butter in face."Michael you suck!, well its probaly because i asked for it." Jam:"looks like Zack pulling in lead." Jess:"nabey its hard to tell cuz of red." FOTH at 6:49pm feeds back. Dani : " can 1 of u girls get me a shirt tie."

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Jameka giving commentary on progress. Zack and Dick in lead hard to tell who is ahead because of colors. Danielle and Eric bringing up the rear. Danielle asks Jess or Jameka to get her a hair tie. Now talk is of how they wish it was an easier competition like standing on a log and waiting. Zack says come on guys we arent even half way.

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2 feeds on inside of house.

Eric says his slow and steady strategy was a bad idea. Jess agrees. He thought he would catch up later in the game by bringing full cups of tea while the others ran. jameka just keeps telling him to keep closing in the gap. Planes keep going overhead makes it hard to hear background.

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Eric says that he feels it is time to reveal that his "slow but steady strategy" is proving to be a horrible strategy. Jess repeats this, and laughs. Dick says Eric was trying "tortoise and the hare."

Eric says he thought slow but steady would work, but the others keep getting faster and faster.

Jameka says "That's okay. Keep closing in the gap! That's okay!!"

Jameka seems to be cheering on everyone but maybe Zach. She just told Dick, "Good one, ED. Good one!"

Jameka yells out things now and then, like "Every drop counts, people!"

Jess tells Eric that it looks like he "peed himself."

Jameka says that if there is a winner for prettiest in the comp, it would be Dani.

Dick says, "Hey!" like he is contesting that (jokingly) and Zach as been completely silent, running back and forth. He's ahead, and Dani is second.

I'd say Dick and Eric are about even.

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6:54pm Jam"good job the prettiest face goes to Dani." Ed & Eric say what about us. Jess:"Eric it looks like u peede all over yourself." Jam"good one ED." Eri:"is Eric still were to say congrats to winner." Dani:"no michael is." Jam:"askes Ed if he wants a ssndwitch." Jam talks to God inside. (Zack lead Dick)

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Jameka says she could make a bologna sandwich, hold it at the sidelines, and let them take bites as they go back and forth.

Jameka goes inside. She is talking to herself. Saying, "This game! M mmm mmmmm mmmm. Amber, oh, my gosh. The California cast is--they are actresses and actors."

Jameka goes back outside. Looks like she got a drink.

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