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July 26, Live Feed Updates

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3:22 BBT

Kail still rehashing last Thursday to Jen. (How many times have we heard this?!) Kail says she and Mike were in storage room, and she told him she had to keep her vote to vote out Evel. Kail asks Jen what's her feeling about Amber and Dustin. Can they trust them? Kail talking about her suggestion earlier that she would be used as a pawn. Talking about how that story, which she told Amber, Dustin, Jen and Eric, got back to Evel so fast. Jen says it wasn't a 'secret' so it's not a big deal.

3:29 BBT

Feeds FINALLY switch back to Dick at Nite. Eric is out of the DR and they're all in the kitchen talking. Okay, they just detoured to the HOH room. Waiting for everyone to arrive. Amber says to chop chop with the meeting, because they said they wouldn't be up there in the HOH room for that long. Eric says that they have five votes in the room right now so no need to talk about it. Eric says that Nick said he's voting Mike out. Eric says Amber, Jameka, Dustin and himself are voting Mike out. Says they'll tell Daniele in the morning. (Seems like Eric has done all he can, but they just don't want to switch.) I guess Zach said he's voting for Kail because she threw him under the bus. Eric says that Kail was their original target and that they should look at the pros and cons with each. Jameka talking about her chat with Mike. Same talk he gave everyone else. Jameka says she still wants to vote Mike out. With Kail, they know where she is and that they can backdoor Kail at some point.

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3:38 BBT

Still up in HOH room talking about the other hgs now. Dick rehashing the talk he had with Nick earlier about Daniele. Jameka asks in all honesty if Nick is here to buy a monkey. They all laugh. Eric feels that for the first 2-3 weeks, Nick didn't talk much to Eric, but now that Nick realizes that Eric has more going for him, that Nick now thinks that Eric is a funny kid.

Jameka adds that Nick always bring up Zach. Eric says that someone that is willing to walk out at anytime is too obvious. How Nick just wants to push certain people forward in the game and then leave. Everyone in the HOH room does not like that idea.

3:44 BBT

Jessica, Amber, and Eric sitting on HOH beed, Jameka doing her hair, Dustin and Dick sitting in chairs. Basically, they're all trashing Nick.

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3:30 am BBT Dustin, Amber, Jameka, Jessica, Eric and Dick convene in HoH

Amber says they all agreed it will be a short meeting.

Mike votes to stay: Eric, Amber, Dustin, Nick and Zach.

Eric putting ideas forth to Jessica for voting out Kail.

Jameka's talk with Mike was about integrity, honesty and no more alliances. She asked him why he acted confrontational during the POV. Jameka will still vote to keep Kail because she is an easy out later.

Dick feels if Kail betrayed her original alliance what makes them think she won't do it again.

Conversation turns to Nick's weird behavior during the day.

Feed 1 and 2: Jen and Kail feel the house would be really better with Dick gone. Mike returns from DR, conversation ends.

HoH conversation is still about Nick jumping off a sinking ship and his unbelievability.

Zach was not the mastermind of MRA but brought the group together because he was desparate and aggressive.

Zach approached Dustin before HoH to try to form a new alliance.

Jameka feels they will have to backdoor Jen because she is such a strong competitor. They feel Zach is not a big threat, but Jameka feels he will definately go after her.

Zach tries to be intimidating like Dick but most feel he is most annoying.

Sounds like they may vote to keep Kail, but rattle her tomorrow by not giving her eye contact or conversation so she will do badly on the HoH. Dustin doesn't want Dick to tell Kail she is staying because it sounds like Dick "saved" her. Amber thinks she'll feel like all her strategy worked.

LNC puts an order to the next evictions of the pairs: Zach and Nick, Kail and Jen.

4am BBT They are talking in circles about whose staying and whose going. Jessica was offended by Kail not feeling she had to talk to Jess. Jess was excited that Kail would be going home, but will go with the group. Mike is a wild card, Kail is a known quantity.

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3:49 BBT

Talk has turned to Jen. They all think she's a strong competitor and they still think she's a threat. They all agree that they should backdoor both Jen and Nick because they are such strong competitors.

Now they're talking about Zach and who he would nominate. Dustin says that Zach is like Dick in the fact that Zach likes to intimidate people.

Eric says Mike is leaving tomorrow, and then he wants Nick and Zach out before the jury. Dick says they're not keeping Kail for that long. Eric STILL (yay!) trying to get Kail out now. Not working, Dick says he'd rather get her out the first week of sequester so she has to stay there by herself and not go home with her family.

Dick says they need to go just one week at a time. Dick says they all know how they're going to vote tomorrow, but to rattle the sh*t out of kail tomorrow. That if she tries to talk to them, to basically blow her off so she gets really boggled and thinks she's going home, and then won't be ready for the HOH competition.

Dick says he wants to tell Kail before the HOH comp tomorrow that the only reason she stayed was b/c Mike was a stronger competitior, and it was a smart move, that she didn't stay because of her charm, and he'll tell her this right before the HOH comp so rattle her.

3:57 BBT

Talks about getting Nick and Kail out next, and how Zach will walk around like a lost puppy dog.

Eric STILL trying to keep Kail. Asks Jessica in front of everyone what she wants to happen for tomorrow. Jessica says she doesn't care who goes this week. Dick said that Kail said that Jessica is one of her closest friends. jessica says no, she doesn't like Kail right now. Jessica says she'd rather switch the votes to send Kail out, but she'll stay with the house vote. Dick says but this is why we're talking now. Dick says that Eric has made some get points about getting Kail out. Jessica says she'll keep the vote the same for this week, Mike gone, but Kail can't be forgotten.

Dustin says Kail already thinks she's out, so they'll keep her and she'll be out soon enough. Jessica says she agrees that Nick should be backdoored, as well as Jen. Eric says they can't promise on backdooring someone because they can't guarentee that someone they want to win the veto will win, and then use it.

Dick wants to know where his remote of the spy screen is. He thinks Nick and Dani hid it, and says Dani came to him last night and said she is totally over Nick. That they might act the same, but that it's not.

4:03 BBT

Again talking about how to get Nick out. That once they put him up, he HAS to go. They say Nick is straddling the line, so he would be shocked if one of them put him up. Dick says Jen is a different story because since she's been on the block so many times, she wouldn't be suprised if any of them put her up.

4:09 BBT

Dustin announces that this 'downstaris' meeting is over. But you know they're still up there! :)

4:16 BBT

Dustin says again this meeting is over.

4:20 BBT

More talk about who they want/don't want in sequester. Dick says that if one of them doesn't win HOH tomorrow night that all this talk is for BS. Dustin says to say a ritual or something for good luck. Everyone giving eachother a pep talk. Jameka says that everyone needs to be in pairs tomorrow so they can't be cornered or pressured by anyone else. Dustin says to grab your lucky rabbit's foot, say a prayer for tomorrows HOH comp.

4:23 BBT

Dustin says again the meeting os over, and they're actually leaving. Dick says that eh's rooting for them all for tomorrow's HOH comp. They have left the HOH room.

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These two are still talking, with FOTH interruptions.

<video on Nick and Zach bashing>

Eric calls its quits at 5:45 BBT.

ETA: Probably should say that at the close of the earlier group meeting, the consensus was to evict Mike.

This was: Dick, Eric, Justin, Amber, Jessica, Jameka

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Dick in HOH BR brusing teeth, mumbling stuff to himself... goes potty... washes hands, goes into HOH room with bed, cameras are following him, he is mimicking the camera sound. He starts mumbling and talking to self and then starts to fold his clothes. He starts saying something about getting his relationship fixed with daniel, BUT she needs to deal with some of the issues she has. How can one go through life being stupid and selfish...... he keeps going on about going through life and not having control of oneself...

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Good think Dick isnt competing tonight for HOH. He'd never make it. He keeps saying how he's so tired. He just said something about it being 6:30 and he's really tired. He put his feet up on the table between the two HOH chairs and it wobbled. He says 'This table f***ing sucks' Then he's quiet for a few miuntes.

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dick: send all of my hate mail to lalonghair.com... he continues to have a convo with himself... "oh geeze they grow up so fast... everybody says it but you dont believe it... sigh... and then it happens... then you sit and wonder what happened... that little girl that loived you so much, and you could do no wrong and not you can't do anything right... sign... so beautiful now, so beautiful now... long silent pause... (sitting in chair in HOH room) I am tired and I cannot sleep today... mother f'er no wonder I am so awake, it is 6:30 and I am wide awake, what the hell this thing sucks, I need another beer... I figured _________, he is an idiot, need to poke in the eye with a sharp stick... Vince if you are getting ready for work, I love you and bye, my son, my son, good man... kail needs a smack in the head, stupid bitch, ... silence... alright who was >>> on saturday, game play stradegy, this game does go slow, (I am only hearing half of what he says)... I think that is it... goodnight,,, signing off... (he gets up and walks and sashays) god I hate that f*** chick... right here... vanna you need to fire that stupid bitch, I wouldn't leave my kids with that stupid bitch for 5 minutes, she is too busy looking at herself in the mirror, stupid twat... (gets into bed...) you think you are gonna wake me up in the morning F*** YOU!... God damnit, I don't even get to jerk off... _________ would be so perfect... dick is now in bed... 6:34 am BBT

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7:30am bbt everyone still :sleep1:

8:00am bbt and all's well.... still :sleep1:

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Everyone is still sleeping in the BB house.

(yesterday while I was posting about the fight over the love of a dog and daugher, I posted that E had said those things to Amber. I realize now that was confused with Eric and I want to make sure you all know it was Evel Dick, not Eric. I am sorry for the confusion and I will just post his name as Dick from now on. Sorry once again for the confusion. )

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9:00am bbt (my turn lol)

Everyone is still taking a siesta :sombrero:

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9:37am bbt HGs are still sleeping, and I think the banging noises behind the walls were Jem getting her morning started :animated_wave:

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10:15 BBT everyone is still asleep...

10:16 BBT FotH... Must be wake up call...

10:19 BBT back from FotH and the feeds are now showing the bathroom and it looks like Jen and Mike are up and you can hear another male voice, but my feeds are crap today...

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