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Ask Your Hosts: Viewer Questions And Comments

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Have a question or comment about Big Brother 9 that you would like to have answered on the podcast? Post them here and we will get to as many as we can each week.


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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi :animated_wave:

This is something that I had heard while snooopinng around in other forums. I was wondering if there was any validity to it --

We all know that Jen has made a spectacle of wearing her ""JEN" wear around the BBH. I had heard that one item in particular, a shirt bearing the phrase "JENSA MEMBER", does not, in fact, refer to the genius group "MENSA". It actually refers to Jen's association with former BB Hgs, Dr. Wil & Mike "Boogie", and their former coalition in the house.

Did anyone else hear this, too, and is it known by anyone in the BBH? Thanks!

Garp :computer:

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If you look in the BB in the media thread there is an interview with Mike Boogie in there where he admits that Jen is Chilltowns ringer in the house this season... This has been known to us for a very long time now... Dr. Will posted about it before the house guests were even in the house, but never mentioned Jen's name... Boogie on the other hand names Jen as the one...

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