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BB Air In HD Or Not?

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This post is officially a rant.

You know, I really hope CBS gets it act together and starts offering peoples favorite reality shows in HD. Survivor, TAR, and BB are all broadcast all in standard definition. They are the ONLY major network primetime shows that are not in hi-def .. All other broadcasts on CBS, NBC, ABC, and FOX between 8-10pm are all in HD now - just not these three shows. Why CBS, WHY?!?

There is no good reason for that IMO.

Cmon, CBS - Get your act together and let us see BB in HD!


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Seeing as we just bought a new hi-def tv and this is our first one, I have to agree with you on that... Would be nice...

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We have DirecTV and their HD package which includes NY HD feeds of ABC,Fox & NBC,but not CBS because they won;t issue us the waiver saying that we are in their local viewing network.

Ummm, no were not! I've fought and fought this issue.....we cannot receive CBS with a regular off air antenna.

Anyway, my point is, even if BB were broadcast in HD,I could not see it!

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Taping BB in high def would require that all the cameras currently used be switched to high def cameras. If it comes down to $$$$, I'll take SD over not at all.

Anyone know if there are any hiccups (16:9 to 4:3, etc) in regards to the live feeds if they film in HD?

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well my neighbors tv is HUGE its bigger than a fire place....so maybe thats the reason....everybody sees the difference but i really dont...they watch all the sports in it but honestly i dont see it so i dont really care about it........whats the difference anyways since my eyes are stupid and wont let me see it?

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