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July 7, Live Feed Updates

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Jameka,Carol,Nick all on Hammock. Nick talked about being in Australia for long periods of time. Which fits in with Him being a Football Player . Australian Rules Football is Huge "Down Under". So If your Looking for Infor on Nick ... Check "Down Under" . Nick is such a Wuss with Women ... He talks about how they cheat on Him all the time but He NEVER cheats on them. Also Nick spoke of coming back to take His Boards for becoming a Teacher .

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Jen is telling Carol she will put the bug in everyones ear that Amber is more aggressive and already playing the game while Carol isn't a big threat. Carol says that mentally and physically she is much stronger than Amber. Jen left and Kail came to talk to Carol. Carol tells her that she hasn't had a chance to talk to Kail yet because when she is under stress she locks herself in the room and stay by herself.

Carol is telling Kail that she doesn't know what to do, the house is a fifty fifty split and she doesn't know how to win votes.

Kail says she doesn't have a preference as to who goes. Carol is telling Kail that she is going home to nothing now, no school, her family is still there but the Chiefs are so angry at her that she can't go back to them. She is really laying it on thick with Kail about what she lost to go to BB and now she is going home and has nothing.

She is really trying to get Kail to feel sorry for her because Carol can never try out for the Chiefs again but Kail says now that you have made your mark maybe they will reconsider and that God has a plan for her. Carol says this was Jessica's plan not hers, she got brought in. Kail says that God will get her back on his plan. (Kail isn't really playing the pity party Carol is trying to throw) Kail says she made her choice, now she is staying out of it. Carol just says it sucks.

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Jen, Kail and Carol on the hammock. Carol telling them she cannot get her spot back on the Chiefs spirit team. They were angry she broke her committment to them. Kail says maybe after they see where she was they will let her and Carol says no. She doesn't want to go home now because she will feel like a loser.Carol says she doesn't care one way or the other which one goes and stays. Says she can see the pros and cons for both

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Carol is still on Hammock basically telling her life story. Like she has cheated on every boyfriend she has had with the exception of the one she has now. So for NOW she has not cheated. (OK I added for now). Now she is whining about how she was kicked off being a cheerleader for the chiefs and how if she has to go back she is going back to nothing. SHe has no idea what it is like to work because she only needs to work like once a week because her dad pays for everything else. SO you see it is really hard for her and that is why she has to stay.

give me a break


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In the kitchen, Kail, Dick and Nick are talking, and Nick asks what surf and turf is. I can't believe that he did not know what it is, and once Dick told him steak and lobster, kail asked if it always has to be lobster.

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Most all of the house guests are outside talking about the food available and about mike eating so much. haha some never had provolone cheese. Still discussing foods. Some HG moving to layout in the sun. Dick is talking about Carol getting drunk last night. Carol says she has never had bad days until now. Now trying to explain what she means about that. She is talking about flunking an exam because she was rushing to get ready for BB. Said she has to retake the class. Says that was one of her bad days.

Dick says his bad days are getting checked for STD, crashed car, or daughter not talking to him for 2 years. Says he was out on his own at 16 sleeping in his car. Dick's son's birthday is in 4 days.

Carol asked for Coronas in the DR for everyone.. said they told her we will see.

Eric is questioning why they woke them up so early for no reason.

Carol is saying they need to put the people that snore in the same bedroom. Chitchat going on everywhere. Nothing important.

Daniele is in the bath putting on lotion.. found bruises she does not know where they came from. (She is nothing like her father... totally opposite).

Eric is out on the patio talking a mile a minute about his career to Dick and Carol. Talking about city life and budgeting. Taking about clubs, Eric prefers "neighborhood" type bars. Says he lives in the upper east area.

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Daniele discussing how easily she bruises, and how ugly they are with some girls.

Eric talking about NYC and such

Daniele and Kail in the HOH bathroom putting on suntan lotion. Kail feels as though she's missing her suntan lotion. Daniele suggests it might be outside.

Kail heads outside while Daninele runs to the bathroom, grabs something, then also heads outside.

Now we head outside for a tanning Dustin, Jen, Mike (? could be Zach?) , and another male. Dani joins them. They're boring so I'm switching feeds.

Carol, Dick and Eric on the couches outside discussing ABSOLUTELY NOTHING important. Oh pardon..they're talking about the museum of natural history.

Eric loves going to planetarium shows.

Dick/Eric and Carol are now discussing greek mythology. *switches feeds*

Kail: hey daniele does suntan lotion ruin bathing suits.

Daniele: no.

silence. these guys are thrilling *eye roll*

looks like Mike, Dustin, Kail and Daniele are suntanning in silence.

Zach starts counting outloud.

Dustin: are you doing the area of the yard?

Zach: yes.

Zach thinks it's 88.64.

D: I'm going inside to get my flipflops, anyone up for a pool dive soon?

Z: very soon


Z: unless those are spaced 10 feet apart. I figured they were 8

D: what?

Z: the knobs on the top of the fence. length times width right?

*Z walks away*

D: Zach is the most random person i've ever met. I thought I was random.

Sidenote: Nick has been with them the whole time, with a towel over his head sunbathing. Complete silence from him.

(editor note: anyone have any tips to tell zach and mike apart!?)

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Daniele feels they should request a thermometer.

they all agree the grass is double the temp it really is outside.

Kail: Evel.. are you coming over here?

Dick: yeah

K: can you grab me a little washcloth?

Dick: yeah

K in a singsong voice: I don't care what anyone says about you evel, I like you!

Eric:I feel like my lube will compromise my microphone. Should I not wear it?! I'm all lubed up!

E: I now have my new location for when I'm topless (he attatched the mic to his nipple ring)

People: the camera loves you eric!

E: finally... now cuz I'm all lubed up.

K: ugh I'm sweating.. so much for the makeup today.

E: Don't worry, you have 15 more hours to reapply it.

Jen and Carol in the kitchen...

J: I feel like we don't talk. he'll be like, you're hot, and I said that's not talking. We never talk, we just sit there awkwardly. I told him he has to come up with something else. He said i'm not trying to come up with anything, you're just hot.

C/J discuss the comps, and how they want luxury comps. They speculate they won't get luxury until atleast 8yet.

J: they had the graveyard comp.. 8 were in the grave, 3 inside.

C: no, 6 outside, 4 inside.

they discuss which specific houseguests were inside, outside, etc.

J: james could have been inside.

C: James? there was no james on sason 7

J: oh yeah. I must have thought...

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Amber is laying in bd crying not sure why, some are setting up waterslide...

Carol in kitchen doing small talk...soon to be out. Says she doesnt think about it then it just pops up...Boys making some food,

Danielle and Jesica in pool,

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Seems Danielle and Dad are not so distant she actually just watched him slip and slide and laugh. She is in pool with Kail, Jen and Crol at counter,Nick mixed up a protien drink, is telling them that he thought a few teachers hot but one had a crush on him or flirted with him. Mike said he wont date Jenn again it was weird/

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They are all complaing about the heat there, just feel like laying around the house, Mike is premaking turkey nurgers for people that can eat, Dustin is watching him, Amber and Joe making the beds in there room, Dustin is in there now and chatting with Joe very friendly, Dick slip in sliding, Jessica now in the pool.All pretty much..blaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa (give em some grack please)

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Zack telling story of when he had Bells Palsy, but didnt know what it was called, then Eric telling of his strange illnesses. Eric is pushing for more dates(must had Americas challenge or something,Dustin talking about a jerk off alliance, LOl with Jessica...

Cameras totally of Eric Zach, Jessica and Dustin....little boring be back soon..(they should give em some BB7 tapes)

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jam and carol talking in Small bed bedroom about production of show, covering cameras (and that they would get auto nominations). carol doesn't care, already nominated. saying that house is split on carol or amber to vote. jameka: mhmm. mhmm. mhmm.

carol scared of being voted out unanimously.

feed now on dick outside

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Evil Dick and Danielle tried to have a conversation but She felt everyone was watching. Also Zach has been asking Dick "Are You SURE it's a coincidence you and your Daughter got on the show just randomly?" Evil and His Daughter are tighter than the others Know , "for sure" anyways.

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Dick & Dani on the BY sofa...

Dick: I was telling you last night that um in the beginning you felt like he was going to be really close with you but he hasn't talked to you in 2-3 days.

(long pause)

Dick whispering: people are kinda of uhhh... can you hear me?

Dani: hmmm

Dick: people seem kinda suspicious that we like went to the audition and ran into each other together so I left a message in that..

Dani: people think that what?

Dick: that we just like randomly ran into each other at the audition

Dani: we did

Dick: I know but they are suspicious of it because it is so random

Dick mentions Zach being suspicious & Dani says that she really can't hear him & people are looking at them so they should talk later. Dick gets up & leaves. (I am not convinced that Dick & Dani planned to be in the house together because why would she say it was random to Dick when no one else was around listening if it was planned)

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Kail talking abut her turkey burger, "I have had bettter, this is about my sixth one". Girls talking about the boys all muscle no brawn. Joe applying sunscreen like it was candy, in places were the sun dont shine..ODD

Carol told him his shorts were too long he should cut them...


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Amber is lying in Bed with all the men around her. It is really cute,

BB made them come in cause of the banners in the sky, must be worried about messages.

Carol came in and popped up on the bed too,

Dustin trying on clothes in front of the girls asking them to tell him to throw out certain stuff.

too funny...right

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Dustin/Carol/Amber hanging out in the BB room talking about shorts. Amber asks Carol if she is worried. She says yes because she thinks the house is split 50/50. She thinks people don't really have a preference but they just don't wanna piss the one off that stays. More I am not fighting blah blah blah from Carol. They start discussing who's vote they think they have (& they both act sincere haha) Carol starts dogging Jessica. She tried to give her a chance but doesn't like her. She wants to smack her & would get so much pleasure from punching her in the face (could somebody cough up the $5 & end this feud already)

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Amber and Carol asking each other if they are nervous. Carol says that she thinks it is 50/50...Amber is just agreeing. Carol says that most want to vote one way so the one staying wont be mad. Carol figures it has to bea majority so no one is on the abd side of the one staying. Amber just agrees like she never thought of that. Dustin is saying everyone just doesnt want to piss anyone off.

Dick comes in and says one eviction off on Thursday, some think double.

Amber says she worked so hard to get there that it is just annoying that she might be going. Carol just says she wishes she could go back and have her old job back, but that they ahted her.

Wonder why.......

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Amber is crying agin...they are talking about whom likes whom...It is a total toss up. Carol says Jessica will vote for Amber, Carol says she f..king hates Jessica, that she is stuff up, dosnt talk to anyone..yada yadda..(kettle calling the pot Blk) Amber says nothing ...Carol said she would actually like to punch her in the face and get pleasure. They summize that they ahve 2-2...with no idea about the rest.....

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Carol is trashing Jessica and her mom, over and over and over.......

BB tell Joe smoking on back Patio only!!

Whole lotta nothing...(feeding my hamsters bbsoon)

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Carol tells Amber that she thought Jess was great until she met her mother. Then things changed because she thinks Jessica's mom puts too much pressure on her about being the prettiest, best body, etc.. She says her mom (Carol's) puts presure on her too, but in a positive way, about grades. It seems, according to Carol, that Jess's mom is an extreme "pageant mom" (ew)

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