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Challenges -Suggestions and Ideas

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Last year their were not too many Luxury Challenges. We had the hot tub, an internet thing and the clothes - plus some prizes in the Christmas Veto comp.

My idea is to get them back weekly they should be merged with the Veto Challenge.

We go back to all HMs competing in the Veto Challenge - but the winner can forfeit the power of Veto in exchange for a mystery reward.

I'd also like to see the HMs offered luxuries for forfeiting challenges.

For example, the first HoH challenge would be an endurance event and take place soon after they move in.

The catch is though the bedroom isn't unlocked till the challenge begins - and it's first come, first serve. So do HMs quit the challenge for a comfy bed?

And finally, let's have something different than the usual unlocking the hot tub scenario. In the second UK series we had a hot tub hidden in the garden under a rockery. Why not do something similar and see how long it takes them to find it?

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Another idea...

Each weeks challenges are linked by a theme, beginning with the HoH Challenge.

For example, the theme one week could be "Pirate Ship".

The HoH Challenge, Food Challenge and Veto Challenge would all be linked to this theme.

In addition, a further task runs continuously throughout the week for the HGs to win a luxury reward. These would be along the line of the UK weekly tasks.

In the case of the Pirate Ship two HGs would have to keep watch in the "Crow's Nest" 24 hours a day. If BB raises a flag indicating LAND or PIRATES, they have to ring a bell and all HGs have to gather on deck within 3 minutes. They are permitted 3 fails over the length of the task. If they get four fails, they lose the task.

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Anyone got any idea for competitions that could feature on Big Brother this year.

I think to start with we'll consider two challenges - the first food competition and first HoH competition.

These both usually appear in the Premiere show (which is recorded).

The food competition normally has a twist - and for the past two years has been linked to the theme.

The first HoH comps in the last two series have been done in pairs, with one HM sitting out to determine who from the pair is HoH. With 14 HMs this year, it will have to be done slightly differently.

Remember to try and link them to the "Summer of Secrets" theme - and if possible, somehow give a subtle hint to the main "secret pairs" twist.

I'll have a think and get back to you with my ideas!


BB2: Food Challenge. HMs piled into a car with shopping. The twist was last HM to leave the car won it.

BB3: Food Challenge. In pairs, HMs had to stay in nests with shopping for a set time. The twist was the last pair to quit their nest would win $3000 between them for each week they are in the house.

BB4: Food Challenge - they had to stand on beams which were raised to form the shape of an X - a subtle clue that later the 8 original HMs would be joined by their ex's.

HoH Challenge: HMs compete in pairs. The one HM who didn't compete got to choose which of the winning pair was HoH

BB5: Food Challenge - climbing through a strand of DNA. The twist saw one HM who got a special ball offered $10,000 if they put the house on PB&J for a week.

HoH Challenge: Again HMs competed in pairs. One of the winning pair then had to answer a question correctly about the HM who didn't compete to become HoH.

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Guest ranster627

to be clear ... are you asking for creative challenge ideas?

like I think they should bob for apples for a food competition?

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Good question Brekkie!

For the HOH competition, I think there should be 7 teams of 2. Make the teams quickly turn back to back. Then ask them questions about their teammate ie...what color are their eyes, color hair, where are they from, what do they do for a living...and such as that. The one that answers the most correct answers is the winner.

For the Food competition, have 5 covered plates in front of each HG. Tell them that each HG will have a pair of plates that has there favorite snack. Under the other 3 will be a secret. They have to take turns and choose whether they want to pick a plate or eat PB&J for a week. If they choose to pick a plate they must eat what is under that plate. Then have really gross food under the other 3 plates. This would be an individual competition, so you might have 0 or 14 eat PB&J for the first week.

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to be clear ... are you asking for creative challenge ideas?

like I think they should bob for apples for a food competition?

Yep - but hopefully you can come up with something better than that!

I'll clarify my first post and make it more specific!

I'm still thinking. I think perhaps for the food challenge I'd like their to be a twist where there is an individual winner who must then pick someone to share a major prize with. Would they pick their partner?

Food Challenge: PB&J Surprise

The HGs split into seven pairs and must then face off in their first challenge.

Each pair of HGs are presented with a PB&J sandwich each

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Not sure what exactly but the first HoH comp should be an endurance challenge done in pairs.

Once one member of the pair quits, both are out of the race. When one pair remains, whoever lasts the longest is HoH.

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Guest ranster627

great concept brekkie, but they won't do it because they will not want to reveal the pairs ...

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Not sure what exactly but the first HoH comp should be an endurance challenge done in pairs.

Once one member of the pair quits, both are out of the race.  When one pair remains, whoever lasts the longest is HoH.

last year was sort of the same way..remember they paired people up one was on a treadmill the other was answering questions.

When it came down to Scott and Jase (The winning team) Will broke the tie because he had no partner

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Just had a brainwave and thought of a way BB can pair up the secret pairs without the HMs knowing.

The first HoH compwould be question based "Which Housemate?" challenge.

Each HM would be asked "Which housemate... ?" - with the answer being their secret partner.

Would they answer correctly in an effort to win the HoH - or would they throw the question to keep their alliance secret?

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For the Food Competiton make the HG's compete individually. When the HG's come to the competition have a table with a assortment of food ranging from good food to gross food that you would see on fear factor or survivor. Have the HG's indivdually draw a food. Now tell the HG's in order to have food for the week all the HG most eat their foods. Then allow each HG to make trades. Like maybe someone can take one for the team and eat a gross food. Also allow the HG's to do a trade in which means the HG can drop the food they have and pick a new one, however, dont tell them that once they drop the food they have they can not trade it and can not pick another they must eat what food they just picked. If the HG's all eat their indivdual food then the whole house gets to eat. If one can not eat then no food for week.

Here's the Twist!!!! The HG's who didnt eat the food tell them they have an opportunity to win some money. If they accept the offer then they must answer a question about a previous BB season. It would be a cool twist because you could piss of your HG alot and also could lose in the end and not win any money pissing yourself off.

Now for the HOH competition make it an endurance competition where the HG must stand on something and the last one standing wins. Finally the second twist of the season is for just this week only make the HOH nominate 3 HG's. If there is a tie allow the HOH to vote out any 1 of the 3 nominee's

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Well, the first food/HoH comp wasn't anything special was it - not even a subtle hint to the twist.

Compared to the first competitions of the last two years as well it just looked cheap!

The same type of endurance comp could have been done - but just hinting at the twist by having them compete in pairs. Would they choose to pair up with their partner?

Each pair would have to remain on their "podium" for as long as possible. When one person from a pair quits, that person is on PB&J while the pair of HMs are eliminated from the HoH comp.

When one pair remains the one who remains the longest is HoH - with the one who quits being on PB&J.

It's not that different - a basic endurance comp - but there is a subtle hint to the twist by having them paired up - and it also tests their pairings by seeing who they would choose to compete with!

Well, apart from this week's Veto Competition there hasn't been anything special so far.

And "Majority Rules" for at least the fourth time!

What's the betting they bring back the "Can you keep a secret" endurance challenge from last year (with the life size replicas of themselves) just to tie in with this year's twist next week.

Anyone got more ideas for competitions - I think the producers need them.

Ideas for Head of Household, Food, Veto and Luxury are all welcome, especially for a HoH Challenge to tie in with the revealing of the secret pairs twist next week.

With the Veto seemingly becoming more and more important, I think it be good one week if we had a combined HoH and Veto comp.

I'm not sure how it would work, but basically HGs would have to decrease their chances of winning HoH to win the Veto. The Veto would be easier to win, but almost certainly winning it would ruin out winning HoH.

HoH would be more difficult - and going for HoH could risk one of your potential nominees winning the Veto.

A simple idea on how this could work is the HGs basically select three boxes.

Two thirds of the boxes are blue, with one blue box containing the HoH key. One third of the boxes are red, with one red box containing the Veto.

However, some of the boxes will eliminate you from the competitions.

Opening one of the Veto boxes will eliminate you from the Veto, while another one will eliminate you from HoH.

One of the HoH boxes eliminates you from the Veto, one from HoH and one from both competitions.

HGs initially choose any three boxes they want and then open them one at a time. If eliminated, they return their remaining boxes to be split amongst the remaining competitors if no one wins the Veto/HoH.

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  • 1 month later...

When it gets down to the weeks when there are not 6 people to compete in the veto competition (like this week and next week) they need to bring in outside guests to compete against the housguests... and if someone other than a houseguest wins the POV, they can do with it what they want...

not people frm this season, but maybe people from previous seasons

it would spice up the season a little bit

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