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Thursday's LIVE Eviction Show - 8/31


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When will they be doing another HOH??

Here is an awesome twist.......

Janelle gets to stay HOH for a week and has to do the normal noms on sunday night...lol

I know, I am getting a lil carried away but, it did sound good....lol

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" I think ALL of the HG get to compete in this HOH."

Nope only the last HOH do all competitors get to compete. So who ever wins HOH can play in the final 3 but not this weeks. Janelle has to win Veto whoever doesnt win HOH they all have to win HOH this week. CT is not safe if they just win HOH they need to sweep!! The veto has just as much power as HOH literally this week.

Well I just hope William survives!

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i really hope Will wins HOH... he'll actually be competing for like the second time in the show. he needs to get it, so Erika definitely goes up. only absolute horrible thing would be if Erika won POV, Janie would go up, of course Erika would vote to keep Boogie. looks like there's only one or two scenarios in which the variables would end up playing in Janelle's favor. still rooting Janelle, and she can only get there with Willy. Janelle would have to win the following HOH in order to ensure her position in the Final 2. it's basically the only way. god so little options are left... i really didn't like this twist tonight.

Also, BB has sooooooooooo much to update the general watching public on (people who don't follow feeds or forums) on Sunday night's show so people can understand better why things went down the way they did. Like how deep Will and Janelle are into each other and how Boogie still wants Erika out primarily (unless the intensity of W and J's relationship has gotten to him)... I hope they do a good job of summing up what's been going on.

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Is there going to be a veto competition? From what I could tell (I'm on the west coast) Julie only said that there will be an hoh competition shown on Sunday and a live eviction on Tuesday... did she say anything about a veto specifically? I know Erika was complaining that the veto winner in the final four basically took away the power of the hoh since they can decide between the two non-winners themselves and the HOH has no power at all at that point. I wonder if that thinking made it into the minds of bb and they changed something this year...

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" Janelle gets to stay HOH for a week and has to do the normal noms on sunday night...lol

I know, I am getting a lil carried away but, it did sound good....lol"

hell no! Big Brother would practically give away then that they are total Janelle lovers! Which they already have in my mind. That would piss of alot of people!!!! They've already lost quite a few fans this year already they dont need to lose anymore.

" Hmm Final four i think that everyone can play for HOH."

no only final 3 everyone can play. They wont change that although who knows they are dying for it too be Janelle and Will final 2 probablly. They cant bend the traditonal rules period! Like the fact that you win HOH you cant compete the next week up until the final 3 which is obvious why everyone can play so they can do the 3 parter HOH and if you win HOH at final 4 you shouldnt be penlized for final 3 the most important HOH!

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Maybe she did put up who Will wanted but it just so happens that that was the right move. He and she knew she didn't have the votes. George would have gone home no matter what. This way she keeps them happy for now and plays to win veto. It would have been a stupid move to expose herself when she couldn't control the votes.

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HOH will be played Sunday night. Janelle is HOH until then. Since Janelle can't play this week I think this is how it will go.

If Will wins it he will put up Boogie and Erika. (To make Janelle believe she is safe with him) If Will, Boogie, or Erika win POV one of them will come off and Janelle will be put up and voted out. If Janelle wins it, nominations will stand and Erika will be voted out.

If Boogie wins it he will put up Janelle and Will. With the same senerio as above.

If Erika wins it she will put up Will and Janelle. (I think this is the one that BB wants to happen) If Erika, Boogie or Will win POV, nominations will stand. If Janelle wins it, then Boogie goes up and goes home.

Regardless of any 3 of these Will, will remain safe next week. So Will is definitly is safe next week. WHEW!!

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If Will wins HOH, Boogie will have all the power. If Boogie wins HOH, Will will have all of the power.

If Will wins HOH Janelle will leave and if Boogie wins HOH Ericka will leave.

Not true!!! The Veto winner has the most power this week. There is only 1 person voting, so if one of the nominees win they take themselves off the block AND they get to be the 1 vote and decide who stays and who goes.

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