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Newbie question about non-US BBs


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The majority do - it's just part of the original format and opinion is split about whether it should or should not be allowed.

On the one hand it makes it more of a game - but on the other hand the secretive nominations process can throw up some real surprises - and means the whole show isn't about people plotting to get rid of other people.

Big Brother Brazil is the only other one I know of that does allow discussion of nominations. They use their own variation of the HoH format, with the HoH nominating one person, the other HGs voting to decide the second nominee and then the public voting to decide who is evicted.

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I think houseguests should be allowed to discuss nominations personally. I also prefer the "self contained" version of Big Brother where the public has absolutely no influence on the outcome. Like take BBUK for example, Richard would have been gone long ago if the public didn't constantly vote to save him. Lea would probably still be in the game. Pete is more than likely to win the season and has had it sewn up since about week 2 when the outside world fell in love with him. On the contrary, in US right now its an absolute disaster and there is not much of a game going on either. Its just Janelle and Season 6 being bullies and Will lying to everyone. Its getting kind of dull, but at least no one has the game basically sealed at week 2 like Pete did in UK. Don't get me wrong, I love watching BBUK but I don't think there's nearly as much game aspect as there is in the US version.

PS: I take everything back that I said if Pete doesn't win on Friday! I'd personally like to see Nikki get it but can't root for her since she was gone for a period. I think either Richard, Pete, or Glyn need to win since they've been there the entire time, unlike Nikki, Jennie, and Aisleyne.

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