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Week 4 Nominations (SPOILER)


Week 4 Nominations  

41 members have voted

  1. 1. Who do you think Janelle will nominate for eviction?

    • Dr Will
    • Boogie
    • Chicken George
    • Diane
    • Danielle
    • Erika
    • Marcellas
    • James

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(Didn't put Kaysar and Howie on the poll, you all know why)

I think Janelle will put up Will and Chicken George for eviction. She'll put up Will to deal with the Chill Town alliance and Chicken George to force the floaters to align with the groups. Then, if one of them wins veto she can replace Boogie for Will and either Diane or Danielle for Chicken George. Anyway, I'm happy Janelle won because she's safe for another week YAY!!!!! :D:D:D

P.S. For all the BB6 Haters out there who claim the game is rigged, there were just as many, if not more, anti or semi anti BB6 players in this competition giving them just as good if not more chance of winning so you shouldn't complain about this challenge (although I'm wondering when the endurance HoH competitions will start again)

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It's not BB6's fault that some people in the house were THROWING the HOH comps, BB6 came to play, not float around like some people!!

I think she will put up Will and Boogie... I WISH she would put up Will and Diane or someone like that...

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that comp favor sov the whole way. marcellus no balls ericka the leech wouldnt dare toss out a sov.

but next week i see danielle and probably WILL on block if anybody gets veto diane will be up

ericka why is her dumbass on allstar same with marballless

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The thing is these sov people are put together in the house.

You cant criticize the floaters because their whole damn alliance from their season wasnt voted in with them.

Dont get me wrong, I like the sovs. But I just hate this thing against the floaters. Who are they supposed to join with? Season 6? no CT? no.....theres no time for them to make a 3rd team of floaters that will just be together and not float anymore....because they started picking them off week 2.

Yea I hate Erikka for being a MORON but not for floating.

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Actually now that I'm thinking about it, it would be better to nominate Boogie over Will. Boogie seems more like a threat than Will, and it would be great to take down Boogies arrogance down a peg. I still see it as a possibility Janelle could nominate Chicken George, although I wouldn't be surprised if Janelle nominated Diane or Danielle instead. I just hope Janelle has the guts to take down a member of Chill Town, even if it means nominating both Will and Boogie.

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I think some of the floaters had their chance of siding with someone. I remember in 1st/2nd week that S6 really wanted to give Jase a chance. But he kept going back and forth, and kinda of aligned with CT. They also have tried to bring Ericka in, but she keeps going back and forth, so they lose their trust in them. Marci's saver is Janelle, I think she'll protect him to the end, unless he turns on her.

But I don't think she'll put up CG. I agree, she'll probably put up Boogie and Diane, or even possibly Dannielle since she is coming after Marci.

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Earlier in the week when I was watching the late night feed the SOV were talking about who should go in week 4 and at that point they wanted Boogie to go home, there was no talk about who they were going to put up against Boogie but it was not Will they are waiting for Week 5 for him so he is out before sequester.

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The sovs were already talking about nominating Chilltown this week with Booger being the main target, but I think they should at least consider nominating Erika . . . if she makes it to the final 2 against one of them, the rest of the house just might give her the $, wouldn't you think? I mean, you could say that about any of the rest of them but I think people have noticed just how hard she's working it so . . . eh, I don't know . . .

EDIT: I just read Neb's update . . . NO NO NO!!!!! :angry:

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Okay, I've calmed down . . . I think Diane might be able to weasle out of this one if she doesn't win POV because she's all alone in the house now. So long as she promises not to take any of them out in exchange for making sequester, they might want to keep her around to do their dirty work of taking out Erika and Marcellas in the coming weeks . . . let the flip-flopping begin! :lol:

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Guest jordansmom

Nope i think they want Diane gone for fear of Jase comming back.

BTW Jase said he was hoping they were taking him to a beach of a few weeks.

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