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Do you think Will acts this way because.............


Why does Will act like a jerk? Why does Will keep messing with the Feeds?  

54 members have voted

  1. 1. Will acts like a jerk because.......

    • He's trying to compensate for his feeling of insecurity about having a small Pee Pee
    • He has the maturity level of a 10 year old
    • Other (please state what)
    • The grease in his hair has leaked into his brain

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I think he does it because he knows that it will get 75 percent of the internet's panties in a bunch. He knows it pisses them off and he is just pulling peoples strings and getting the reaction he wants. LOL I find it hilarious that it actually works

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I guess but, I really don't pay much attention to his crap. I really don't see him as a threat. I think they will get rid of him soon. If they let him stay again this year the whole house is really filled with losers..

I am not sure if I dislike Mike more because he is such an immature jerk..

I also wich you has a choice that said all of the above.

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I think Will is afraid of failure. Why risk his BB reputation with really putting himself on the line? I don't believe for one minute that he truly wouldn't love to win this game again. He sets himself up for failure with his complaints and comments on getting out early because of lost wages... he's just afraid to say, "I'm balls out trying to win this thing.", because what if he doesn't win when he is "really" trying? The funny thing is, I'd respect him more if he really put himself out there without the apathy charade. It's heartbreaking, too, to see Will come down so hard on Howie...it's like he's kicking a blooming puppy.

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Will is a joke. The guy gives himself too much credit but he is talented at manipulation, ill give him that. He has idiots like Boogie and Jase running around doing all his dirty work while he can float to the finals....must be nice to be completely worthless at HOH competitions. Speaking of which, i love Boogie's comment about how easy it is to answer true and false questions...if its so easy, how come your retarded ass didnt win you pathetic loser?

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I think he is afraid of not living up to his image.

To me he looks insecure a lot of the time and I don't for one minute classify him as arrogant. He has more of a smug glow of self-congratulation. I personally don't think he is hot either. He has the looks that would never appeal to me. He is pasty, shifty and deceitful looking and I hope his botox wears off within the next few weeks while he is still in the house!

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Ooh, sounds like Will's comments about the audience (particularly the live feed subscribers) is getting to y'all. Hey, I think he's funny because he calls it like it is. Would he like the money? I am sure he would. Does he think he will win? I'm sure he doesn't - no one, even Boogie, would want him to win a second time. But may be he still could because everyone else is getting paranoid and freaking out. I like him because he's the only one who truly sees this game as just a game. And no, I don't think he is insecure, everyone else is worried about what everyone else thinks - he doens't seem that concerned. And who cares if he has a small pee pee - he can't sleep with all of us so it's a moot point. Ha ha!

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"It's heartbreaking, too, to see Will come down so hard on Howie...it's like he's kicking a blooming puppy."

You have got to be kidding me. As malicious and hateful as Howie can be when he doesn't get his way and you feel sorry for him when he gets a taste of his own medicine? What about his most recent target Nakomis? Perhaps you feel sorry for him for all the malicious things he said about her?

Howie is funny sometimes....as long as he gets his way. Howie started in on Will from the beginning. You play with fire, you're going to get burned and he deserves every bit of it.

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