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starting to get annoyed with HG


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I am starting to get really irritated with the HG complaining and going out of their way to piss off Big Brother. There were a lot of us that wanted to apply for BB7, and having this group in there acting like they don't want to be there is annoying. Why did they go in if they were going to act this way.

Anyone else feeling that way.

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Yeah, I was looking forward to seeing Will again too. But now, I'm not so sure.

He's so arroagant and cocky, but I think he's really just insecure and doesn't want to admit it. Also love how him and Booger were both all about dissing Kaysar the first night, "He's got this undeserved arrogance." Then, five minutes later, he was mad because he wasn't nominated. Yeah, Kaysar's arrogant but you aren't, Will.

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Will and Mike together in the house was a mistake. I liked Will from his season but this is not condusive to his strategy. He is a conner and a schemer but he can't do that because of his reputation and no one will believe him. So he's handcuffed and therefore bored. So he's decided he's going to cause as much havoc for the producers as he can because he knows there is nothing they can do about it. He is just a shit disturber now. Sad really.

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They want the undeserved "celecrity status" but don't want to do anything. I dumped my feeds because I got sick of it. But I still don't understand the no singing rule. Anyone care to explain?

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Quote Orionvierling: Difference is that Will has always said he is arrogant. No false modesty from him

I have not seen that arrogance yet!

All I see is a sour pain in the butt!

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Quote TheNunOwnedGoat: "Remember when Will was in the Diary Room, the first "real" episode? He was actually UPSET and OFFENDED that he wasn't nominated. He said they were being stupid because he was the biggest threat there."

Yes I agree, that certainly was arrogant but the other ten days have been rather disappointing!

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Will's stratagey is the same this year as it was in his season. To be as annoying, as possible and to make it clear that he doesn't care when he goes home. The idea behind this, is to make them think that they would be wasting an HOH week to nominate him, while stirring up dramas between other HG's so they turn on each other, or try to get those other HG's out, before him.

I doubt it will work long term as he did previously win, and that thought has to be in the back of some of their heads. But so far, I think that stratgey has been working for him. Dr. Will is still pretty much the same way I remember him from season 2. Right down to his 'joking' arrogant comments in the DR and his rants about how much we're all freaks for watching him on the live feeds.

I think people just forgot. Dr. Will wasn't even all that popular for a long time in his season. People hated him, for much the same reasons people are complaining about now. But as the weeks progressed and they realized how dumb the other people in the house were, they started to see him as a genius. And thus, his legend such as it is, as the best BB player ever was born.

If he's around long enough this season without getting evicted, the tide will turn and you will all be singing his praises by seasons end.

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YES! I am sick of hearing the bitching and complaining. Its mainly Will, but I have also heard Boogie and Marcellas state what they could be, and would rather be doing instead of being in the house.

Why on earth did they agree to come back???

They complain of boredom, so BB gives them crafts and they complain about them.They ask for a Badmitton set, and BB delivers........what do they do, COMPLAIN!

While I am enjoying "some" of the hg's this year, I think I would have preferred an all new cast, rather than this All-Sar gig.

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just had a new thought on how to keep them from complaining... remember on Gilligan's Island, when the professor started making cool stuff, but it required 'Gilligan power', like riding a bike to generate hot water...

What if BB set up the house where the HGs could get 'things', but it required activity from them... run on the treadmill and it moves a conveyor belt to bring food into the house... you want hot water, ride the bike to generate hot water... instead of sitting around complaining about wanting BB to give them stuff, they could see their rewards behind a glass wall, and have to stay active to get them :)

(suddenly makes me think of the zoo or fair for some reason lol)

(Then again, at the zoo, who is worse, the animals sitting around waiting for food, or the people willing to put money in the feed machines, just to get food so they can toss it at the animals and watch them eat? lol)

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