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Favorite quotes by BBAS


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Will: "I am a golden god!" (In an Almost Famous moment.)

Danielle, kiddingly saying: "You know what's scary about this? They're sober." (In reaction to the shower rock concert.)

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In a heart-to-heart with Erika about the nature of the game and how he tried and failed to play differently this season (more agressively), Kaysar observes:

"You are yourself in this game."

I don't know if that's alltogether true because of the extreme conditions, but I thought it was interesting given the light of other houseguests desire to play differently, as well.

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i laugh so hard i nearly rolled out of my chair when i heard this quote:

Will tells Erika, James, Dani and Boogie he can't help but notice Janelle told Howie to guess that

James: cuz she's that selfish and he's that stupid.

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This was during one of Wills rants to messageboard posters and live feed watchers who complain that there is not enough "real people" on BB.

"Come on who would watch this show if it had twelve 50 year old overweight fat ladies on it"

That's rude but funny as hell.

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Will, in reference to James throwing his post-POV fits when he doesn't get his way stood up to imitate James and began swinging his arms around his head like a big baby:

"He's like an angry four-year old jacked up on pez!"


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I swear to god, Will has all of the best quotes of the season. He is so witty...

Will: I'm Dr. Frankenstein and I'm creating the perfect monster. That monster is a fembot named Janelle.

Will: James thinks the game is fixed in Janelle's favor. It is, and I'm the one fixing it.

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Will, preparing for bed as Janelle (seemingly mesmerized) gazes on:

"F*ck; I just dropped the soap in the trash can. What should I do? Let it ride? Yeah...I'll just blame James." :lol:

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This has to be my favorite so far this season. Dr. Will's explanation of James opinion that Janelle cheated in the POV:

"There was a little bit of controversy during the game, see, it was James' contention that he and Janelle came to a doll at the exact same time and Janelle kicked him and bit him and punched him in the face and pulled one of his eyes out and then she went and got some pliers and yanked out one of his wisdom teeth..... the way I saw it..... SHE JUST WHOOPED HIS A$$"


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~Will to Howie (around 2:20 BBT today): "If I was gay, which I'm not, and there was a nuclear holocaust and you were the only man left alive, I'd swim to China on the rumor that George Michael survived the blast."~

Wow that's almost intellectual for Howie, LOL!!! :lol:

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james: i am not marcellus , i use vetoes :lol:

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  • 2 weeks later...

wordup, girl ;)

I just saw your earlier post (chuckle - I almost posted that in the "For literati:" thread but was waiting for WIll to say something even closer to it than he actually did - at least syntactically) and wondered:

Why did you omit "Pinky"? Did you judge The Booger not worthy of the name (cause Pinky's so sweet)?

It certainly wasn't because of a difference in the intelligence levels. And considering Will's tone several times when explaining to The Booger what was going on in the house and what CT had to do next (and TB's reaction to it) I have seen some definite Pinkyishness in The Booger this season: "Hey Brain - I just had an idea: if I let go of the key I can slide all the way down the volcano!"

Are you pondering what I'm pondering, Chicktown?

Oh - I'm supposed to add a favorite quote from this season.

The one that made me laugh the most requires context: It's The Booger, the day after his now oft-quoted conversation with Will about what TB was going to do that night to keep E. loyal to CT, coming out of whichever room he was keeping his stuff in and asking, first Will and then the room: "Did you eat my chocolate chip cookies? ... well somebody did!"

All I could think was that that was karma: somebody ate his box of cookies and did NOT announce it to the world.

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:lol: Hey Samg...and yes, Pinky is a sweet, if densely profound, little mouse...where the only comparison to Booger is the true sense of subordination to Will (Brain). It would be interesting to count the number of times Will said, "this is your assignment" or "this is what you've got to say" and build a ratio of orders to actions. I know, what a nerd.

As to your cookie quote, it's an excellent choice. Part of the great line, too was "Did you and your doll friend eat my cookies?"

I also thought it hilariously funny that Booger came to see reason when he realized his hamburger helper was also missing.

Are you pondering what I'm pondering? ;)

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