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Will a Houseguest return to the game?

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do you think that they will bring somebody back, like last season or season 3? i know for sure that if they bring someon back it wont be one of the ones that didnt make it into the house because from what i have heard they are all at home. i believe that they will bring one of the first four evictees back into the game. the reason i think this is because will just said on the feeds that he wants a penalty nomination and when the leaves he wont go into sequester, and you only go into sequester if you are either voting on the winner or they bring someone back. so we should watch and see if ali goes to sequester or if she goes home.

if they do bring one of the evictees back i hope they dont do americas choice because we all know that one of the bb6ers would go back in, probably james cause i dont think he'll last much longer. i think they should do a competition to see who goes back in.

edited: also isnt there an extra week even with 14 hgs, without a double eviction week, that could also mean something.

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NO NO NO. No bringing someone back. That is played out. It kinda worked previous seasons, but this time, with everyone already knowing each other and already getting back in a 2nd (or 3rd in Kaysars case) time, no, I don;t want to see it. These folks are supposed to be All-Stars, they shouldn't need another chance once they leave the house.

I don;t care if it is Janelle or Chicken George or anyone in between...I only want to see them once this season, but they better make it good when they are on so that the show comes back next year with NEW, REAL folks.


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if they are going to bring someone back I would rather vote. This show is all about us, the live feeds are for us to watch, just as the show is for us to watch. If Alison goes, I'd rather be able to vote for her to come back in as opposed to the producers bringing her back in. (of course my vote will go to any BB6 who gets the boot or Erika/Marcellas.)

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yes, but like the fans, the producers may have a different version of who played better. But producers being producers like ratings so they'd prefer to have someone come back that may bring in some extra ratings.

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lol except boogie... i don't remember a thing about him. when everyone was bashing Erika, saying she was not worthy of being an All Star, I went to the Big Brother 4 website on CBS. I looked at the popularity polls and she had the highest over any of the others, so I can understand why she made it back. But Boogie? I still think he should be DQ'd for releasing his name as a candidate before the show even aired. Not only did he mention it, but he was campaigning. (not that it worked LOL)

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I think they should let the chips fall where they may. If they go, they go. Just let the game play out. Even if my fav's leave. Second chance should not be an option. They need to play the game to their best and except defeat if they have to leave.

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i think it would work well into this season. since its happened before, it kinda works, like in survivor they did the same challenges, it would be fun to bring back one of the previous twists. also, can you imagine if alison goes back into the game with janelle, erika, boogie and marcellas still in the game. so it would add extra drama and more memorable moments, like this week was so crazy and fun, if ali came back we would be sure to have another one just like it. see another idea on who comes back could be a mixture of everything. out of the four evictees, america votes for three of them, the top three evictees then stand before the remaining active houseguests and they vote for two of those players. the last two evictees compete in an endurance competition to see who wants it more. that would be fun and interesting to watch.

here is to hoping alison has nobody waiting for her tonight after her eviction and she goes to sequester!

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I read somwhere that of the 6 "Top 20" players who didn't make it in, only one has not yet been accounted for, and that is BUNKY.

So the idea seems to be that maybe those 6 had a competition of some kind, and that the winner (which looks to be Bunky) would stay in sequester until BB puts him in at some point (possibly after an eviction, maybe even tonight's).

And yeah, Will seems to want to leave in the first five weeks, so he doesn't waste time been sequestered just to vote for the winner, when instead he could be back at his practice making money.

Some of the houseguests have already talked to each other about the possibility of there being another America's Choice to vote someone back in, like last year, and that if that happens, they will all team up and evict that person right away. So if the producers are aware of that, maybe they will throw in a week's immunity or something.

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I don't care much for the bringing evicted HG's back. The object of the game is to get them out, so why bring someone back, after they've been booted out. If CBS can't come up with new twists, I suggest they read this message board, because I've read a lot of good ideas, that would make excellent season twists. ;)

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Why not go america's choice to let one of the 6 who didn't get in go in at week 4 or something like that? I think it would through the houseguests for a loop. All the alliances trying to bring the new player into their fold.

P.S. If the mime is one of the choices, I'm voting for him. :)

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Does anyone know if there will be someone returning to the house again this year? for the past several years someone has returned, I wonder if someone will this year. OR maybe one of the others that didn't go in to begin with will be going in. :huh:

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My bet, based on the fact that no one was there to meet them when they were evicted, is that someone will be going BACK in that was already there this year. Do you know if anyone has seen Nak or Allison in public yet yana?

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I dont think there will be a return of a house guest and here is why.

The houseguest last year who were in the running to return into the house were in total sequester and werent allowed access to the public audience. For example on house calls the calls were screened with Ashlea, Mike, Eric and Kaysar; this year however callers to house calls have been able to directly talk to the evicted house guest and even reveal information to Allison and Nakomis that they didnt know prior to eviction.

Also. I think Big Brother may have sacked the whole meeting the family outside of the house after getting evicted, if you recall the second time kaysar got evicted there was no family there to greet him, even though he was not going into sequester nor would there be a chance he may return. They also took live phone calls on housecalls the next day after Kaysar was evicted.

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