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I am so sick of the friggin fire/smoke/music

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Marty like the mute idea..because I mean comeon it is only usually one word or name that the houseguests are dropping no need to fire up the feeds for 3 minutes for a 1 second word!! My goodness CBS Definatly needs to address this issue!!

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Last nite was probably the WORST it has ever been (that I recall).

Muting instead of doing the Fire lava and 'Music from He[[' is a GREAT idea.

Fining or penalizing the HG's somehow is another good idea..... CBS has enough time left to put something like that into place (even if it's something like seperating rice...lol)

I'll be using the CBS complaint website addy if it's the same way today.

This is beyond REDICULOUS :angry:

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Due to a busy schedule,poor video/sound reception and the great updates I can pop on & get anytime on Mortys,I'm not buying this year.Think I'll use the money on a new beach bag instead. :P

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