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2:30pm BBT (sorry this is coming in late)

Mike/Will in HOH room

<why ARE they up there? Has HOH room lost it's status?>

M:the other option is, what if you/I vote separate, cause a tie? And just totally rock this game?

*M turns on monitor to watch for others coming to HOH while Will goes to bathroom*

*James/Kaysar in another room obsessing over computer users watching them/going online*

*Mike looks under HOH bed*

M: Will, hurry... we've got Janelle outside for 10 minutes a day, hurry up

W: what'd you say?

M: Janelle doesn't stay outside very much, I'm going under the bed if someone comes in... Erika will not keep Alison... I asked if there was any scenario that could be presented and she said no

W: cause she doesn't see it, or... so you're gonna hide under the bed if someone comes? That's gonna be amazing...

M: Marcelus called you out about being the cult leader, to Diane... Diane/Nic I've got 'em, whatever we want to do

W: Marc is with Danielle?

M: I told James, Janelle tried to play cutesy with Will, they woke a sleeping giant... he said I KNOW... he's somewhat candid

W: this is close, it's not a landslide, when is the vote?

M: Wednesday? Alison being a loose cannon, if we find a way to keep her.. if they win HOH again, there is a good chance they put her up again... but I don't know, you are the mastermind of this

W: Ironically, the fact that you and I are obviously together, it almost gives us one more week... people know it.. they are more afraid of what they don't know

M: do we go to them, James offered this up, what if we go to season 6 and make a super power

W: Did James admit he is with them?

M: he said I'm with them for now, because that's where the numbers are

W: I thought we HAD a super power with James... can we trust Marcelus?

M: I don't know... I think we can because he is scared... if we tell him we heard the SOV6 talking about him being a floater, then we have a chance.... Nic and Diane, hate season 6, and they don't trust Danielle.... if we go the way of Alison, we have 4 for sure.

W: can you have a conversation with Alison, saying, if you stay, you have our back...

M: I did...

W: because I haven't had a conversation with her yet

M: oh yea, I HATE Janelle, I want to get the HOH and go AFTER them! if we get HOH, if HOH isn't won by George or season 6...

W: even if you and I get put up... I'll be like, ok, send me out, so they won't think they have to worry about the veto...

M: on that note, if we make S6 think we are with them, they might tank the HOH... we don't have the luxury of tossing the comps... I thought we did... but everyone is you and will you and will

W: do you want to say to S6, look, if I win the HOH, who do you want me to put up... S6 wants Ali gone, right? If you say to James, if I win HOH, who do you all want to go up?

W: I'll float an idea... what if we talk to George..

M: Ali or Diane did, and he doesn't want to play

W: but it only takes this much to get in his head

M: if you said to him... look, I'm about to run this place... cause you are his idol...

W: you don't want it to be 6-4 and have Danielle realize we did it

M: and S6 realize

W: can we make it look like we are hanging out, and others are the ones orchestrating it?

M: James thinks we are on the fence, and I think we are the leaders... if Danielle stays, she's by herself

W: but she's with Marc and James

M: we need to talk to Marc today

W: and Ali

M: she's done, I know for a fact... and I've talked to Nic, we can roll her... and Ali

W: how about Erica

M: she hates Ali... James was like, you can't trust her!

W: I can't take James bragging... he dated half the world and taught Shaq to dunk

M: do we talk to Howie? I feel like if we vote with them they may tank the HOH

W: what if we chill today... and tomorrow

M: we have to do it in the next 36 hours

W: this conversation is going to be on tv, and it's going to look really good, or...

M: if we vote with the 3, S6, at least we know there is less of a chance they come after us, and we know which way the vote goes..

W: if we go with the S6, I think they come after us next... I'm the biggest risk here, because I don't mind going home... Jase and Janelle can't play for HOH... we have Diane and Nic

M: what if Erica wins? who does she put up?

W: we are real cool with Erica... why don't we talk to her during pilates?

M: I'm calling out the coasters this year

W: Let's ask Erica if she thinks S6 are all together... if 7 go to sequester, and 3 of them are from S6...

M: I've told people... if you make friends with them, fine, but if you go to the finals with them... Ali is strong with us...

W: but she'll stab us in the back...

M: I'm thinking for us... how do we get to week 3? I'm worried about week 2... can you play for it?

W: yea, I was playing for it last week

M: I told myself I was going to coast and tank, but I realized we can't

W: you are in a good position, because no offense, if it's us up, I'm going

M: I thought that, but they would think you'll go anytime

W: let's ask Marc, if you or one of us gets HOH, who would you want to go up... who should I talk with? George?

M: yea... the question is when do we call George in on the strategy?

W: could you do this? you, me, Diane, Nic vote for Danielle, and hope someone crosses?

M: I'd do that with 5, cause then worse case is a tie... let me find out what happens in a tie... I talk to Marc, you talk to George, tonight we'll talk to Erica

W: let's tell Erica, we talked to S6, they said next week they want to put up you and George because you two are the coasters... she won't call them out on that, did you guys say that? unless she's secretly in on that

M: I don't know if she's playing secretly, but she doesn't talk to me... Diane and Nic talk to me... I just don't think Ali can sway anyone else

W: you have to have that conversation with her, so that if she does stay, she'll know we did this for her

M: oh, there is no way she'd put us up

W: we want her to know we want this to be a long term relationship

M: Marc is a wildcard right now... I'm gonig to the DR to ask about the tie

W: honestly, I don't know, this is one of the most up in the air.. it could go either way

M: it will affect how this game plays out

W: the problem is everyone is trying to float... Kaysar is doing nothing

M: he's in that alliance, he knows Janelle and James stand out

W: He spends a lot of time with Erica

M: she knows she can come back to us because of the friendship, but she knows they are very powerful right now, so she wants to gravitate towards them

W: if you try to call them out as a group, they'll say no we aren't a group, but we know they are

M: they'll try to play it off... I want to find a way to go up against them.. but I don't want to be the nerd herd

W: if we have one other person who go it... what I want to do is break the house into groups of two or more, so we can call them out...

We've got to create mass parinoia today... I'm gonna tell George he's going up, because of them

M: we tell him he needs protection, and we can offer it

W: Marc is saying you are playing all sides, and that makes him nervous

M: you're the one person that I feel could talk to George

W: I feel I can talk to Howie... I told him his biggest adversary could be his allie... and he kept repeating it, and I said shut up! Should we bring him in and tell him we are going to bring it down... do you want to be a secret 3?

*James/Kaysar downstairs discussing BB6 and Howie going hurricane on April

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Diane and Marc talking in the red room.

Diane says even though Alison is such a loose cannon in the long run Dani needs to go now.

Marc agrees and says that Erika is going to be pissed

Then the conversation turns to Howie having sunburn.

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Just heard Diane telling a story about the time she got pulled over, and she gave the cops her sisters ID, thinking shed get off with just a warning..Instead they gave her a ticket! LOL

Diane: 'The only blemish she has on her record is because of me' Then she laughs.

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Watching this conversation between George and Nakomis seems like Nakomis is babying George about all of this. She is telling George that Dani is a snake in the grass and Alison is a kamikaze player. So she is basically saying evict Dani.

Then george goes: I found it scary when James said if anyone backdoors me ill throw him off the balcony. He is genuinly scared James would throw him off the balcony. Nakomis is trying to tell him James just wants attention.

I find it funny how George is really scared.... in my opinion george should be evicted because he is going to float and he just doesnt belong in that all star house....

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4:50pm BBT

Nakomis and George out back talking. Nakomis seems like she's trying to convince George to vote out Danielle.

George feel that they're outnumbered.

Nakomis says "if we can keep things like they are for a while, we have the numbers. A lot of people are pissed off about people's attitudes."

George: James said if anyone does the backdoor to him he'd throw them off the balcony. I didn't like that.

N: Ignore him, he's trying to get attention, he's trying to get under your skin, and that's his strategy. Just ignore him.

G: He kinda meant it though.

N: No, cause if he ever tried to do anything violent he'd go into the DR and not come back.

G: If he's there at the meeting and he's gonna go anyway... WOW.

N: And that's just him being a spoiled kid. You don't know if you've been backdoored or not if you're the second for eviction. Just let him be like that.

G: He told me that, that if anybody backdoors me... and he looked me right in the eye. And he's a strong dude, too!

Howie calls looking for someone, Nakomis says she doesn't know where she is.

G: So, with Danielle, should we just lay low then?

N: Just keep doing what you're doing, don't talk to her about voting, about the house, about talking to people... just tell her "right now, I'm not sure" or "right now, you're looking good" You'll find out in this game it's all about keeping quiet.

G: ok, thanks Nakomis. But I'll let you know what I hear from Howie.

They're laughing about something, how Howie didn't see what he was saying.

G: I like the guy, I think he's...... and they're trying to really keep him quiet...

N: Yes, they are.

G: That one night it was 3:30 in the morning, and he and Kaysar came outta that room. And I know they're talking to Howie. ... silence... You how how they say that this game is just confusion? There's a lot to be said about that.

N: Strategy is confusion, yes.

G: there's something up with that knife.

N: I know, why won't they let us have the knife?

George says he had Jase's camoflauge sheet thing in his bag. N wondering what's up with the knife, though.

N: Like someone didn't pass the psych test.

George asks what Janelle's last name is. N says she doesn't know.


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Nik and CG in BY talking strategy. Nik is giving CG tips on how to be in the house and to sway him to vote to evict Dani. Although, CG already gave his word to not evect Dani to Dani herself. Nik does not know this, CG didn't tell her. But, Nik sounds like she is convincing him.

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G: getting back to that thing with Jase, there's this camoflage thing..... It was in MY bag. Just seems strange. And what does camo mean? HIDE.

He admits he might be reading too much into it.

Nak just wants to know what the twist is (duh, the double HOH thing, maybe???)

Nak says Diane is on the same page as them when George asks if she's talked with her. Nak says she's very charismatic.

Nak goes inside to get some soda. George thanks her for talking.

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Switching feeds. Dani and Jase are outside on the red couch. Jase is eating...says he hasn't seen Howie all day. Dani says he has been quiet. Erika and Ali are on the hammock talking.

Ali is talking to Erika about how every season gets along but theirs. Sounds like they are airing their feelings.

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5:02 P BBT- spider cage

Apparently during the outdoor lockdown the spiders cage had some crickets added so the spiders could eat. Howie, Kaysar, Will, Boogie, Danielle and Alison are watching several of the spiders eat and are rooting for the crickets to be eaten. Alison and Boogie appeared to be talking strategy in the yellow room after walking away from the cage but because Howie and Will were also talking the specifics of their conversation couldn't be heard.

Camera changes from the spider cage to James, Kaysar and Marcellas in the bathroom. Marcellas appears to be jumping into the shower while the other two are just hanging out in the bathroom. James is calling himself "lythargic" and other cruel comments about himself.

Kaysar walks back to the spider cage and the feed follows him.

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Ali and Erika on the hammock talking. They seem to be clearing the air.

Ali feels that each season on the all stars show has their own good relationships except her own season.

Ali: I know I hurt your feelings.

E: You said a lot of things and it was very hurtful. You and Jun never had to take responsibility for the things you guys said. Jack and I got the most of it from the other cast members. I know I said that horrible thing about Jee, and that was the only bad think I said even though everyone else was mean too.

A: I remember we were out at .. don't remember, we couldn't get someone in, and you and Josh came and I pulled you aside to say I'm sorry and I know I was really hurtful about things... and it's embarassing, and I think that's why I had a really hard time afterwards. And I am really sorry... and I know it was so embarassing to you guys that we didn't have a friendship afterwards. I felt reall really bad, and i do still feel really bad. And it's awkward to come in here when everyone's hugging each other and then I'm like "hi erika, don't hurt me!"

Erika says mhmmm

A: I've seen you a lot with Janelle and I think I've made it clear that if I say that's who I'm going after. The floating thing worked for me in my season.... It's nothing personal, there's 4 of them she came after me, she's strong, if I stay she goes down.

Ali thought E was mocking her one night with Diane when Ali was half asleep. Erika assures her she wasn't, they're laughing.

Erika was talking about someone on the outside telling her to go after Diane and we got FoTH briefly.

Ali talking about how the whole house wants to break up BB6. Ali says she didn't want to campaign, but she kinda had to start being things moved so fast. Ali doesn't think she has the votes, Erika tells her not to count the votes yet.

Erika doesn't know who Janelle wants out.

A: What can I do to get you to vote for me to stay?

E: I was gonna vote for you (talk to you??) because I thought you and I were cool.

Erika keeps talking about another girl named Erica who knows Ali and told Erika that Ali had changed. This other girl is friends with both Erika and Ali on the outside.

At the wrap party, Alison's mom told Erika that she thought Ali really adored her.

A: I did appreciate all of our talks and everything we did in that house, and you probably don't believe me, but if Robert hadn't been there and hadn't won that last HOH ... I would've taken you.

E: I know you would have.

A: If it was between you me and Jun I would've taken you over Jun. I didn't trust Robert.

A: If I can guarantee you I won't put you up next week if I get HOH would you consider voting for me to stay?

E: What's everyone's consensus in the house??

A: I think it's 5-5. And George is the wild card. And that's with you on the other side. And I haven't approached Kaysar or Howie.


E: Can I see if I can work on some people? Cause I don't think everyone's mind is made up, honestly.

A: I can't promise everyone that I won't put them up.

Erika says that she assumed she'd vote for Danielle as soon as nominations happened, she figured she and Ali were cool.

E: I told you I wasn't coming after you.

A: We can totally work this angle. Oh man, i told myself I was not gonna be sneaky this year. Damnit.

E: Let's do this... without it being me, if I can get you another vote...

A: Who?

E: Where's George in this?

A: I have five, with you six, with George 7. Majority. That only leaves 2.

E: Well if I can get George and I stay on the other side...

A: You think you can work on George?

Some more talk about votes and who Erika would want out, she doesn't really answer.

A: Do you think George knows what's going on??

They laugh.

A: He knows what's up. He did not get a free ride in here. No way.

E: So you'd put up CG with who?

A: Janelle

E: Hm, interesting.

A: Can you not tell her that?

E says she wouldn't.

A: Everyone knows I'm after Janelle. And honestly it's only cause she put me up first, and sealed the deal with the veto and now I'm pissed.

They laugh.

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Howie in the kitchen with George

Alison and Erika on the hammock

A: I did appreciate all our talks

E: If i had on that last HOH Robert would have been gone, and we would have been final 2

A: I would have taken you over Jun

A: I haven't approached Kaysar or Howie

E: I don't think everyones mind is made up 100%

E: When you went up, I decided to vote out danielle,cause you and me, we're cool

A: Man I told myself I wouldn't be sneaky this year

E: I think I can get you another vote

A: I have 5, with you 6, if I get george thats 7 the majority,

A: I haven't talked to Janelle, I can put up Jase him and I haven't talked

E: So you put up George, who else

A: Janelle, the whole house wants her out

E: You scare me Alison

A: She sealed the deal when she put me up, and then didn't use the veto

A: James is going to be a floater

E: He's gonna try

A: Not if I can help it

A: what if I put him and Janelle up

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Erika and Alison still trying to figure out the votes.

A: My only worry is that CG and Howie are like "that" , like CG makes Howie breakfast.

E: I'll talk to him. I haven't talked to him at all about the game.

A: He won't talk to me at all.


E: Well I'm glad that we cleared that up.

Some more banter and laughing. More talk about breaking up the BB6 people.

Ali telling Erika to try not to get caught up in the BB6 people

A: Stay out the line of fire damnit [laughs]

wondering who they'd put up if they got HOH. Ali saying she'd go after HOH so hard. Ali saying she wouldn't even agree to putting Erika up if Erika gave her her vote. Still campaigning hard!

Ali saying she told the producers she was gonna be laid back this year and the producers reamed her out... then we get fire for a second.

Talking about George again, E will work on George and get her that vote. Ali wonders if she has to promise not to go after him, E says no.

Talking again about the votes and who might vote to keep her.

Erika says that after Ali gets the vote to stay in she'll pretend she's after Ali and like they're enemies.

Agree to steer clear of each other after this.

Talking again about people they know outside of the house and Ali's boyfriend. Ali says her BF has totally changed her... droning on and on about him.

Alright, I'm out. Nighty night!

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Erika and Ali are speculating that the food to replace PB&J is bugs. They both say they aren't eating and will starve.

They also have formed a secret alliance and are going to play enemies to all the HG, then meet up later to talk strategy.

Ali now goest to other HG trying out the bug food idea. Marc seems to think it is possible. He thinks it is "Real Good"

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5:56 BBT- BY

Alison and Erika sitting in the hammock and Alison is asking about the campaign that Danielle is running. They talk about how good and bad are relative terms and the dialogue concludes with Erika stating that she will "work on Chicken George and then get back to [Alison]." It appears that Boogie's conversation with Erika up at the chess terrace seems to have had enough of an effect that Erika's willing to 1) talk to Alison about keeping her in the game and 2) state that she's going to work for her and 3) never clearly state which way she (Erika) is currently leaning. Amber alert anyone?

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6:02pmbbt - alison and marc talking outside on the red couches about how it really could be bugs that BB will be giving them.

A - what else would leave you begging for pb&j?

A -- bugs!

M - well that's true.

Ali tells Marc that she might have rallied to get the votes going in her direction. Marc seems surprised. Says' 'good job girl!"

Ali says nothing is sealed yet. A lot can happen in a day.

Feeds switch to HOH with Janelle and Dani talking about the differences in the house size comparing seasons. Dani says she is used to the HG pretty much all being in one location cause there's was so small. Janelle says that she was able to just ignore others by going to the gold room. Dani seems almost overwhelmed by the size of the house. Afer a little more talking Dani leaves the hoh and as she goes down the stairs sings "under pressure"

Feeds then switch to the kitchen area...Will, Jase, Alison, Howie, and Diane alll talking. Alison is giving them the bugs food theory and Will states he has NO problem with this at all.

W: I'ts gonna be embarassing when BB brings out the bug buffet and I go back for seconds.

Feeds switch again. All 4 on outside couch area with jase, Marc, Nak, and James talking about the possibility of bugs. Ali to the DR. The others talk about how allison's picture going dark when she went into the DR. Is that some kind of clue? The others are wondering whether she guessed comething crucial and they are being let known by the turning off of her picture. jase seems really confused by it all. Jase says that she worked with the CBS production crew at some time and was with them in AFrica and they ate bugs there all the time as a meal. I think she worked with CBS production on Amazing Race. Diane states that Erika works for CBS productions so it doesn't matter. But they do consider it all weird. They wonder if since Alison figured out the 'bug thing' she gets some special immunity or something.

Dani - her picture is totally gone.

Erika - she's at the VMAs! laughs

E to Kaysar - can you eat bugs?

Kaysar hesitates ....

E = of course you can't you aren't even allowed to kill a bug

All 4 feeds are on Danielle, Erika and Kaysar are outside at the hammock area. Kaysar finds it hard to believe that they would actually have to eat bugs all week. He seems shocked by the idea. He thought maybe for a competition, but for a WHOLE week? eating nothing but bugs???

They all discuss how there is a huge bug theme in the house. The tarantulas eating the crickets, the bugs on the walls, the wallpaper having bugs.

E = in bb, everything means something, so after studying the house, the bug thing DID cross my mind

K - I'll eat bread and water that week

E = ali is back and she didn't go to the VMAs and she didn't bring bugs

You can hear allison in the background commenting on her picture and what the hell is up with it?

K = I think i'm going back to bed

Dani - you're really going back to bed??

Dani to DR

K - BB doesn't love me..they never call me into the DR

E - me too

K - it's cause i'm not doing anything. i'm not ready to play the game yet. i need a period of adjustment first. I need to be ready. what's my motivation?

E - laying on the hammock

K - laying on the much talked about fake but very soft grass

E - kays..if you get it, who would you put up?

K - I dont know. It depends on who goes out. You're mind changes as things happen

E - I was thinking about keeping Ali

K= you dont think she will come after you?

E - oh i know she will come after me

K - why would you keep her again?

<silence> followed by <sighing>

K - you're saying you know she would go after you

E - i dont KNOW that, but i think that

K - james told me this afternoon that you were definitely on her (Ali) radar

E - what if the vote is 5-5.

K - What diff does that make?

E - I think james wants to keep dani and he was trying to get me to......I dont know...I just dont know. I think as it stands it's 5-5.

K - that's if (screaming from off camera couldn't tell what they were saying)

K - so why would you vote for danielle? cause the HG are going to vote and figured out who voted - sending Ali after those who voted for her?

E - yeah, pretty much.

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