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Friday, July 6 2018 Big Brother 20 Live Feed Updates


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5:39PM Taylor & Fessy
T: Did you ask Scottie if he was alright?
F: He’s as good as he can be in this situation
T: I don’t think he got the power
F: He didn’t.
They discuss if two powers are now in play or if it expires after a week. They talk about if they would announce if they are using the power or if they can just do it in the diary room and not tell anyone.

5:40PM Kaitlyn & Scottie in the lounge
K: Scottie you are not going home, I’m telling you, you are not going home. I want you to win. If you don’t I’ll pick Fessy and he’ll take you down or I’ll take you down. You are not going home I swear. I physically won’t let it happen. If you win HOH and you want to throw me up, you can, I trust you that much. Our side knows that you’re not a real thing but I need the other side to think you’re a real thing.

5:44PM K: I wonder who got the power
S: I thought I was going to get it, I thought I would get Steve’s fans and have like two fan bases.
K: I thought I was going to get it, but for some reason I think Swaggy got it.
S: You don’t think Swaggy would tell us if he got it? If I got it I probably would have said it straight out.
K: Everyone is telling me he was talking shit about me last week.
S: I didn’t hear any of that.
K: Because he knows we’re friends. But anyway, you’re not going home. No matter what happens, you are not going home, just trust me, it will all make sense in due time.

5:54PM Fessy writing something on the lounge wall while Rockstar & Scottie talk
R: What did she tell you?
S: That’s she’s putting me up but I’m safe and that I’m the pawn.
R: you’re the pawn? How do you feel?
S: uh I got kinda worried earlier. It’s still impossible to not be a little be a little worried.
R: Did she tell you who she was putting up with you?
S: Winston
R: Well that should make you feel good
S: But if Brett wins and takes them both off
F: Then Angela goes up.
R: Who are you going to pick to play veto?
S: If I get to pick, Fessy or Swaggy.
R: I would pick Fessy and then make him swear on his super hero cape to use it.
F: Yeah man, if I tell you to pick me and you pick me I’m going to use it on you and we’ll talk to Kaitlyn and we’re all on the same page.
R: So she can have a prepared whatever.

5:57PM Fessy & Kaitlyn in the pink room
K: Who has the power, is it Swaggy or Scottie?
F: No one fucking told me. If Scottie had it, he might not tell me.
K: I know Sam doesn’t have it. You need to find out who has it.
6:01 K: Just try to trust me and just remember that no matter what happens, it’s for the highest good
F: What does that mean?
K: I’m doing what’s best for our game
F: Ok that comment freaked me out
K: Why?
F: What does that mean?

6:05: Everyone is having a house dinner except Fessy & Kaitlyn who are whispering under the covers in the pink room.

F: there’s no way we could get away with that
K: I know
F:…Something about you can’t take the camera out of the wall?

After several warnings from production about covering their mics and to “stop”, they give up and join everyone at the table.


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08:00PM BBT Feeds are back up after the HoH noms.  Scottie and Winston are on the block.


08:02PM BBT Brett and Kaitlyn tell Winston in the lounge that he did well in not showing that he knew it was coming.  He said he just stared at his picture during the ceremony.


08:04PM BBT Kaitlyn is joined by Fessy, Bay, Haleigh, Rockstar and Swaggy talking about Winston's reaction.  They all laugh while Swaggy says that Winston was shaking.


08:06PM BBT Brett and Winston play Jenga in the lounge.  JC joins them and feigns that he's sorry for Winston, and they laugh.


08:08PM BBT Up in the HOH room, Kaitlyn jokes that she asked production to check her email to see if any of her clients fired her.  Swaggy tells them that Rachel is downstairs crying.


08:10PM BBT Tyler joins FOUTTE in the HOH room and the feeds cut to to the lounge, where Kaycee and ANgela have joined Brett and Winston. Sam comes in and asks if Winston is really a doctor, based on Kaitlyn's HOH ceremony speech.


08:11PM BBT JC tells Scottie in the BBR that he's got the veto because he's such a good competitor.


08:12PM BBT Bay asks Scottie if he's ok in the PBR and he says "as good as one can be in this situation".  He seems in good spirits.


08:14PM BBT Rockstar says that she had to look down to keep from laughing during the ceremony and had to pretend to sneeze.


08:15PM BBT Haleigh and Bayleigh also laughed during the ceremony.  Kaitlyn says that she's going to have to kick them out of the HOH because they're getting weird.


08:17PM BBT Bayleigh and Angela chat in the PBR about making life choices that make them happy.  Bay said that she looks in the mirror and tells herself "you're beautiful and not a blob, so it's ok".


08:20PM BBT Kaitlyn and Winston hide on the floor behind a bed in the have not room so that they can talk. He asks Kaitlyn if she told Scottie he was a pawn. "yes".  


08:23PM BBT Rachel, Scottie, Brett, Angela , Fessy and Swaggy are in the PBR talking about Scottie's hair gel.  Scottie jokes that he doesn't know how to show emotion, but his insides are in knots.


08:26PM BBT Rockstar is upstairs watching the house monitor reporting whatever is doing downstairs to JC, while Haleigh listens to music on the headphones.


08:31PM BBT There's a line for the shower.  Brett and Winston whisper in the kitchen.  Scottie comes up and he and Winston hug.


08:34PM BBT Winston and Brett in the have not room, Brett tells him to act upset but don't be a D.  


08:44PM BBT The HOH room is quiet.  Rockstar and Fessy are laying on the bed watching the monitor while Kaitlyn sleeps and Tyler is coming out of the shower.


08:46PM BBT Kaitlyn turns over and leaves the headphones on the pillow so that the other two can hear it as well.


08:47PM BBT Down in the kitchen, Kaycee, JC, Rachel, Scottie, Swaggy and Sam are talking.  JC keeps singing over everyone.  Rachel shares her big jug of tea with the others, drinking straight from bottle.


08:48PM BBT Brett and WInston continue to whisper in the have not room.  They feel that Sam needs coaching on how to not be manipulated by the other side, especially Swaggy. Kaycee joins them, followed by Scottie and Sam.


08:50PM BBT Kaycee hopes that they open the backyard soon.  They're speculating as to when the Veto comp will be played since they're building something in the backyard.


08:52PM BBT Scottie offered to Rachel to practice her punishment, which will be some kind of verbal abuse.  They think that the punishment will begin tonight.


08:55PM BBT Swaggy and Scottie are playing football on the kitchen counter with a folded up paper.  Scottie is not wearing his glasses, so there is a lot of squinting.  They are playing to 21.


08:57PM BBT Sam coaches Rachel on how to deal with the punishment from the crap app. "think about it and learn from it", and then later on they can have a conversation about how each was affected.

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8:33pm BB Time

Camera 3

Winston and Brett in Have Not room.

They are plotting cause hysteria in JC's mind by giving him

scenarios where the wrong person goes home. They plan to plant

a seed with Kaycee, they wanted to do it before nominations,

but that didn't work out. They plan to do it tonight now.

Somehow in this conversation, Swaggy is mentioned, and

I think it has to do with them wanting him out.

JC starts to enter the room, but leaves when he sees who

is in there.


Brett: We still have Sam to..whispering is very low.

Winston: How do we figure that out?

Brett: I don't know for sure, but I think Scottie has a power.

Winston: Maybe his best friend went home so America gave

him something. “I 100% have to win that. (veto)”

They don't think Sam has a clue what is going on, and is

not acting.

Winston: I told Sam “You know he voted against you

don't you? And she said 'OHHHH'”

They are plotting against every one in the house, and what

ever they are whispering about is supposed to take place


Winston: I have to come out swingin. I am not gonna be a

d**k. I have to walk the line. See how Scottie is acting loud

and arrogant? When he came down the stairs it started.

Winston watched him come down and started to talk to him, but

he started jumping up and down like he had a ton of energy. Maybe he

has an extra vote, maybe he's...”


Sam and Scottie come into the room.

They are talking about if the picks and competition wil

both be tomorrow.

(Scottie and Sam leave and Kaycee has come in, then Brett enters.


Winston: Scottie... we cant trust him If we tell him something I feel

like he will go to Swaggy and tell him

Brett: Someone from their side voted against Steve, so who

here is the number one target.

Kaycee: Yeah.

Brett :If the opportunity presents itself, spin it that way and it will

make him think. This week if they back door Chris...

Winston: Scottie wins veto, and takes himself off

Kaycee: We need to get past this week.


Kaycee says she doesn't trust Scottie, she does not talk game with him

at all. All four are in agreement that Sam has no clue, but Brett believes she

wouldn't listen to him so he encourages Kaycee to work with her.

They tell Kaycee when Sam was doing dishes earlier Swaggy exaggerated

his thanks, and Kaycee is supposed to remind her constantly that Swaggy

is not her buddy.


The room empties out, and the camera moves to the hallway.

(and the seed has been planted with Kaycee.)


camera 3 9:06pm

geometry room

Winston and Angela are in the room.

Winston has good conversations with Baleigh, and he

had one with her in the bathroom area earlier. She talked

to him about the modeling thing.

Winston: “It turns into, she flips on me and starts talking game.”

Winston quotes Baleigh 'You have done nothing but played this game intense and

you have spread rumors about me.' He then says, “I was feeling sorry

for her.”

Angela: murmurs

Winston: I said, there are already rumors going around the house

about me and they say you started them.

He says he questioned her about who is in power and tells her

neither of them have power this week.

Winston: Then she flipped again and apologized to me.

But it was the most intense conversation I have had with

her yet. We talked about modeling, and her struggle with

weight. … I tried to cheer her up. At that point I am like,


Winston shakes his head as if trying to understand the

whole conversation with her and Angela is making

little sounds and uh huh while he talks. Winston is

dismayed about being on the block.


9:14pm camera moves to HOH room, but

moves directly to the Foosball area in the hall.

JC and Scottie are playing.

No game talk yet, just wishes for music in the house.


9:16 the camera returns to Winston and Angela in the

geometry room.

Kaitlyn enters the room.

The whispering gets so quiet I can barely hear them.

But Winston tells her that 'they' have a power and if she

finds out she needs to tell him so they can do

something about it. They think Scottie has it but

Winston is hoping to win the veto and get himself off the block.

Angela: it is good that they think someone on our side has

it (power).

They are talking about Swaggy and how to keep him

powerless in the house as much as they can by keeping

info from him.

Kaitlyn leaves the room.


Camera one 9:24pm returns to Foosball area


JC and Scottie are talking about Steve's eviction. They think

someone had an extra vote and used it to get Steve out

last week. JC said he felt slighted a little by Steve on

the last day. They start playing Foosball, and game

talk stops. (being granny, I don't know much about the

game, but I assume you twirl handles, yell 'money' and curse to

get points). Kaitlyn and Tyler are watching them play while

Tyler caresses Kaitlyn's back in a loving way. Brett comes

into the area and joins them.


Camera 2 moves to bedroom 9:32pm


Rachel and Sam are in the room, and Sam asks Rachel

if she has had plastic surgery. Rachel says no, but Sam

tells her JC told her (Sam) that Rachel had plastic surgery.

Rachel: Thats how JC is, he runs around and says stuff.

Sam asks Rachel: What would you do with the money.

Rachel: I would do something good with it. I want to be

secure in my life. I don't make a ton of money. I would

like to give back to...”

Brett and Haleigh come in and interrupt the answer.

She does try to answer the question, but Brett lets out a blood curdling yell and it

is lost.

Rachel: Sam you are the sweetest person in the world. She just sits there and

listens (says to Haleigh)

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08:58PM BBT Fessy and Kaitlyn listen to Rockstar making fun of Sam and how funny/slow she is.


08:59PM BBT Kaycee talks to Sam in the have not room about how to talk to Scottie, and to not trust him even though she likes him - since Scottie goes back and tells everything to Swaggy.


09:01PM BBT Sam goes through the other power apps that were available to the most trending with Kaycee.  Sam says that "if you agree to work with Swaggy, you're agreeing to lose to Swaggy" because he's so intense about winning.


09:05PM BBT Sam said that she's super smart, no wonder they want to get rid of her.  She said that she's nice and she hasn't lied - she just doesn't say anything.


09:07PM BBT Sam and Kaycee confirm that the plan is to get Winston off the block and then Swaggy out.


09:09PM BBT Angela and Winston whisper in the lounge.  Winston tells her that he had an intense conversation with Bayleigh about why they are fighting, and that she apologized.


09:12PM BBT Winston said that nothing he planned when he came in has happened.  Angela said that her plan was to lay low, and that hasn't happened either.


09:13PM BBT Tyler talks with Scottie about Winston confronting people in the house and how he wants it to stop.  Then the conversation changes to comparing their zits.


09:15PM BBT Tyler joins Rockstar in the HOHR.  JC and Scottie play foosball.


09:16PM BBT Brett reminds Rachel that production told them not to talk to the camera, that it gets annoying after a while.  Rachel said that people told her that she should, but it wasn't production.


09:18PM BBT Rachel and Sam talk about how many more weeks the apps will be available.  They all agree that they are going stir crazy.  Sam suggests a game and there is a resounding "NO" from the others in the BBR.


09:19PM BBT Kaitlyn joins Winston and Angela in the lounge.  They are trying to figure out who has the power.  Once they learn who, they need to find out exactly what it is so they can plan.


09:35PM BBT Sam asks Rachel if she's ever had plastic surgery and she says no.  Sam asks her a few more times to tell the truth, and she still says no.  Sam said that JC said that Rachel was pretty because of all her plastic surgery.  Rachel said no, but she does have veneers, so maybe that's it.


09:42PM BBT Kaitlyn takes a bath while Fessy soaks his feet and Bay, Haleigh and  Rockstar keep her company.


09:46PM BBT JC is playing foosball against Tyler.  Scottie is waiting to play winner.


09:49PM BBT Rockstar changes into her bathing suit and joins Kaitlyn (and Fessy's feet) in the HOH bathtub. 


09:57PM BBT Kaycee, Winston, Angela, Brett work out by the memory wall doing burpees.





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10:00pm BBT  The athletes (Brett/Winston/Kaysee/Angela) in the LR doing squats and pushups. JC and Scottie exit the HOH and head downstairs. Brett pauses mid push-up and says, “JC, when I hold you down and sh*t in your mouth, you’re gonna cry.”


10:10pm BBT Scottie walks past the jumping jack jocks, pauses, jumps in and jumps briefly before going to the kitchen table.

Sam/Bayleigh/Tyler/Swaggy/Scottie at the counter chatting about advil and sleep and cold showers.


JC and Kaitlyn in the WA, she’s plucking her eyebrows. JC enters and exits the WC, without washing his hands.

Fessie and Kaitlyn take a seat at the counter. Sam and Scottie are doing the dishes.

Angela tries to convince the guys to do a butt workout, she says they will look gay, and they decline the offer to improve their posterior. Kaysee joins her.

The bros start whispering and head to the BBR. Protein shakes and someone called Preppy. Winston is going to send Brett a compilation you tube video of him calling him preppy. (?)


10:20 pm BBT The booty workout concludes and Rachel walks up. Angela asks her if she’s good? Was it a debriefing? No, it was just a (she waves her hands around). Oh, OK.

Rachel please put on your microphone! She rolls her eyes. She seems upset.


10:30pm BBT Meanwhile in the HOH, Rockstar, Bayleigh, and Kaitlyn are lounging and watching the spy cams. Bayleigh says, I said I wasn’t going to say this, because I wasn’t going to get involved, but, I don’t like how people associate my opinion with Swaggy’s. I didn’t find this out from Kaitlyn, but Scottie. She doesn’t trust Swaggy and that has nothing to do with me. They tell Bayleigh not to worry about it and to talk to Kaitlyn. Hayleigh thinks Kaitlyn needs to talk to Swaggy and the two of them seen to smooth this over or this isn’t going to work. They hear Kaitlyn coming out of the HOH BR and change the topic.

Masturbation talk ensues. Kaitlyn has. Rockstar hasn’t yet. Kaitlyn walks out and says, hey you can all use my shower. Hayleigh says, when do you even do it in the house? How do you do it in the shower? (laughter) In 5 minutes?


10:35 pm BBT Cameras switch to Brett talking to Winston in the shower. Angela, Rachel and Kaysee enter. The group is mouthing and whispering about something they need to tell Kaitlyn. They are trying to figure out if Kaitlyn knows Sam has the app. Winston says, Kaitlyn told me and Angela that Swaggy said that he saw Sam tell Rachel that she had the app. Depending on Kaitlyn’s reaction to that Swaggy would know if Sam had the app or not. Swaggy is trying to find out if Sam really has it.


10:40pm BBT Kaitlyn rubbing Tylers temples on the couch outside the HOH. She tells Hayleigh that she wants to sleep alone tonight. Well, maybe with just you or just Rockstar, but not Bayleigh because she has been acting fake.

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10:45pm BBT Angela, Rachel and Kaysee on the carpet in the hallway. Angela says something is about to happen because the cameras are locked and loaded and they weren’t when we walked in here. I’m getting out of here, she says, dum de de dummmmmm… 
Kaysee says, ok, what are our angles here? Oh, they can see from the HOH. Rachel looks at the camera and says, Stop looking at me! 
JC walks in and has a seat on the carpet with them. He tells them that this is literally the only spot in the house that they can’t see. He says that’s all they do up there. 
Rachel says, that’s why they (audience) cheered when Kaitlyn won HOH, because I didn’t win. They cheered because I am least trending. JC tells her it was nothing bad for you and assures her that they scream when they go to break, come back from break, when the guy in the corner tells them to scream.
10:50pm BBT  Swaggy, to Fessie, says everyone in the group was called shady and I’m the one taking the heat for it. I let it go days ago but she’s still running around saying she don’t trust me. Shut up before I really black on you, says Swaggy.  Fessie tells him not to do that because it will be bad for yours and my game. This is our third week of safety, why do you want to cause some sh*t that doesn’t need to be caused?
Swaggy and Fessie discuss the veto comp. Fessie says if you got to run and collect they aren’t going to beat me. Swaggy is telling about future comps, the ball one where you have to run back and forth without letting a ball fall. 

11:00pm BBT Bayleigh enters and asks Fessie if she should apologize again to Kaitlyn? He says, we are all safe and if you apologize again it might seem like you are sucking up. 
The veto plan is to win and take Scottie off the block. 
Fessie says this BB experience is the #1 thing that’s ever happened in his life. 
11:05pm BBT We get Jesse and reruns!

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11:20PM BBT Sam/Angela/Scottie talk Krispy Kreme donuts. Scottie has never had a fresh KK donut. Angela challenges him to a donut eating contest when they get out. He says you don’t even know my powers. I am a professional eater.


11:30PM BBT Sam in the WA shaving JC’s back. She says she’s got a headache because she’s about to start her period. JC tells her to get a shower and go to bed, so they can wake us up. Welcome to Big Brother, he says. Only on CBS, they chirp in unison.

JC says, we should do this in the shower next time. Sam says, yeah the next time we shower together, I’ll do it for you. Kaysee says, wait… you guys shower together? JC says, yeah. Really? We had a special moment. We tried to keep Jaybot alive. JC couldn’t keep it hard, he just wasn’t impressed. He said he admires beautiful women, it just wasn’t enough.

JC thanks Sam for shaving his back. She says I love it, it makes me feel useful. She says he takes really good care of himself, way better than her.


11:45PM BBT Winston/Angela/Kaysee/Rachel in the BBR Winston thinks he might be the target because Scottie is not bummed at all.

Angela made a pot of strong decaf and they are all having a cup. Winston says his granny got him on coffee. He slurps and Rachel says she hates it when someone does that. Winston says she’s just nervous. Stop talking about the stupid punishment, I’m over it, she says.


Rachel says she specifically asked in the DR (can’t believe BB is allowing her to discuss her diary room session) if not trending could be a good thing. It is the most trending and the least trending, BB says. But, couldn’t it be a good thing, she asked? Again, BB said, it is the most trending and the least trending. They wonder what questions they are asking. Might be like who is playing the best game, the worst game?  Who will be in a showmance this week?

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12:55am BBT  Fessie/Haleigh in the WA. The HOH folks (Kaitlyn/Rockstar?Bayleigh) are watching them. She tells him she doesn’t like his attitude. She sat next to him earlier and he got up and walked off. They hug briefly. She tells him good night and that she will deal with his attitude tomorrow and he says, he does not have an attitude. Hello America, he says. America is not watching us right now. He assures her that America IS watching them. (He’s right)
She says he doesn’t need to give her any attention, they are plutonic friends and she doesn’t need attention. (cameras switch) 

1:00am BBT Winston/Brett in the have-not room. Winston says he saw a side of Kaitlyn he’s never seen before, she’s pissed. 

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3:06 am BBT Swaggy goes to the WC, brushes his teeth, applies chapstick and walks back to bed. As he passes the memory wall, he says... these people are going to get picked off one by one. He then finger shoots them all, pow, pow, pow, pow, pow, pow, pow...


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