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Saturday August 19, 2017 Big Brother 19 Live Feed Updates


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2:52 PM BBT In the SR Raven is talking to Matt. They realize that they don't have Kevin's vote. Matt says they will just have to win the veto because the numbers could be against them now. 


2:58 PM BBT Josh is whispering to Paul, Christmas and Matt in the KT. They tell him to go to the lounge where Kevin is sitting with Jason. Make it look like he wants in there to talk to the cameras. The main goal is to keep Kevin from talking privately to Jason. 

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 3:00pm BBT Jason and Kevin go in the lounge Kevin asks him whats going on. Jason says somethings going on but he doesn't know what. Josh comes in and yells...Hi family!!! Kevin says hi. Kevin says its 6 Eastern, Josh talks to his family. Kevin tells Josh's family that Josh volunteered for HN. Jason and Josh together for the week.


3:02pm BBT Mark is now in lounge, Josh talking about the rat in the KT. Christmas comes in when she hears him yelling, she thought she heard something racist. Kevin says he wouldn't let him do that. Josh says hi to all Kevins girls. It's cooking time for everyone else. You can hear Josh yelling. Mark is relaxing with his head on Josh's arm, they say they are in a good part right now.


3:07pm BBT Mark says Hindsights 20/20 only if your going backwards. Josh doesn't get it. Josh says he is now in 11th grade not elementary now. Mosh (Josh and Mark) will be often imitated never duplicated. Alex gets called to DR, they get excited cuz it could be time to play POV. Jason goes to HN and is reading something. In the KT they are talking about rats again. Christmas and Raven in HOH, Raven telling Christmas that Josh wont shut up. Christmas says he is about an inch from being backdoored.


3:11pm BBT (sorry its not Josh they were talking about)Christmas says if she had known that she would have made him a HN. Christmas going on about how "he" wants to make decisions he can get HOH. Raven tells her to calm down. Christmas says they HAVE to get Mark out. Raven says he has Kevin in his pocket. Christmas says we need to get him out too.


3:14pm BBT Mark telling Josh all he wanted to do was sleep with Elena that's why he fought with Josh about the bed and why he took the key. Paul tells Mark he likes how he owns up to stupid stuff. Josh says admitting he F'd up and can apologize to ppl is good. Josh and Mark like each other.


3:20pm BBT Christmas and Jason talking about Mark, Christmas was so mad when his chip was picked for Veto. In KT Josh says that Cody ripping into me in front of my family was what hurt. Alex out of DR...JK not time for POV yet.








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3:19 PM BBT Josh says he likes Mark and will be friends with him outside the house, but can't be friends with Cody outside of the house


Raven walks into kitchen where Josh and Mark are. She says she has no respect for Cody. "At all." "Cannot stand that man." "He can go F himself."

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3:25 PM BBT Christmas is grilling Kevin. Something about talking to someone about the veto. Christmas asks him not to talk about the veto until after the veto is played for. Kevin say OK, he won't talk to anyone about it. Kevin is confused.

Christmas goes up to HOH and re-tells her Kevin-conversation to Paul. Paul says he is so sketchy and is always trying to stir the pot.

Paul: "He's probably the one with all the rogue votes."

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3:33 PM BBT Jason, Alex, Josh, Mark in kitchen. The HG are just waiting for the POV comp. They wonder if it will be late, or even at night. Jason mentions the one they did in the middle of the night. Jason:"They've been keeping us up REAL LATE lately." 

Mark: "OTEV is usually at night, but we've already done OTEV." 


Alex is pissed because she said she didn't hear Cody's exit speech because as soon as Cody said "Jason and Alex" she tuned him out. Then she said she thought she might "wig out" and "choke him on National television." She said she would have jumped up on the table and production would be yelling "Separate ... Separate."



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3:41 PM BBT Everyone except Paul and Christmas are in the KT. They are talking about Cody and how they think he will act in the Jury House. Alex says she hopes he doesn't act like a tool bag. Raven yells, "He'll be a toolbag! I cannot stand that man!" Alex says if he starts fights in the Jury House then he is an actual toolbag. Josh wonders if production would remove him from the Jury House. They all yell NO. Mark says they had to have people in the Jury house to keep the peace when Paulie and Zakia(sp) were in there. 

Christmas joins the other HG in the KT.


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 3:23pm BBT Christmas asks Kevin for a favor...to not talk to people about the results of the Veto until after the veto happens. He says he don't talk to nobody as it is. He says he got it he wont talk to ppl. Christmas says that's all I'm asking. Kevin says what happens if somebody asks about it. Christmas say she isn't going to dictate to him, he says he wont say anything.


3:26pm BBT Jason, Alex and Josh whispering in KT but Josh keeps talking over it. Christmas in HOH with Paul and Raven...she tells the her convo with Kevin about veto. Paul says yeah, he is being so weird. Christmas says he and Mark have to be together. If Mark wins POV she will put him (Kevin) up. Paul says Mark wont win. With all this stuff Kevin is saying Jason will gun it to win it. Christmas says all Kevin is doing is stirring things up. Raven leaves and Paul says she is everywhere. Christmas calls her a collector and she has to reassure Matt.


 3:31pm BBT Paul says worst case scenario  Mark pulls off Jason and we get rid of Kevin, best case we get rid of Mark second best we get rid of Jason. Christmas says it feels good to be back. Paul says they have make Raven and Matt feel comfortable.


3:38pm BBT Alex didn't get they were calling Jess/Cody Jody until Jess was out the door. In HOH Kevin set up the pillows on the couch. In KT they talk about Cody being in Jury, he better not start fights. BB had to keep ppl in the house to keep Pauly and Z apart. Jason going to start cooking the steaks. HG think comp will be like the comic comp from last year.

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3:44pm BBT Matt and Raven to into red room. Matt asks how to spell lackadaisical,(yeah I had to look it up) he goes thru some words to spell. Raven tells Matt about Chirstmas's convo with Kevin. Matt says it doesn't matter, Mark is with them. In KT, Josh says he is going to listen to music, Paul says he is listening to music. Josh says you already did. Paul says I heard 2 songs and they called him to DR. 


3:55pm BBT Kevin in money room with sunglasses on just sitting there. Josh leaves KT to go listen to music. Jason cooking, he was told by the girls to stop turning the steaks. They talk about food.



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4:00 PM BBT Feeds 1 and 2 show Kevin alone in the Green BR. Jason, Christmas, Paul, Alex, Matt, Raven, and Mark are in the KT. All but Mark (a Have Not) are eating steaks around the KT counter. Mark "Look at that beautiful meal." Mark is heating up his slop in the microwave. 


4:09 PM BBT BB plays the bugle and Alex eats her last couple of bites of steak and grabs her camping gear. Paul says this means that it will be at least another hour before the POV or they wouldn't have Alex cooking hot dogs now. Alex asks Kevin if he wants one. Kevin says he can't give it up, so yes, he would like one. She said she is going to make the good ones then. Jason yells from the WC and says he dropped his microphone in it. Paul "GD it Whistle Nut". BB then tells Jason to change his microphone with one from the SR. 


4:12 PM BBT Before Alex goes to make the hot dogs, she runs into the SR and hides in an empty black garbage bag. Jason goes in there and says "Alex, I see you in there." She gets out of the garbage bag and says dang it. She then heads upstairs to finish her chore of setting up camp.


4:17 PM BBT Mark and Paul are alone in the lounge. Mark says he is excited to play in the veto. This is BB, backs to the wall. Mark asks him about how it is going this time around. Paul says he has to work every single week. 


4:19 PM BBT Mark to Paul in the lounge "Well, at least I got to save a life. At least I got to do that." Paul says he was surprised for it and thanks him for it. Mark "It was the least I can do." They start talking about Elena. She didn't play hard until it was too late. Mark just hopes it wasn't because of him. Paul tells him he can't think about it that way. Cody was the plague. If you hung out with him you freaked people out. 


4:22 PM BBT Upstairs at the camp site, Jason is whispering to Alex. We can't hear it because of the background noise of her putting the camp gear out. BB tells Jason not to obstruct his microphone. Jason lays down. His cape is covering his  microphone. BB tells him again. He moves the cape away from it and says "F*** I hate my life."  


4:27 PM BBT Mark, Josh and Paul are in the lounge together on feeds 1 and 2. Josh and Paul are telling Mark that they have felt like their backs were against the wall the entire time they have been in the house. Paul says when you come in here as a vet, the people want to see you play. 


4:29 PM BBT Paul is explaining that Corey only made it to the final 3 because of him. No way he was going to take him to final 2. That's why he hates in when people ask him if he would do anything different. He stands by the decision he made. WBRB. 

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4:30 PM BBT Paul tells Josh and Mark that he took Nicole to the final 2 because she played the game. He wasn't taking the dude that rode his tail right up to the end.




4:36 PM BBT The feeds come back and BB has given the HGs lots of containers to store their food. They are telling Jason it is because of the rat. Rats can make them sick. Christmas "Jason, if you don't believe us, you can leave all of your food out and we can put ours in the container." Jason says he is going to leave his food out. They are already filling them when Paul recommends to them that they wash them first. 


4:40 PM BBT In the SR Raven, Matt and Paul are talking. Paul tells them that Mark was sucking up to him in the lounge. He gave that save claiming it was to make amends, even if it is the last thing he does. 


4:43 PM BBT In the KT, the HGs are taking all the cereal and putting them in containers. Matt is opening up bags sealed bags of cereal as Alex walks up. She makes them touch a hot dog so she can move on. She tells Jason to stop opening up sealed packages. Save the containers for the boxes that are already open. Paul jokes that Matt is having a hard on with all these boxes of cereal being open. 


4:50 PM BBT Upstairs in the camp site Josh is explaining to Mark, Alex and Matt that what they saw last night was not a mouse. Mark "Like a field mouse?" Josh says no, it was bigger than that. Like a King Pin mouse. A huge rat. 


4:53 PM BBT At the campsite are Alex, Josh, Paul, Matt and Mark. They are discussing the POV. Mark hopes it is a puzzle and laughs. Alex wants it to be endurance. She has been doing well with those. 


4:58 PM BBT In the HOH Christmas and Kevin are laying in the bed. Kevin tells her that if he was young like them and in a showmance in this game, he would absolutely use the veto on his partner. She tells him that at the end of the day, Elena didn't have Mark's back. Kevin asks her if their romance was real. Christmas said that she didn't say it wasn't real but game wise, she was looking out for her. 


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5:01 PM BBT In the HOH Christmas is telling Kevin that Mark's biggest mistake was aligning with people who didn't have his back. Kevin asks about the fish. Christmas tells him that there was originally 16 of them but one died. She didn't see it dead. She saw it start to float upside down and the next she knew there was only 15. 


5:05 PM BBT Christmas tells Kevin that Elena's biggest mistake was taking money when she could have taken the POV. 


5:10 PM BBT Now that BB has given them all those containers to safely store their food, Jason believes them about the rat. Alex tells him that he looks like a fool for not believing her to begin with and she tried to save him from that. She asks him if he is going to dishes. He said he would let her kick him in the nuts if she would do them. 


5:14 PM BBT Alex, Josh and Jason are now in the Have Not room talking about Kevin. Alex says Kevin pretends he likes her but he cheered on everyone during the last POV except her. Josh says that Kevin started using the family card with him. 
They then talk about Jason being paranoid again. Alex said "Listen to what I f*ing say. If there is a rat, believe me. If I am telling you something, you know if I am screwing with you. It's all about a stupid rat." 


5:19 PM BBT Jason justifies that he had good reason to doubt them. They like dark, cool and quiet which is everything that the BB house isn't. Alex argues that rats like warm, not cold. Jason said he isn't talking the arctic. Alex insists that he apologize to her and even that leads into a comical exchange because he can't apologize to her with a straight face. Alex says it was the Mountain Dew because it makes him brain like he is on crack. 


5:25 PM BBT Jason says he doesn't know why everyone was freaking out about the rat. The more they freaked out the less likely he thought it could be true. She reminds him that they have absolutely nothing better to do. Alex tells him that he has this believe nobody feeling and that means her too. He says she wasn't clear enough and she gets loud again.There is absolutely nothing to do in there. The rat is the biggest news since the double eviction. 


5:29 PM BBT Alex is still arguing playfully with Jason. She says she can't handle him anymore and has to go pee. She says he tells her to not be paranoid about real stuff and then doesn't believe her when it's real. She goes to the WC and Jason is alone in the Have Not Room, laughing to himself about their witty exchange. 


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5:34 PM BBT Alex returns to join Jason. She is scared it is going to be the comics POV. She tells him that Jason is not good at noticing details and that comp is all kinds of details. If it comic book, focus on just 3 at a time and then go back. If it spelling, go for misunderstandings. He asks about accomplishments instead because it is longer. She tells him he can do STANDING, then STANDINGS, then UNDERSTANDING, then MISUNDERSTANDINGS. He says ok.


5:39 PM BBT Alex is telling Jason that Paul is probably wrong. He thinks they are going to have a wall comp, but they have already had one. She tells him they need to leave the room and make face. Be social or they may vote him out. He says he is going to kick her in the a$$.  


5:45 PM BBT They are starting to appear anxious for the POV to start. Jason thinks BB may be waiting for the punishments to be over so he can not compete in his extrematard. Josh and Mark start organizing all the throw pillows on to the Have Not beds since the two of them are the only Have Nots. Josh and Mark says they only had that room in it's original state for one week before BB changed it for Have Nots. 


5:50 PM Josh and Mark have finished their beds. Mark has layers and layers of pillows wrapped inside of a blanket. He says his big butt splits the pillows. He has them wrapped so tightly in the blanket that he jumps onto the bed and the pillows stay in place. 


5:53 PM BBT Alex and Raven are sitting at the KT counter. Alex says she is hosting this POV. They are speculating whether or not Jess is watching BB now that Cody is gone. They say that yes, she probably is. She claimed to be a super fan so she would be still be watching regardless.


5:56 PM BBT Mark "Man, this veto is taking forever. I want to compete! Argh." He is hoping it isn't a night veto because he won't remember crap. 

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6:48pm BBT 40 minutes into the FOTH.6:00pm BBT Mark and Josh in HNR...Josh says he gets emotional, Mark says but its a good emotional. Mark says Cody was the first to be isolated. Josh says in the beginning he felt alone, ppl didn't want to talk to him. Mark says Cody played such a bad game ppl needed to stay away from him, he was a lose cannon. Mark says he's not going to be an a**. Josh says when he tried to be nice to Cody, he would lose it. But with you it comes down to being in the middle thing, back and forth, back and forth. Own up to it, you saw that.


6:05pm BBT Mark says Paul wanted Jess and Cody then the whole house wanted Jess and Cody. Josh says the whole allegiance.... Mark says even if he had  cut Cody he would have been the last person on their side of the house. Mark says he never had the opportunity to show where he was because he didn't win HOH.


6:08pm BBT we have FOTH


6:48pm BBT 40 minutes into the FOTH.

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9:09 PM BBT Kitty Cam. A couple different messages to feedsters appear, like the typical "The House Guests are doing something .... ". One of the messages says feeds are off until 9PM Friday Night and be sure to watch the special Friday night show. Lame.

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9:18 PM BBT Feeds are back. The HGs are covered in what looks like white paint. They are stripping down to their undergarments so they don't track it all over. Kevin tells Paul that it was very entertaining. The way he chose to do it was different, but it made it very entertaining.


9:22 PM BBT Jason is taking a shower in the HOH BR. Paul approaches him. Tells him "Definitely do not keep yourself up there." Paul congratulates him and says they just need to keep this up. 


Jason has won the POV.


9:26 PM BBT In the KT Paul is talking to Christmas, Matt, Alex and Josh. Paul says he couldn't get the ball out. He kept trying but he knew at that point it was over. Mark didn't have a chance. He is too big.


9:30 PM BBT IN the red room Matt is telling Raven that he tried hard to win it, but he knew 20 minutes in that Whistle Nut had it.

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9:31 PM BBT Raven said she didn't weigh enough to get up that hill. Mark weighed way too much. Matt said as soon as they got out there he knew they were fine. Christmas comes in and says he (Jason) is stepping up his competitions. Paul tells them it is done and they don't even have to talk about it the rest of the week. 


9:36 PM BBT Jason is out of the shower and talking to Paul. They say they can relax for the rest of the week. Paul tells him that Kevin is getting on his last nerve. He is starting to separate from them. On his way out of the HOH, Paul says that he is in a lot of pain. 


9:40 PM BBT Christmas has been called to the DR. She is passing by Jason on the way to the DR and gives him a congratulatory hug. Meanwhile Mark tells Alex in the KT that Whistle Nut had the perfect physique and perfect technique for that comp. 


9:48 PM BBT Alex is talking to Mark and Kevin about the TV Show Supernatural. Mark is eating a bowl of slop. He says if he wasn't on slop this week he would be eating everything in sight. Jason is now out of the shower and back into his leotard. 


9:55 PM BBT In the KT Kevin is watching the pizza in the oven because no one set a timer for it. The other HGs are noticing Jason back in costume and are surprised he hasn't gotten to trade it back in yet. 

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feeds down at 6:09pm BBT 

feeds back up at 9:19:42 BBT

Jason won veto sounds like it was Slip and Slide

everyone but Mark happy about Jason's win plan to backdoor Mark is a go

Jason goes to HoH for shower, Kevin says he will clean stairs after Jason goes up  because the stairs will be slippery and he doesn't want Christmas to fall; Paul follows Jason upstairs; tells Jason not to keep himself up; hard to hear what Jason says with shower running Paul tells him they just have to continue this way, Paul tells Jason he (Paul) is hurting; Jason says this stuff don't come off,  Paul agrees and heads downstairs;






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9:25pm BBT: Christmas, Kevin, Paul, Alex, Josh, Matt in kitchen; Kevin and Paul look under sink for evidence of the rat, Kevin says that's rat droppings right back there, says he knows what he's talking about; Christmas says he goes right in there, they evidentally have made a trap, Josh comes over and Kevin shows him the rat dropping and Josh agrees that it is rat droppings; they talk about how it look like Jason had his hand caught, Paul tells Christmas/Alex that Mark didn't have a chance, the bigger they are the harder the comp is for them, Christmas appreciates the way Mark reacted to loosing Veto, but says she feels bad because Mark has been a cool dude.


They have lunch meat. Matt tells Josh Zingbott was lying you have lost a lot of weight; Josh says he thinks the people in comp deserve steaks, Paul says he looks like a caveman; 

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9:32pm BBT: Josh and Mark in WA, Josh high 5s Mark and tells him he did really good, Josh said Mark's attitude is really good and he's proud of him. Josh asks if Mark want him to save him some slop and Mark says a little bit, and Josh leaves



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9:33pm BBT: Rose BR  Matt tells Raven she and Mark were together and 1 was too big and 1 too little; Matt that was so huge, get rid of Kevin next week and they're good; Raven says her legs were fine but she couldn't get up the "heel" Matt makes fun of the way she says hill; Paul comes in and says he thought Matt was going to win that one; he just went for the big one; then whispers and very hard to hear but sounds like Paul says not Kevin next week but Jason; tie Alex in and Alex and Kevin will never work together, Jason is bridge between Alex and Kevin; asks Matt if he agrees and he does but says Alex is the better competitor; Christmas comes in Paul says that's the plan no need to talk about it any more; Matt/Raven leave and Paul says Kevin is getting on his nerves, Christmas it's the opposite he is sucking up more now, Josh comes in and says Kevi has to go; Paul says yes we already know; Paul says we can't make this obvious so we  cant' talk about it Christmas he's going to be lite up for HoH (think she is referring to Jason who is target for next week) Paul leaves

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9:36pm BBT:  HoH Room Jason is wrapped in a huge towel, Paul comes in and Jason says it's the biggest towel he's ever seen, Paul says we're f'n unstoppable, stop getting all paranoid about rats and stupid shit; Jason says he''s done with that, Paul says next week we all compete, we've just got to pull out a win,  hard to hear Jason but seems to be confiming that it's Paul Alex Jason Paul stays to take shower, Jason goes downstairs

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cameras remain on HoH with Paul taking a shower, Christmas and Josh enter, Josh is going to feed fish; Christmas tell Josh not to stay because they don't want anyone to question them in the room together, Christmas says Mark is going to start negotiating soon hugs Josh and he leaves. Christmas puts on head phones and goes into use sink; 

9:53pm Christmas called to diary room

Christmas says going to be a good week for us, numbers are so stacked for us for next week leave for DR

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9:55pm HoH Paul is out of shower moaning, has said he was pretty banged up by comp

9:56pm camera switches to Mark alone green room

9:57pm Kitchen Alex tells Josh he is worse than a girl when it comes to rats, Alex are doing dishes; Raven says she didn't have enough weight to get up the hill; coments on Alex saying Matt you're getting faster; Matt said he finally figure out how to go up you had to take a push off the back stop; Paul comes down, Raven asks how he is and he says he's in pain, he's f'd dude; he ask Raven how she is and she says she's fine except for her cast Paul says what, and she says it again it is finally determined that she meant calves; Mark comes in ; the talk about tonight being the end of Alex and Jason's punishments, say they will want to get one more batch of hot dogs from Alex before it's over, someone says maybe Zingbott will want a hot dog; they go back to talking about comp, and the fact that the how on tv the track looks flat and it has about a 30  degree slope; they agree that the secret to the comp is to push off and the brace boards gave you something to push off just a little; Josh said he was legit scared, asks if it was hard; they confirm that it is indeed hard; was worried about Raven on some of her falls; Kevin asks Raven if pizza is done, Paul is sitting on the stool, Matt says "we are going to have a grumpy Paul tomorrow, Paul says he hurt his back, Alex says his shoulder looks like it is going to be bruised tomorrow


switching to HN room

Josh is alone talking to his family, says he made it to Zingbott; he's love'n life, says Kevin if freaking him out; 


back to kitchen; Paul says he could fall asleep on his chair right now; camera follows Alex to Green Room 


camera back in kitchen still talking about comp; 

Josh asks if Alex has any floss, she says yes but if everyone keeps using it she is going to run out; she whispers that Matt is always using it without asking; Josh brings up Kevin giving him the weirdest creepiest stares; Alex says she's getting annoyed too; Josh says he follows him everywhere, Alex says to stay cool, they have to win HoH and they have to put Matt and Raven in check too; Jason asks what they did and she tells him nothing they just have to put them in check they just have to put them in check, they're in final 8 and can't afford to make any mistakes; they will come for her and Jason will go for Paul, Josh say Raven would come for him she's been after him for the longest time; that's why he's played nice with themAlex says she should have (or could have) done better,  Josh says he would have done better than Mark or Raven; Josh says he's seen Matt perform well, Alex says  says he stil didn't beat Jason and he didn't beat Paul; Josh yes but he was gunning for for it; Alex says he was still 10 or 15 scoops behind, Alex leaves



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