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Elena video on YouTube.

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Ugh! Haven't we seen enough bs from this psycho waif and family already. Munchausen by proxy can explain a minors reason to believe this but a frown women should be able to take control of her own health issues and seek out her own medical care. Scammers in the worst possible way for capitalizing on exaggerated illnesses.

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Well I'm still scraping my jaw off the floor after seeing this video earlier today.  Of course I've seen a lot about Munchausen but usually kids are rescued from these psycho moms or if not, sadly they die.  So this sounds and looks like collusion between kids and Mom.  "Hey let's keep this charade going and see how much money we can get from all these suckers".  Really?  How despicable!!  How stupid are the docs who accommodate these mothers who insist on getting unnecessary treatments for their kids.

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