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Sunday, July 2, 2017 BB19 Live Feed Updates


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BBT 7:55 p.m. Paul and Christmas in the hammock. Paul saying how they almost got pulled into the mess that the showmances are currently in. He is telling her what needs to happen. She doesn't make deals, she stands strong, they get through this week and then one of them wins next week. Paul says he has a few people he trusts, a few who he has question marks about, and a few who are on his s**t list. Paul tells Christmas they can do some serious damage in this game. 


Talk turns to how they need Alex and Jason. Christmas says Alex and Jason are working together. Paul says Cody has a deal with all of them, Jason, Ramses, everyone. Paul says Ramses is a wild card and they should just let him dig his own grave. Paul tells Christmas to keep Ramses close because he is her bridge into intel about the other side. 


They talk about how they won't be doing as much PDA. Christmas - "So no more cuddles then?" Paul - "Not necessarily. You better give me the eyes now and then." (Looks like they are trying to separate themselves from the two showmances.) 

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BBT 8:03 PM - Elena and Matt in the storage room. Matt says here's the plan. Step 1 - Elena needs to handle Mark. She wonders if she needs to handle Ramses. She and Matt go over strategy of how to approach him.  Step 2 - One of them needs to win HOH. Matt says if Christmas or Paul win he thinks that they will be in good shape. Matt says he wouldn't blame Paul if he put any of them up. Elena wonders if Paul would put up Cody instead. Matt says he will never vote for Cody, if someone wants him out they better back door him. Elena agrees with him.


She asks if Matt thinks Cody threw the POV competition. He won't say he does but he did wonder after how Cody acted at the end of the competition and seemed to give up. Elena said "I never would have expected that, but then again I would have never expected what he did today." (Putting Christmas up)



Matt is hoping HOH is an endurance comp so he can win, that way Elena and Raven can chill. Elena says that she knows her game is 90% social. Matt jokes "More than that." She grabs her ice cream and leaves. 

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6:56PM - BBT: The houseguest were just on an outdoor lockdown, which is now over. Dom and Xmas talking on the large lounger in BY while Mark, Paul, and Elena talking in the hammock. Elena is afraid of being targeted just by association to others. Paul says moving forward he can't trust Cody and Elena says it makes sense. Paul says others though are starting not to trust him too because of this. Elena says she thinks Paul would go after Cody if he wins HoH. Paul says if he's HoH, something is going down. Raven brings Mark and Elena tea and leaves. Elena feels like she's out of the loop. Paul says Cody did so much stuff behind their backs, like making deals with Alex. Elena knows that Ramses has the curse as does Paul. They say they know just by asking and talking to him. Mark now knows too and Elena tells him not to say anything to anyone about it or she will know he did. Paul says he definitely thinks there will be a power shift next week. Paul explains that the game is a lot of luck. Strategy will get you to jury, but chance and luck will win you the game. Paul says he knew that they weren't all on the same page. Xmas joins them now and Mark leaves. On the other cam Raven and Jillian are talking in the Kitchen bout Ravens pace maker. Matt joins the hammock group and Paul keeps talking in circles about I old you this was going to happen, I said it.


7:17PM - BBT: Other cam now is on Jess and Cody in the HoH. Raven joins them and they talk about someone having surgery and having to be in the hospital for months. Cam switches again to Alex and Jason talking in the BY. Alex says she doesn't trust Paul. Jason says Cmas has to go. He's counting votes now. Me, you and we can get Josh. He says Mark will vote for Xmas. Then Ramses. They said good and split. Alex joins Jillian on the BY couches. Ramses is also on the couches. Jillian says Mark is gonna make a deal with Jillian.


7:25PM - BBT: Back in the hammock, they're talking votes again. Xmas definitely doesn't have Alex or Ramses. She has them three, Dom, and Raven. They're trying to figure out if they have Mark's vote. Alex, Ramses, Jason, and Josh would vote for Xmas. Jess makes 5. That would keep her safe and that's just worst case scenario. Paul thinks between Elena and Matt they can get Mark's vote.


7:28PM - BBT: Alex and Jillian go to the HN room to talk game. Alex thinks Cody going after Paul was a planned move. Jillian says after the PoV meeting, Xmas came up and told her she wasn't expecting this and they aren't acting. Jillian thought that was weird and is worried now that Xmas was just a pawn. Mark told Jillian he wants to talk to her. Jillian also thinks she might be able to get Mark's vote. He said he wouldn't vote for Jillian, but it depended on who she was up against. Jillian thinks if Xmas actually betrayed the other side or didn't something wrong they would have been told about it. Alex thinks this is too good to be true. She says everything was against them and now it's the other way around. She's super sketched out. Alex says she doesn't trust any of them.


7:38PM - BBT: Alex says if Jess smiled at Josh, he would vote however she wanted him to. They need to be super nice to Josh to keep him on their side. Jason joins them. Alex says everyone acted too calmly and says it was a Trojan horse. Jason tells them Xmas outed the 8 person alliance and neither Alex nor Jillian knew this. Jason says Paul knows he's not gonna side with him and Xmas. They start talking votes again. Alex, Jason, Ramses, Kevin. That's four. If they can get Mark it will be five. Jason says he doesn't trust Matt or Dom and want them gone. He says he told Paul he didn't want Dom there and now he's getting weird looks from her. Jason is coaching Jillian on what to say in her speech before the vote. The group dispersed.


7:54PM - BBT: Xmas and Paul are still in hammock, but now alone. Other Cam is on Ramses, Alex, and Elena in the KT. Talk of Elena's name and nicknames. Paul says one of them has to win next week, they could do some serious damage, then reassess. Paul doesn't think that Alex will keep up her end of the deal with Cody. He says Xmas needs to talk to Jason and Alex. She asks if she should keep talking to Ramses too. Paul says yes. Other cam is on Matt and Elena in the storage room. Elena is explaining to Matt her relationships in the house, repeating what she told Xmas earlier. Elena says the 9 all ha different, in parallel relationships. They both agree that Cody had their best interests and Cody is loyal. Elena says she'll have to work on Mark and if she should work on Ramses. They think the next comp will be endurance. Matt and Elena both say they will never go after Cody. Matt says if someone wants to get out Cody, they better backdoor him. Elena asks if Matt thinks Cody threw the Veto comp. he says does he think he did, no. Had it crossed his mind, yes. Elena says same. She doesn't think he could throw it since he's such a competitor. Elena says 90% of her game is social. Matt and Elena leave the storage room.



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BBT 8:11 p.m. Christmas and Jason in chairs by the pool in the backyard. She is going over who she thinks is on her side and FOTH. When they come back Christmas is whispering to Jason. She is telling him to watch someone Jessica and Raven carefully. Jason "It's still early." Christmas "I want you to think about who you made that deal with and what it's actually worth." Jason seems contemplative. 


BBT 8:15 p.m. Matt, Raven, Cody, and Jessica in the jacuzzi. Kevin is over by Jillian and Alex on a lounger a little bit away. Kevin still moaning about his tooth and how he needs to go to the dentist. Alex tells him to go to the DR right away because it's almost the 4th of July. Alex talking about how Kevin will need meds after he gets his tooth pulled. Kevin "I won't need meds after it's pulled. The tooth is causing the pain and the tooth will be gone. No more pain." Alex says she has had a lot of root canals. Kevin looks at the jacuzzi group and says he can look at two of them and tell them they won't vote against him. He is certain of it. (I'm not so sure of that...)


Mark walks over and Kevin asks if he is going to work out. Mark says he needs bigger arm muscles. They start discussing what an older man would/should bench. 


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8:11PM - BBT: Elena mentions an ex and we get FFOTH. Feeds back and we have Jason and Xmas talking in BY chairs. Alex and Matt by workout equipment, working out now. No game talking going on. Cams keep switching to a large group in the kitchen and a group in the hot tub. Paul bent a spoon trying to get some ice cream out of a container. Xmas asks, "Is she (Elena) really gonna eat all that?" She screams from another room, "DONT JUDGE ME!" Jason, Alex, and Jillian now talking on the large lounger in the BY. Talking about Kevin needing to get a tooth pulled. Kevin says it was a bad move on them to get two of the best players in he game against them: him and Paul. (Like I said, he's a riot.)


8:20PM - BBT: Paul and Jason whispering in Power room. Jason says he feels he has no allies. Paul says you have me. Paul is campaigning to Jason for Xmas, but Jason says he just doesn't trust Xmas. Paul says Jason needs to have a serious conversation with Xmas. Paul says they can use Xmas. Jason says it's him or Xmas. Jason drops the Trojan horse line and says he and Alex both think this is a ploy. They're counting votes again. Paul says Xmas has the votes to stay whether Jason votes for her or not. And he's just trying to get Jason on her side cause she's pissed right now. Jason says he wants the showmances to split, like Matt and Jess gone. Paul says Xmas wants to break them up too. Jason says that Cody not putting him up and making the other side mad shows him some loyalty. Paul says Cody is just trying to make both sides happy. Paul says Xmas doesn't want to align with him, she wants to align with Jason's side. Paul and you don't have to trust her, but just understand keeping her will keep her firing at the other side of the house.

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8:35PM - BBT: Paul pulls Alex into the HN room. He tells her that he wants to win HoH and take a serious shot, but he's not gonna tell her what it is. Alex says she and Jason don't want to win HoH yet because they don't want to go against their word yet. Alex thinks Jess is running the show. Josh and Jillian are talking right outside the HN room in the Power room. Neither Paul nor Alex trusts Ramses. Paul is campaigning to Alex for Xmas. He says she is heated up and has a better shot at winning comps than Jillian. Paul says the other side is in shambles and now would be the time to do something. They finish their convo and Paul does a dance saying he's the puppet master. Cams change. Small group in the KT talking about working out. Other cams are on Josh easing the Bible and Jillian noisily digging in a drawer. Cam changes to the hot tub with just general chit chat.

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9:27 - 9:38 PM, BBT: Matt, Raven, and Ramses in the Apple Room discussing their reactions to today's attempted Paul nom / eventual Christmas nom. Matt: "I can't wait to see my face." Conversation turns to speculation over Megan's departure. Ramses convinced "she did NOT have a family emergency." Raven adds, "[Megan] just pussed out," and that she could never be a quitter. Meanwhile, Kevin and Christmas lounging outside trying to sort out what votes Christmas needs to lock down, and who's in with Cody. Christmas unhappy that Jason told her he made a deal with Cody on Sunday morning that possibly saved Jason's skin and led to her eventual nom. Kevin says he'll talk to Jason tonight, presumably about securing Jason's vote. Up in the HoH room, Paul and Cody rehashing the day's events. Paul says there's no hard feelings. Cody says, "Same, 1000%." Paul hopes that Cody's come around to see him as more than just a "loud entertainment character." Cody says he has. Looks like Cody's still (voluntarily) eating slop. Conversation wraps up, Paul wishes Cody a good night, pats him on the back, and leaves the HoH room.


9:50 PM, BBT: One backyard crew is now Paul, Kevin, Christmas, and Josh. Paul's pounding out some bench presses as Christmas and Josh look on and spot. Ramses, Jillian, Matt, and Raven over at the hot tub. Christmas heads over to join them. Matt and Raven all the way in, while Christmas, Ramses, and Jillian are just soaking their feet. Third production admonishment for singing in about five minutes, unclear who the offender is. 

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9:39PM BBT: Christmas and Kev talking on the lounge chair in the BY. Kev is asking Christmas about Raven's disease. Kev shows Matt where they can get good water from a fridge Christmas and Kev ask Paul to do a flip. Christmas. Paul is running around jumping over a wooden box with Kev and Christmas watching and they keep shouting ways for him to do it. Kew comments all the people in the Jacuzzi. Kev and Christmas are talking about Josh and Jess talking to Josh. Paul is doing handstands on the wooden box. Kev and Christmas cheer him on and continue watching him. Christmas asks Kev I wonder if he has to cancel gigs when he's in here. Paul finally does a handstand and a push up and everyone cheers for him. Kev yells at Country to come do it too. 

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9:52 PM BBT: Ramses, Matt, Raven, Jillian and Christmas are in the jacuzzi. Paul is told to put his microphone on. Jason is playing pool. Kev tells his daughter Allana to record all these. Kev jokes about Ramses hitting him and there will be a lawsuit afterwards. Kev says Ramses was a gentleman when he first came in now he's swearing constantly and throwing bottles at people. Camera switches to Rose room with Mark and Elena. Elena asks him what he's going to wear to the live eviction. They're talking about what clothes she'll wear to the live eviction. Mark wonders if they'll let them change after the eviction before the HOH comp. Elena switches saying I'm not comfortable answering your question, you need to make you're own decision for the game. Then she continues talking about clothes. Mark and Elena start snuggling on the bed. Mark says I'm not stupid and I feel like you me matt raven are in the middle. Mark says if my vote is different than your guys' it's going to be different. Elena laughs and says true. (LOL) Elena says "you have to do what's best for you." Mark asks "what do you think I should do?" Elena says again I think you should do what's best for you. Dom walks in and Elena jokingly says I think you should listen to Dom. Dom says I told him to listen to you. Elena asks Dom if "we're on the same page?" Dom says I hope so. Elena asks if she's talked to Cody and Dom says no she's leaving that to Cody. They start talking about showering... 

9:58 PM BBT: Dom says Mark looks baffled. Mark says this convo hasn't helped too much. Elena says he knows where I stand. Dom tells him to take some time to think on it. And mark replies with that's smart; patience is key. Dom leaves to shower. Mark says either I'm voting to evict Jillian or Christmas. Mark asks Elena again what he should do. Elena repeats that he knows how she feels. Mark says we should be on the same page. Mark references what they were talking about when they were in the hottub. Elena says obviously I'd like you to feel the same as me, but you don't, and such is life. They begin cuddling more and stop game talk. Elena starts game talking again. She says she's just as indecisive as him. But she gave Christmas her word to not vote her out and it's not easy. Elena said it would be easy to vote out Christmas but she gave her her word. Elena says morally I don't want to vote her out. Elena says morally she can't vote her out. Then she jokes and says sometimes BB isn't a moral game. She laughs and says maybe she isn't good at BB. Elena says it sucks bc she gave Christmas her word and she told Cody she respected him as an HOH. Ramses pops his head in and asks how is Marlena doing. Mark asks him to put his turkey and cheese away that he left out because he was going to eat. 


10:03 PM BBT: Camera switches to kitchen. Jess, Cody and Paul are there. Jess and Ramses are talking about how to pronounce "chaps." Josh walks in. Jess and Cody are talking about sex. Jess climbs onto the counter and they start kissing. 

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9:00pm BBT: All feeds are on the BY. Elena, Ramses, Cody, and Jessica are in the spa. Mark and Paul are weightlifting, Jason and Josh are playing pool. Just general conversation.


9:01pm BBT: Feeds 1/2 switch to KT, with Matt, Raven, Xmas, and Jillian chatting about how they reacted today to the veto meeting. Xmas says she was surprised about the temptation.


9:07pm BBT: Kevin and Jason playing pool now, Jason says that “she” keeps asking him if she has his vote [guessing Xmas as she walked by]. Jason says he’s told her no and Kevin slips when shooting pool.


9:08pm BBT: In the Lounge, Raven and Matt are discussing Cody, Raven says that they shouldn’t tell him what they plan to do. Matt says he knows that Cody is loyal to him, but he can’t risk him taking action that he doesn’t know about.


9:11pm BBT:  Xmas and Jillian in the bathroom area, both being cordial and agreeing that they are not attacking personally while campaigning for votes.


9:19pm BBT: Matt and Raven in the Lounge counting votes for Xmas. Raven says they can’t rely on Josh and states the Ramses will vote for Jillian.


9:24pm BBT: In the bathroom area, Josh tells Dom that he is growing on her. Josh says he “wants some dark chocolate in his life”. Dom says that Paul is going to give her babies, Josh then says he’s going to give her triplets. Josh starts talking to the camera, says he’s going to take her out on Wednesday, gets very animated. Says she’ll fall in love with the Lion Papi. Dom smiles and says she can’t deal with all of that.


9:26pm BBT: Kevin and Xmas in the BY, Xmas says she thinks she has this figured out. Xmas says she’s been trying to talk to Mark but that he walks out of every room she goes into. She says she thinks he feels like he’s stuck in the middle. Xmas tells Kevin that everyone loves him.


9:33pm BBT: In HOH, Paul tells Cody that he respects his gameplay, and likes him personally. Paul says he doesn’t need an explanation. Cody starts telling Paul his plan. He says that Megan was his first choice, says if she had just stayed that would have been ideal. He tells Paul that he was going to be his first choice after Jury, then Xmas after that. Paul tells him to take everything he hears with a grain of salt.


9:49m BBT: Matt, Raven, Jillian, and Ramses in the spa, discussing Raven’s bracelets. Xmas joins them after helping Paul with weightlifting.


9:51pm BBT: Kevin the BY talking about his daughters likely watching the feeds. Teases Ramses a bit about singing and getting yelled at by BB. Says that it is usually him but BB says his name also.


9:55pm BBT: Feeds switch to RBR with Mark and Elena. While Elena is picking an outfit for the eviction show, she asks Mark about his decision. Mark says he’s not stupid, says he feels that him, Elena, Matt, and Raven are in the middle. Elena tells him he says he should do what’s best for him. Dom walks in and Elena says he should do what Dom tells him to do (jokingly). Dom tells him to take some time to think on it.


9:58pm BBT: Mark says that if they are working together, it would be ideal to be on the same page. Elena says her preference would be that they are on the same page, but she recognizes that they disagree, and that it happens.

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10:05 PM BBT: Cody and Jess are talking about how people are going to try and make the couples jealous with other houseguests. Jess says that was already happening, especially with Megan doing that to her about Alex and Cody. Cody starts washing dishes and we can't hear what Jess is saying. Cody says I don't think you're wrong. 


10:07 PM BBT: Mark and Elena are in the rose room and Paul is in there now too. Paul is talking about even though he's played before it doesn't guarantee that he'll make it far. Paul says he just wants to have fun and play the game. Paul says that this past year of his life has been f-ing tough. Paul says he wants to at least make it to jury. Paul says he wants to work with you. Elena says you want to work with us? Mark then says can we keep this in this room. Mark says I trust you both completely. Paul says I need to see actions. Paul keeps saying I know what I'm talking about. Paul says I want to play the game and of course I want to win. Paul then says but I know that the chances of me winning are slim. 

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10:10 PM BBT: Paul is talking game strategy about how if they had just followed the plan. Paul is saying that Ramses would have eventually had to have gone up. Paul says they had a great plan with a strong group of 9 and that we dropped the ball. Paul says he's mad that you f-ed up a flawless plan. Elena says we didn't. Paul says yes but it did get f-ed up. Paul emphasizes that he's been transparent in his game play. Elena says I don't know what else to say. Paul says he doesn't want to go into terminator mode. Paul keeps talking about focusing on wanting to win in general and not just saying you want to go to jury - talking about everyone. Elena says she definitely wants to to win and there are so many things she could win. Elena wants to have opportunities outside of the house. Paul tells them not to play emotionally. Elena says I will not vote Christmas out and Paul says neither will I. Mark says nothing. Paul says it is a bad game move to vote her out. They start talking about how they like Cody. Paul speaks on Cody having put targets on the showmances backs now. Paul now says who is he playing with look at the veto, he isn't playing with everyone. Paul says not every comp is about strength and smarts, sometimes it's luck. Paul talks about how the nerds can win, and thinking about Steve wining. Elena says yeah Nicole wasn't a big threat. Paul references Paulie and saying he made promises with everyone, and was a beast, but he didn't end well. Paul says you gotta play with loyalty. Paul says making side deals is what messes it up. He says "You will not win BB by yourself." They start talking about how Derrick was the only one who kinda did it by himself. Paul says there is going to be a power switch next week and if you don't play your cards right, you're going to get hit. Elena says "I don't want to get hit." Paul says you can either run with me now or not. Mark finally speaks and says I've wanted to run with you sense day 1. Paul talks about how he had to use the temptation bc he had a hunch. Paul then says America is going to be pissed at what Cody did. Paul says think about what America will be doing, you don't want to make them mad, and keep that in mind. Christmas walks in. Paul tells her I'm not voting you, she's not voting you out and I don't think he (Mark) is voting you out. Paul says he's going to go shower and he's not mad - he gets it's a game. 

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10:20 PM BBT: Christmas says honestly he had to put someone. Paul references that Cody said his initial target was Megan and if she hadn't left we wouldn't have had this problem. Paul says maybe it's a blessing in disguise and there's no going back now. Paul breaks out his safety medallion and jokes about wearing it. Kev sticks his head in and says what a beautiful room. Kev smells the roses and says that's great. Raven walks in and grabs some clothes - she says she needs to shower. Raven leaves. Kev says let me see your Flava Flav thing and says you know what I'm talking about. Kev puts it on. Paul says that's some cool survivor shit they did with the pendant. Kev leaves. Elena says she would have taken the f- out of that temptation. Paul says obviously when it says 3 weeks. Paul then says America must have seen something they didn't and laughs about how he thought he didn't need it a little bit but then he was blindsided. Paul pulls out clothes and then looks at Mark and tells him to get out of his head and he's going to just eat himself alive. Paul leaves. 


10:24PM BBT: Elena and Mark are still on the bed. Christmas is sitting in the Rose Room with them chatting about how huge Mark is. Elena asks Christmas if her and Paul have talked game. Christmas says Paul thought she had fed Cody info but she cleared that up. Christmas says she's talked with everybody today. She says Paul asked her straight up if she'd been giving Cody info and she obviously wasn't. Christmas says obviously Cody has been making side deals, so you guys (mark and elena) need to think about that. Christmas says your word is your word, and you need to stick with your alliance. She says she's not a complicated girl even though Cody thinks so. Mark says he's transparent, he's not voting to keep Jillian since he doesn't even know her name. He says eventually he wants to talk with you (Christmas) and he can't believe it's come to this. Mark says Cody never told them who he put up and what his thoughts were. Mark says he never thought it would have been You or Paul. Christmas asks why didn't you question his loyalty if he was willing to work with Jason and Alex? Mark says he told us all the same thing and Cody said he wanted to keep Alex in his back pocket in case she wins HOH. 


10:27 PM BBT: Christmas says it's all just really fishy. Christmas says what if you were on the block, I would question his loyalty. She says think about his loyalty. Christmas says she thought he was a straight shooter. Cody had told her who was in there group and it was obvious and that she was good in his book. She says it would be a different story if she had asked for his help keeping her safe, but he solicited her and told her she was safe. Mark says okay I know you're a woman of your word. Matt walks in and grabs stuff to shower. Mark asks if everything is good and Elena says yes I'm just trying to actually go shower. Matt leaves and Dom comes in. She's eating. Mark jokes that it's shocking that she wants a snack. Dom leaves. Mark continues and says like I said I know what your answer will be bc you're a straight shooter. Mark says I like Dom. Elena jokingly says you do? Dom is still there and Mark asks "if I vote to keep you, let's say you put up Cody and Jess and one of them wins veto, is one of them going up?" Christmas says did you know I was getting bamboozled? Mark says no. Christmas says then no I wouldn't put up. Mark says I had no idea. Christmas says I'm not putting you up and I understand why you're asking and totally get it, but no I'm not going to put you up. I give you my word. Elena asks if she'd put Cody up. And Christmas says I don't even wanna talk about that. Christmas says if I wasn't sure about you I would tell you. Christmas says she isn't going to go back on her word. Mark says she has nothing to worry about and he feels bad for asking. Elena jokingly asks should I ask you. Dom chimes in and says since we're asking questions... Christmas says this is why we should have been talking as a team. Christmas says now that Paul and I are on the outs, we're questioning a lot of ppl. She says if COdy didn't want them on his team then why did they ask. 

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10:37 PM BBT: Christmas is saying teammates are teammates. And then she says how well is he (cody) working with everybody. Mark continues to say I'm transparent and I want to continue to work with you. 

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10:04pm BBT: Paul tells the camera “Friendship Chat” later to tell what’s going on, and to tell his baby burrito that he loves and misses her.


10:07pm BBT: Paul in the RBR with Mark and Elena, Mark asks if the convo can stay in this room. Mark tells Paul that he completely trusts him, but he’s dealing with Cody since he is his friend. Paul says that he understands the game, and that it would be extremely difficult for him to win. Mark says last week was fun, but today was not fun. Elena echoes the sentiment.


10:12pm BBT: Both Paul and Elena say they are not voting Xmas out. Paul tells her and Mark that people playing BB too hard too early go out, and that those who make too many deals and get paranoid go out also.  Out in the BY, Jody are on the hammock. Cody tells Jessica that he doesn’t have a strategy, Jessica tells him that he probably won’t get anything from the “Den of Doom”.


10:24pm BBT: Xmas in the RBR with Mark/Elena, she tells them that Cody has been making side deals, for example Alex early on. Mark says that he is transparent, but that he has been quiet today. He tells Xmas to not worry. He said he asked Cody who he was going to nominate, but Cody wouldn’t tell him, that he wanted to surprise him.


10:29pm BBT: In HOH bathroom, Matt tells Paul that his goal in the game is to make it to Jury, and to help Raven as much as possible. Back in RBR, Xmas tells Elena and Mark that Cody solicited trust from her, which is why she was so upset earlier when Cody put her up.


10:33pm BBT: Xmas tells Mark that if he doesn’t lie to her and if so is proven, she is with him, that he isn’t even on her hierarchy. She says that she would not put him up. She says that she isn’t going to go back on what she’s already told him, and that she wants the chance to prove it to him.


10:37pm BBT: Elena says that what happened today went against her trust. Xmas says that what happened today was Cody acting on his own, to save his own butt. She says that when she leaves here, she will know she was true to the people she promised that to.


10:43pm BBT: Raven comes in to the RBR, and says that Josh is officially the creepiest person in the house. Says that he peeked on her when she was in the shower while he was heading to the bathroom.


10:50pm BBT: In the RBR, Elena tells Mark that she figured out the Ramses has the curse, and that it involves him having to put himself on the block once within the next three weeks as a third nominee.


10:52pm BBT: Mark tells Elena that he is going to vote to evict Jillian. Elena says that she loves Cody and Jessica, and feels that Cody has protected them, but that she is loyal to Xmas and will not vote her out. She says it hurts her to go against Cody, but that in this decision, she is unwavering.


10:55pm BBT: Raven comes in and says that Alex said Josh peeked on her in the shower also. Elena says that she is afraid to shower downstairs now and Mark says he’d kill him [Josh].

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