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Michael "Cornbread" Ligon - Houseguest Discussion

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Age: 41 | Hometown: Augusta, GA | Occupation: Foreman, Tree Removal Company


Are you a super fan of Big Brother?

I would say I'm a fan, but I haven't watched the other countries or anything like that. And season 16 is the only season I got to watch in full.

What types of people in the house will you align with?

People who are go with the flow and easy to get along with. The ones I won't align with are the arrogant ones that come in there aggressive. They're going to be the first to go.

You're going to miss the election. Do you care about that?

I was going to do an absentee ballot, but I never made it. All I'm going to say is I was going to vote for the right person. I would honestly say that if I was pro either I would be a little bit crazy. I wouldn't vote for Hillary because she's too much of a liar. She can't be trusted. And Donald Trump you just don't know what he's going to say next. He can't shut his mouth.

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Who knows why anyone would pick Cornbread over Neeley or Kryssie. 

Cornbread is playing the game and that house is not voting him out over Jason. Heck you can see some of the gals looking at Danielle like an option to vote out. 

Personally I would vote Dani out and get rid of that showmance before it becomes an issue. 

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1 hour ago, Moonpetal said:

Who knows why anyone would pick Cornbread over Neeley or Kryssie. 

Cornbread is playing the game and that house is not voting him out over Jason. Heck you can see some of the gals looking at Danielle like an option to vote out. 

Personally I would vote Dani out and get rid of that showmance before it becomes an issue. 


Because most of America doesn't like Monte and Cornbread is aligned with Monte. I don't like Cornbread but I voted Kryssie.


I do have a feeling that Danielle will be voted out this week. 

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I voted Neeley but I was tempted to vote Kryssie. 


Again I just don't go off social media. I still see people hating on Nic saying Paul got screwed. They clearly only grasp the game on one level. 

Of course I have people I like but I'm more about the overall game and entertainment. 


However, I don't get the Monte hate considering there are far more annoying people in the house. Then again I don't base my likes on what others like. Clearly, I didn't think James played good enough to win. 

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9 minutes ago, Moonpetal said:

I voted Neeley but I was tempted to vote Kryssie. 


Again I just don't go off social media. I still see people hating on Nic saying Paul got screwed. They clearly only grasp the game on one level. 

Of course I have people I like but I'm more about the overall game and entertainment. 


However, I don't get the Monte hate considering there are far more annoying people in the house. Then again I don't base my likes on what others like. Clearly, I didn't think James played good enough to win. 


I never ever go with the flow but I have to agree that Monte is the most annoying houseguest in the house. 

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Monte keeps saying he and Shane have Final 2 locked up and the first few days I heard him say a few times F*ck America. Then later he said America loves him. Monte makes comments that everyone in the house likes him. He said he is the KING and he loves the power. He talks over everyone. 


I guess I just like humble and Monte is not humble. 


Kryssie is my #2 to go 

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I've honestly not seen any of that with Monte. He's been polite and I saw him talking to America. 


Back to Cornbread, I was changing feed views a few times and saw people calling him a racist. I don't think it has anything to do with Monte. Other than all the Southern hate going on. To hate someone simply based on where they live makes no sense to me. 

Now if either has made racial comments I certainly would not support that in any way. Same with not supporting any hate. I might not like someone but I don't hate them or say the things I saw being said. Even if someone says a racist comment for me at that point I have zero interest even discussing the person. 

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1 hour ago, Moonpetal said:

I've honestly not seen any of that with Monte. He's been polite and I saw him talking to America. 


Back to Cornbread, I was changing feed views a few times and saw people calling him a racist. I don't think it has anything to do with Monte. Other than all the Southern hate going on. To hate someone simply based on where they live makes no sense to me. 

Now if either has made racial comments I certainly would not support that in any way. Same with not supporting any hate. I might not like someone but I don't hate them or say the things I saw being said. Even if someone says a racist comment for me at that point I have zero interest even discussing the person. 

well is you have been listening to Monte the last hour up in HOH he will not let others talk and he interrupts. He is the expert. He mentions over and over the he and Shane are the power. He is talking to Scott now and keeps cutting him off. It is so weird you don't hear that. I have never heard anyone interrupts as much as Monte. He needs to tone down the ego. 


My guess is 100% that America will put up Monte next week

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5 hours ago, Marty said:

well is you have been listening to Monte the last hour up in HOH he will not let others talk and he interrupts. He is the expert. He mentions over and over the he and Shane are the power. He is talking to Scott now and keeps cutting him off. It is so weird you don't hear that. I have never heard anyone interrupts as much as Monte. He needs to tone down the ego. 


My guess is 100% that America will put up Monte next week

I honestly never see him doing it. I did hear the power thing and reference to them being F2 but for that he just meant his finale as in ride or die. He was calling it a bromance. 

Maybe he does it with certain people. I usually see him talking to one of the gals. 

Not been able to watch during their peak active time. I'm usually watching early about the the time they get up and then again in the  afternoon. 


I did notice Cornbread doing it today but he's been upset since being nominated. 



Omahaguy - I think it's a bit more looking at the chat but who knows. 

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