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Wednesday August 24, 2016 Big Brother 18 Live Feed Updates


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12:35PM BBT Paul prepping food in the KT and Michelle applying make up in the WA


12:48PM BBT BB calls Paul to DR. He tells them he is cooking and to call one of the other HG. We get FOTH.


12:58PM BBT Nicole and Corey are awake and talking about communicating after the show. Paul is back from DR and cooking his lunch.


 1:08PM BBT Paul comes into the KT to share his new lunch creation. Corey and Nicole both say it's really good. They go back to talking about outside of the house and cuddling.

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1:18PM BBT Paul and Nicole talk about his home life. He is upset at Michelle for saying he is an atheist when he isn't. He says even if he was, it has no bearing on the game. He says is she wanted to put him up, it should be for the type of payer he is and not personal.


 1:26PM BBT Nicole, Corey and Paul are joking about virtual dates in the WA. Discussing when you say you have a GF/BF. They are joking about coffee dates etc.


1:42PM BBT Paul continues to talk about an ex so we have all 4 cams on Natalie sleeping in the HOH.


1:54PM BBT Paul and Nicole talk about traveling and living with parents. Nicole says she needs to move out. Paul teases her that is she doesn't travel this year he is going to hassle her.

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2:02PM BBT Corey, Paul and Nicole just chatting about back home. Paul talking about photos he has taken. Other cams on sleeping HG in HOH.


2:16PM BBT Nicole, Corey and Paul talk about who Nicole is friends with from her season. She says that her and Victoria became good friends after the show. She says that she and Derrick are really good friends and she just love shim. They talk about how Zach is now a teacher.

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7:00 PM BBT In the Tokyo BR Paul is talking to Nicole & Corey & filling them in on everything he was told by James, Natalie & Michelle before noms this week. In the HOHR, Natalie, James & Michelle are trying to figure out how to break it to Paul that Victor will be leaving tomorrow. Paul tells Nicole & Corey that he thinks they can work together. We see FOTH.

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7:02 PM BBT Michelle tells Natalie & James that she doesn't care if Paul puts her on the block. Michelle asks Natalie & James what Paul had said to them about her? Natalie says he didn't talk to him. James says that Paul was going to let things go about the clothes. James says that he said he has 28 days left. Michelle says he's not staying there 28 more days that's for sure. Natalie says that Paul hates it when girls are right over him. Michelle says she knows he does, he thinks he's a super fan. Natalie tells Michelle that she thinks she's right. Victor goes to the Tokyo BR. He takes his socks & shoes off, tying his shoes as he takes them off. Corey says that they haven't hung out in the HOHR at all this week. Paul says they have locked the door all week. He says everyone is different though. Michelle tells Natalie & James that she thinks that Paul is trying to work with Corey & Nicole. Paul says Corey & Nicole aren't dumb. He says they will entertain him because they don't want to go on the block either. Michelle says they will entertain his idea & go along with it. James says that at this point everyone is playing this game, they are down to 6 people tomorrow. He says there is no more relationship building in the house. Nicole tells Corey that they had such a great night last night.

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7:07 PM BBT James says he can put up Nicole & Paul next week. He says if Paul comes down they will backdoor Corey. He tells Michelle & Natalie that they need to gun for the Veto. He says the Days comp should be coming soon. Michelle says that damn care package. She says she heard some mechanical whirling in the BY. She says she heard a generator. Natalie says she heard pipes falling. James says he would love to battle it out. Michelle says it could be the comic book one also. Natalie tells Michelle that she knows she wants Nicole out.  She says Corey & Paul are their biggest competition. She says if Paul gets himself down they can beat Nicole. Michelle says she is sick of Nicole slipping through the cracks. She says she doesn't want to see her in Final 2. James says they can take Nicole out he doesn't care. Michelle says once Nicole is gone she won't care anymore. Back in the Tokyo BR, Paul tells Nicole & Corey that he would be f'n shocked if Victor would stay tomorrow. Corey says they may take a chance & roll the dice with them. Paul tells them that Natalie & James pitched him a Final 4 before the noms. Nicole says they may have a Final 3 with Michelle. Paul tells them that they were all working with Bridgette. Corey tells Paul that he trusts him 100%. Paul tells them that they pulled him & Victor in after Bridgette left. Paul says they pitched them the Final 4. Nicole says they didn't pitch them like that. Paul says they were in the middle. Nicole says they were trying to get them to fire at each other. Paul says he's not a liar or a manipulator. Nicole says that Michelle lives for fueling the fire. Corey says he's glad he figured things out. Paul says he figured it out when he went on the block. Paul tells them that they both will probably go on the block next week. He says they can use him as a number if they want to. He tells them they can turn this offer down if they want to. Nicole says she likes it. Corey says he does also. Paul says he knows what happened, he put it together & kept it to himself. Nicole tells Paul a couple things he could possibly get for the care package, but none are the right one. Nicole asks if they will be safe if they work with him? Paul tells them yes. Paul says he can loan wolf it & lose eventually, or they can ban together, because there are clearly 3 working together on the other side of the house. Nicole laughs & we see FOTH briefly. Paul says the three of them (Natalie, James & Michelle) are chilling upstairs, while they battle it out downstairs. Corey says let's let them think that then. We see FOTH. Paul says they are going to talk smack about him to them. Paul says that he can guarantee that James threw this Veto comp. He says he knew he was sitting pretty with them. Nicole says he knew he wouldn't go on the block. Paul says that before everyone gets evicted, James is the one that tells everyone that they are getting evicted to keep everyone on his side for the votes in the end. He says he's caught on to what he's doing.

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7:22 PM BBT Paul tells them that they may be thinking he is trying to work with them. He tells them they can leave him out to dry. He says that they will probably go to them asking them to work with them. He says if him or Corey get the care package they can work together. Paul says he was lead to believe something about them that he found out is not true. Nicole says that he called them the golden couple. He runs down the list of everything that he was told. Paul says they didn't want him to cross-reference all of this. He says that Victor heard them sh*tting on him more in the HOHR. Back in the HOHR, James says it doesn't matter if Paul goes up, they just have to make sure he doesn't win the Veto, or they can try to backdoor him. He says that's a risk. Natalie says he can win the care package. James says he can't see Paul winning back to back comps. Michelle says hopefully he won't win either. Michelle says he can win the care package. Natalie says the care package might not be that good. James says it may not be. In the Tokyo BR, Nicole says that Michelle has put her with every person in the house. Paul says that Natalie & Michelle went back & forth about who was going on the block between Nicole & Corey. Victor goes back to the Tokyo BR after his cold HN shower. Paul says he has to go piss. He leaves the Tokyo BR. Nicole & Corey talk about her double chin. She tells Corey that he should tell her she doesn't have one. She whines, "Coreyyyyy." Nicole says they may get in trouble from Michelle seeing them talking to Paul. She says James may try to switch his vote now. Corey says James may not switch his vote. Nicole says it's so sketchy, she wants Michelle gone next. In the WA, Paul asks what's going on in the HOHR? Victor says he doesn't know. Paul tells Victor he's trying to set up for next week in case he leaves. He says Nicole & Corey say they don't know what's going on upstairs. Victor leaves the WA. James goes in & Victor tells him he just got out of the shower. Paul tells James in the KT that he thinks he was having an anxiety attack. James asks if he's alright? He says he is. James goes to the Tokyo BR. He asks if they are o.k.? Nicole says that Paul doesn't feel good & he has a feeling that Victor is going home tomorrow. James has extensions on his beard. He says they found the bag of flour over here. James tells Corey it's cool that he got to keep his picture. Corey says, pitcher of water. Corey asks if Michelle told Paul about his vote? James says, no. Corey asks if they are still going ham in the BY? James says, yes, that's why I don't think it's a mental comp, it's going to be physical. He thinks it might be a wall comp. Nicole says Cody won the wall comp at the end of her season. James leaves the Tokyo BR. Nicole shows Corey a scar she has from a hot glue gun. Back in the WA, Paul thinks everyone is watching him. Victor says he doesn't know America f'd them & didn't give them a care package. Paul says they must not have known this was happening. Victor says that Michelle should have put Corey up from the beginning. Paul says he would have won & pulled him off. Victor says Michelle is screwed if he leaves. Victor says Michelle lets Natalie & James tell her what to do. Victor wants to give props to Nicole & Corey. Paul tells him to give props to James & Natalie to help him out with Nicole & Corey. Paul thinks they may not keep Corey in if they see him hanging out with Nicole & Corey. Paul tells Victor to go to the HOHR. They leave the WA.

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7:39 PM BBT Victor goes to the HOHR. BB tells him to please move his necklace away from his microphone. He tells Natalie & Michelle that he took a cold shower & his body stays cold for 1 hour after the shower. Natalie says when she goes home her body will go back to normal. Natalie & Michelle go back & forth about the weight they've gained. They say that Victoria gained weight in the house & now she lost it all. James says she used to text him all the time before he went on the show. He says she talks about her boyfriend, but he's not going to talk about it on the show. We see FOTH briefly. Michelle says she is starving. She asks James if he will cut up cucumbers, tomatoes & pepper strips? Natalie wants some also. Natalie says they will watch him on TV do a cooking show for them. James wants them to all go downstairs. Natalie & Michelle say they like it up there & it's their last day. James tells them not to get comfortable. Michelle says she needs a shower tonight. They all go to the KT. Michelle goes on the hunt to see where the other 3 HG's are. We see FOTH.

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7:43 PM BBT Michelle & Victor are in the SR. Michelle tells him that they got baby pies. She says it could be Toaster Strudel. Victor asks BB if they are for him, but they don't answer him. He finds graham cracker pie crust in the freezer. Michelle has her red HOH robe on in the KT. Victor goes to the KT. Natalie starts jumping up & down & clapping. She asks America if they know where the clap is from? She says she's sure they do. We see FOTH.

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7:47 PM BBT Natalie tells Victor, James & Michelle that she cheered for a University & always got air time because they zoomed in on her face. She says she then quit. She says, "Superman that ho." We see FOTH. Natalie tells James, "Pie in the face." He tells her not to touch his hat. Michelle talks about Paprika. James says, "Paprika these nuts." Natalie tells him he's rude. Michelle is eating & chomping. Natalie asks where something is distributed? Victor says if it's Kroger it's from Cincinnati, Ohio. Natalie tells Victor he's smart. Natalie says that Paul hasn't been hanging out with them, he's only been hanging out with Nicole & Corey. Victor asks if he thinks he's going home or something? James says he doesn't know. James says he shouldn't just go to them. Victor says maybe he thinks he will be next. Natalie & Michelle both say they don't trust him. Victor says if he goes it will only be James playing for himself in the HOH comp? Natalie asks if he thinks they are working together right now? Victor says he doesn't know & we see FOTH.

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7:53 PM BBT Michelle gets told to please not obstruct her microphone when feeds come back. Victor tells Michelle & Natalie not to call Paul out since they can't play in the HOH comp. Natalie says he's jumping ship. James says that's the first sign of trouble. Victor tells them he trusts them & they trust him. Natalie asks Victor if he trusts Victor? Victor says he's not sure right now. James says Victor & Paul wouldn't go against each other. Natalie says Paul hasn't ever hung out with them & now he's been hanging out with them for a few days. James says that Paul was tight with them & studying. He says he was wanting to sabotage & pots & pan their asses. Natalie says Paul shouldn't be doing this because it's going to hurt his game. Victor says if he's working with them now they are screwed with them working together. He says James is the only one of them playing in the HOH, so they may go on the block & one of them may go home. Michelle says she wants to call him out on his bullsh*t. She says they don't call her the justice keeper for nothing. Victor tells her not to do anything dumb yet. She goes to the SR to get a watermelon. Victor asks why they couldn't stick to the original plan? Natalie says she wanted Paul out. Victor says he knows, he just wanted Nicole & Corey on the block, that's been his plan. Natalie & Michelle are going to split the watermelon. Natalie sneezes a couple times. They are all now sitting at the KT table. Victor says he just got shafted. Michelle says she wishes she won the Veto. Natalie says she would have used it on him. Victor says he knows. Natalie says that Paul used to eavesdrop on her conversations with Nicole & Corey & then denied it. Natalie says that Paul forced her to have a conversation with him & you don't do that. She says they blindsided him not Victor. Victor says that he knows that because she told him. Natalie talks about the care packages being an advantage for the person that gets it for that week. (Although hers is for the whole season.) Victor says if he leaves it will be the three of them playing against James. Natalie asks Victor again if he thinks they are working together? Victor says he can try to get information. James asks if he will tell him anything? Victor says he might be preparing for him to leave. James says it seems he has been preparing since he won the Veto. Victor says that makes him feel great. We see FOTH.

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8:07 PM BBT In the KT, Michelle talks about things flipping with Paulie about Zakiyah in the house. Victor says he can't say what Paul would do, but he can tell them what he would do. He says if he wins HOH he would put Nicole & Corey on the block. Victor says he's been hanging out with them the past couple days so he's not attached to them. Michelle says he's hands down working with them now. James says Corey could jump back on their side. Michelle says she's stuffed with fruit & vegetables, but she still wants some carbs, just a little bit. She puts something in the microwave. Natalie tells Victor he should have won the Veto. Victor says if he couldn't be in the position he is in he wouldn't. Paul tells them he's having heart palpitations & he is feeling pressure on his chest. Natalie says it's just anxiety that she gets it all the time. Paul says he's scared. Natalie tells him to clear his mind. He says he's a hypochondriac & thinks he's going to die. Natalie tells him to lay down & breath. Victor says, Lamaze. Paul says he can't take a full deep breath it, it stops halfway through his breath.

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8:13 PM BBT Victor says everything in California is gluten free and non-GMO. James says he's going to the HOHR. Natalie runs up to him. Natalie takes Michelle's water bottle to her & goes back to the HOHR. She jumps on the bed. James says Michelle doesn't even what to sit next to Paul. James says that's good that happened. Natalie is making fun of Paul having breathing trouble. James says that Victor knows now that he's going home. James says that he tried to smooth things over. He says it went perfect. Natalie asks if he really thinks that Corey & Nicole won't work with them? James says no. Natalie & James goof around & start clapping each other like school girls. He starts rocking Natalie & saying teeter totter. James says Victor knows they have doubt now. Natalie puts on some blue Lip Medix on her lips. James says Victor is going to the HOHR. Michelle walks in the HOHR. Natalie & Michelle both say they are fat friends. Michelle says Victor & Paul are having friendship time. James says Victor is going to tell Paul that he's getting him boned. Natalie says it's just what they wanted & she laughs like a witch. In the WA, Victor tells Paul what he said to everyone in the KT. He tells him that they all said they didn't him. Victor finishes telling him what he said to them to try to stay in the house by sticking to his original plan. He asks what he should say to them now? Paul tells him to tell them that he doesn't feel good & that he's going back to bed. Paul tells him to tell them that if he stays he would put Nicole & Paul on the block. Paul tells him that they are telling him everything they already discussed. They fist bump & snap their fingers. Victor says if they go back to him it's because of this conversation. They walk out of the WA together. Victor asks Paul if he wants to go upstairs? Paul says he wants to go lay down because he doesn't feel good. Victor goes to the HOHR. Victor tells them Paul's not feeling good. Michelle says that's bullsh*t. Natalie says she gets it all the time & he just needs to breath. Michelle asks what he said to him? Victor says he wouldn't tell him any information. Victor says it's affecting his game. Natalie tells Victor that she only cried because he was on the block because she still wanted Paul gone. Michelle is chomping & hogging down chips & salsa. Victor says he feels they are a tight group. He says he hasn't lied to them. He tells them that if he has to put up Paul with Nicole he will. Natalie says that Paul was throwing James under the bus to Paulie. Natalie says she saw him eavesdropping about 4 minutes on her conversation & she heard it. Victor says he's so tired of getting shafted. James says that was his partner & now he's jumping ship on him. Natalie says he's covering his ass. Natalie says this could be his last night there & Paul is hanging out with Corey & Nicole & that's weird. Natalie says she f'n won this HOH with a pulled neck & he shouldn't have forced her to stay up & study. James says they should have studied with Victor & not Paul. Natalie says Paul wanted to sabotage them. Victor says that's not his own game. Natalie says he's name dropping. James says all that man. Natalie says she wants to go & say something to Corey about him saying she was sucking James' d*ck to the top. Michelle says she should & she will go with her. James says they need to win HOH's to get retribution in this game. Victor says it took him 5 weeks. James says if he wins HOH next week he would put his two noms on the block & he would have someone else give his speech. He messes up because he says Corey, Nicole, Michelle or Natalie, not Victor's name. James says that Paul & Victor together scares him. He says if Victor stays tomorrow & Paul tries to get back on his side & wins HOH he may throw James on the block with Nicole & try to backdoor Natalie. Victor says if he has any voice in his ear he would keep it to Nicole. Michelle says you have to put someone else up though. Victor says, yes, as a pawn. Victor says since he abandoned ship he is just as sketched out with him. He says he's throwing question marks & messing his game up. James says he trusts Victor, but he has a bad egg connected to him. He wonders how that will transition going forward. He says he sees everyone as couples except Michelle. Victor says if he goes home & Paul is tied to them they are all f'd. He says if he stays they have a better chance with him there. Victor says his targets went home before that he put on the block. He says he hasn't done anything to wrong them. He says it sucks & now Paul is screwing up his game. Michelle says she is wondering about the care package. She says if Victor stays they would be safe, but if Paul gets it they won't be safe. Victor says he hasn't thrown anyone's name out there. Natalie says Paul has thrown their names out there. Victor says that's a possibility, but he can't say that 100% because he's not Paul. Victor tells them they need to worry about things because Natalie & Michelle can't play in the HOH comp. Michelle is now chomping down on a Charms Blowpop. Natalie says she feels that Victor won't go against Paul if he stays. Victor says she underestimates him. Natalie says she feels that Paul was going to use him to go all the way to the top. She says his social game is so strong he would have won. Victor says if he stays next to him he will leave first. Victor says he would put him up now, but he wasn't thinking about it before what happened today. Michelle says that Paulie told her that Paul is the brains & he is the braun. Victor says he did one big move with Paulie. He says he wouldn't mind doing another one with Paul. Natalie says he's the biggest & scariest threat in the whole house. Michelle says if she sees Paul in the Final 2 she would be upset because he's well off & she would like to see other people win the money. Natalie talks about Paul lying about knowing how to make french fries. Michelle says that Paul says he doens't have anymore student loans to pay off & Pepperdine is $60,000 a year. Natalie says she hasn't lied about her personal life. (She has not told them the truth about her being an NFL cheerleader.) Natalie says that Paul talks about his expensive cat & dog. Michelle says he told them his dad has car dealerships & does Real Estate. Victor says he would put Paul up with the intention of sending him home. Natalie says she trusts him. 

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8:44 PM BBT Natalie tells Victor that Paul was talking so much sh*t about him after he left the house. Michelle says that Paul didn't want him to come back in the house. Natalie tells Victor that her targets were Paulie & Paul. Natalie goes on and on about her only crying because Victor was sad. Michelle says she was a little sad, but she didn't cry. Natalie says that Paul was able to make them feel like sh*t. Natalie & Michelle are blowing smoke to Victor telling him how much they like him & they would vote for him in Final 2. James says this puts a monkey wrench in everyone's plans. Natalie talks about how paranoid Paul was & how he was up her but when Paulie was being evicted. Natalie says that Paul asked her if he should give Paul a sympathy vote? Victor says he never knew that. Natalie says she thinks he asked her because he knows that she plays with her heart. She says she does & she did for Bridgette because that's how she plays in this house. Victor says he's a robot in this game because he wins & does what everyone tells him to do. Natalie says that Paul was FTing her this whole game. She says when she asked him what it meant he lied to her face. Michelle says Paul was trying to control her when putting up her replacement nominee. She says he told Nicole she might be the one going up & she got ready & curled her hair. Natalie is smacking on her gum & says that Paul has no shame. James says that Paul has not fought for Victor to stay. Victor says he would have campaigned for him if he was on the block. Michelle says she went to the SR 2 hours ago & they were talking about his arm, & then she went by again & they were still talking about his arm. Victor says they will get a reality check when Corey goes home & he goes on the block. Victor says he thought that Paul was campaigning for him. They all tell him that Paul hasn't said one word for him to stay. Natalie rants about him calling her FT again. Victor tells James if he does go he will have to win HOH. James says, right. He says it will be 3 against 3 & it won't be a fair fight because they only have 1 playing in the HOH comp & they will get the care package. He says he would put Paul up after all of this. Natalie is acting prissy while smacking on her bubble gum. James says that Paul will make up some stuff with him to tell him he wasn't feeling good & he was covering his bases. Victor says he won't fall for it. James says, damn this sucks. Victor says that Paul was always talking about moving in together. Victor says Paul may think he can drop out of the HOH comp. Victor says Paul won't think he will turn on him. Natalie says they saw his true colors even more. Victor says it's been whispers every time he goes down there & that's never happened before.

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