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Tuesday August 2, 2016 Big Brother 18 Live Feed Updates


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7:52 PM BBT Paulie is talking to Victor in the SR about Victor supposedly saying something. Paulie says that Zakiyah told him that she is tight-lipped. He says that he knew for sure that Michelle for sure didn't say that Victor said something. Paulie says that James told him the truth. Victor laughs & says that Zakiyah got caught in a lie. Paulie says it was 2 lies. He says that makes him feel concerned. He says that he told her that he's not working with Victor or James. He fist bumps Victor & says he has zero f's. Victor says that awesome that she got caught in 2 lies. Paulie says she might be tight-lipped, but he wonders where his information is going that he's giving to her. Paulie says that Michelle hopes they have a double eviction so she can take big shots. They leave the SR.

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7:56 PM BBT In the KT, Victor says that no one is picking up the milk on the floor. Corey says he fed his cat today. Michelle says that she gets fed every day. Michelle is sitting at the KT table eating. She asks where James & Natalie are? Paulie says they may be sleeping, because they went into the UKBR. Back upstairs in the couch area, Nicole tells Zakiyah that she completely understands her point, & she completely has her back. She says that Paulie is one of the best people she has ever met, & he won't screw her over. Zakiyah says that she isn't trying to do anything to him. Nicole asks Zakiyah if she wants her to tell Paulie that they need to talk? She says she may want to just drop a hint. Zakiyah says that they can even talk in the Paris Room. She says she doesn't understand why Paulie is avoiding her. She says she feels like running around to find her phone so she can call her mom. Nicole tells Zakiyah that if she wants to go to the Paris Room she can tell Paulie to meet her there. Nicole says that she can secretly talk to Paulie up there. She says that she would tell her if it doesn't work within the next 15 minutes or so. She says if they go in at two different times it would be better. Zakiyah says that she tried to hold everything in as long as she could, but she couldn't do it anymmore. Nicole says that she figured that she wanted to be alone, so she didn't want to bother her. Zakiyah says she's going to go to the Paris Room. Nicole tells her she will try to get him in there within the next 30 minutes, but if it's not going to work, she will go in & let her know. Zakiyah says o.k. Nicole tells her to go in there & chill. She tells her to talk to her mom in there also. Zakiyah says she has crazy emotions in the house. Nicole says that she does also. She says it's because they are the Cancer sign. Zakiyah says it will piss Paulie off if he knows she's crying. Nicole says he doesn't have to know she was crying. Nicole says that she will just tell him she is sad. Zakiyah says Paulie may be in the Tokyo BR talking to Michelle. Nicole says that she thought he was in the KT, so they can wait a little bit. Nicole wonders what they are talking about. Zakiyah says it could be the situation that happened. Nicole tells Zakiyah that her make-up is not running. Zakiyah is relieved, because she was pretty sure she messed it up. Nicole tells Zakiyah that she didn't realize that she really does like Corey. Nicole tells Zakiyah that she has a bump on her lip. Zakiyah is worried that someone in the house gave her the herpes. Nicole says that over half of the house is on that medication. She says she's not on it, but a lot of the population carries that virus. The cam view goes to the Tokyo BR. Paulie tells Da'Vonne that he is talking to Michelle how Corey & Nicole don't talk to them much. The cam view goes back upstairs to the couch area.

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8:09 PM BBT Nicole tells Zakiyah that her & Paulie have a great relationship. Victor is singing that it's the final lockdown instead of countdown. Zakiyah asks Nicole what time it was the last time she looked at the clock? Nicole says it was around 7:30 PM BBT. Nicole says that she heard Da'Vonne walk into the Tokyo BR & ask Paulie & Michelle what they were talking about. Zakiyah says it's awkward. She says that she would never do that with someone. Nicole says she wouldn't either. Zakiyah says that she can't really trust a lot of people. Nicole says she hopes she can get a chance to talk to Paulie, but usually she only gets to talk to him by accident. Zakiyah says it's easy to get some people, but not him. Nicole tells Zakiyah that she separated all that trail mix because she wants to make Corey something, now other people are going to eat it. Nicole asks if Victor is going to make something? They look over the balcony to see what's going on in the KT. Nicole says the plan may not work, it's going to be a while, because he's in the Tokyo BR. Zakiyah says that she is going to make herself some slop later for dinner. Zakiyah says that she is going to put raisins in hers. She tells Nicole that she literally pick out raisins & washed them off earlier to put in Paulie's slop. She says that she wouldn't be doing all this for him on National television if she didn't actually like him. Nicole says it may be because they both want someone different to go home this week. Nicole wants Paulie to make eye contact with her. He does & she tells Zakiyah to go to the Paris Room. Paulie heads upstairs to the couch area, & Zakiyah goes in the tunnel to go to the Paris Room. She sits in the tunnel & listens by the door.

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8:18 PM BBT Nicole starts to go over the days in the house by herself while she waits on Paulie. Paulie runs up the stairs & goes to the couch area where Nicole is. He sneaks over there & sits down next to her on the carpet. Paulie tells Nicole that he knows why she went to talk to her. Nicole tells him that Zakiyah is really sad & was crying, but she's not supposed to tell him that she was crying. Nicole tells him that she told her that she feels like he was playing on her emotions. Paulie says that Zakiyah is trying to play her & play all of them. He tells Nicole that Zakiyah told Victor & James. He tells Nicole that she needs to get her head in the game. He says he knows that Corey is a stud & all. Paulie says that Zakiyah told Paulie that she doesn't like Nicole because she withholds information from her. Nicole can't believe that she said that. It's really hard to hear what they are saying because of the stuff in the KT slamming & banging around. Paulie tells Nicole that he caught Zakiyah in 2 lies. Nicole is worried that Zakiyah will put her up in a double eviction. Paulie says that she would put him up. Paulie says that he told Zakiyah he got information, but she wasn't going to tell her where he got the information from. Paul goes to the HOHR, & then goes back out to ask what time it is? Someone from the KT tells him. He says thanks, & goes back to the HOHR. Paulie says that Zakiyah was trying to stare him down like she was telling him to f her. Nicole tells Paulie that she wants to go home next since she feels all alone. Paulie says she is trying to pull the alone card, but she has people that she can talk to.

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8:27 PM BBT Paulie says he dropped the ball with Zakiyah because of Da'Vonne dropping something about an alliance. He says that he told her that should bring up a red flag. Paulie tells Nicole that he is going to tell Zakiyah to vote for Bridgette. Nicole asks if Paulie knows they are voting for Da'Vonne to leave? Paulie says no. Paulie says that Zakiyah knows she's in deep sh*t. He says that Zakiyah only tells him what she wants & what she thinks should happen. He says that she doesn't tell her about her conversations with Michelle. Nicole tells Paulie to try not to get Zakiyah mad at her, because she doesn't want her to put her up on a double eviction. Nicole says that she can't believe that she said that about her though. Paulie says that he knows how to word things, not to call anyone out. Paulie says that Zakiyah wants Nicole to tell him the stuff. Nicole says that she told her that all of his intentions are good. Zakiyah is listening intently from the tunnel trying to hear what's being said. Paulie tells Nicole that Zakiyah goes to every room that he is in & tries to be everywhere. Paulie says that it's so funny to hear how Zakiyah tried to spin it to her, because of how she tried to spin it to him. Nicole tells Paulie that Zakiyah's favorite player was Rachel Riley. Paulie says she is playing a little like Vanessa did last season, & she was one of the greatest players in the game. Paulie says he told Zakiyah what he's thinking for this week. He says if he has his way Da'Vonne will go home, but some people may vote the other way. Paulie says if she wants to be like Rachel Riley she is going to need to win.

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8:33 PM BBT Paulie says it's pretty funny how Zakiyah is trying to play things. Nicole tells Paulie that he needs to go to the Paris Room before Zakiyah comes back. Paulie says he doesn't care. Paulie says that Michelle & Zakiyah have shown what they are. Nicole says that Michelle is always digging & asking questions. Paulie tells Nicole that Michelle told him that Nicole doesn't ever talk game to her. Nicole says she only talks game to the people she trusts. Paulie says that same thing. Paulie says he makes sh*t up to Michelle & Zakiyah. He says he lets them do most of the talking. He says he lets them come up with the topic. Paulie tells Nicole to be careful when she talks to Michelle about Bridgette. Nicole says that Michelle is spinning stuff also. Paulie says it's so fake & if stuff comes back he will talk to them. He says that he trusts her & Corey. Paulie says that James is on his radar. He says that he talks a little bit to Paul. Nicole says that she calls Paulie that funnest person in Big Brother ever. Paulie says he gets crapped on. She tells him that he keeps making things fun. Paulie tells her that he may love her more than Cody did, & he loves her a lot. They laugh together. Nicole tells Paulie that Zakiyah told her that she can't ever get Paulie by himself to talk to him. Paulie says he knows exactly what she is trying to do, & she's not fooling anyone, including him. Nicole says she is pretty good isn't she? Paulie says she has a great social game. Nicole asks Paulie if she is trying to plant a seed? Paulie thinks she is doing that with everyone.

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8:39 PM BBT Paulie tells Nicole that stuff isn't being told to her because he & Corey are close & things are being said to them. He says they figure it will get back to her. Paulie says that he has people that he wants to get information from 100%. He says he gives people only a little bit of information to make them feel like they are getting something really good. He says that way he gets what he wants from them. He says that he did that with Da'Vonne. He says that she needs to go, & she's putting her & Corey in a corner next to each other. He says that Zakiyah needs to go also because of the lies she is telling. He says that Michelle & James are on his radar also. Nicole says she will do better. Paulie says that he tried to find out from Zakiyah that other day when Da'Vonne started trying to play her? He says that he listens to words & phrases. He says that if people are trying to sell an idea it's the same words coming from someone else. Nicole tells him that she told Zakiyah that he's way to genuine to ever play her. Paulie says that when he hears the same words coming from someone else it puts the red flags up for him.

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8:47 PM BBT Nicole asks Paulie if she should try to talk to Bridgette? Paulie says she is playing everyone. Nicole says she doesn't even know what she would say to talk to her. She says she just doesn't want her to put her on the block. Nicole tells Paulie to go to the Paris Room. He says, o.k. She goes in the HOHR to go pee. Paulie goes in the HOHR right behind her. Paulie tells Paul that Zakiyah is in the Paris Room so he will talk to him in a little while. He tells Paul that he trapped Zakiyah into 2 or 3 lies, & now she is sh*tting her pants. He says he talked to Michelle also. He tells Paul that Zakiyah is in the Paris Room so he has to go talk to her. Paulie goes to the Paris Room. He goes to the tunnel & tells Zakiyah to go in the Paris Room. They go in there. He asks Zakiyah what's going on? He says that Nicole told him she wants to talk to him. Zakiyah says she doesn't know what's going on. Paulie tells Zakiyah that he found out information so he knows she was lying. He tells her that he wonders where information that he tells her is going. She says she really only talks to Michelle. She asks if she is not supposed to be telling her anything? Paulie says some things are only for her & Corey to know. Zakiyah tells Paulie that he is making her feel some type of way. Paulie says that she lied about two things to him. Zakiyah asks what she lied about? Paulie says it was what Michelle & James told him. Zakiyah tells Paulie that she told him exactly what Michelle & Victor said. She says she may not trust Nicole all the time. Paulie says it wasn't just her & Michelle in the room when they were talking. He says that the information came to him from someone else that was in the room. He says there were 3 people in the room, not 2. Zakiyah says she doesn't know who else was in the room.

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8:56 PM BBT Zakiyah says she really has to think about who else was in there. She says that James was taking a nap. Paulie says that the information got back to him a different way then she was telling him it was said. Zakiyah says that she is not hiding anything from him. Paulie says that any information that is talked about needs to be said without someone else in the room. Paulie tells Zakiyah that he doesn't understand why when he asked her a question she had to lie to him. Paulie is being condescending towards Zakiyah a little bit. Zakiyah says that unless Michelle is lying to her she doesn't understand this, because she tells him every single thing that is said. Paulie tells Zakiyah there is no reason for her to flip out. He tells her what gets cross referenced in the house is what matters. She tells him that he can see it all on the live feeds & show after they leave. Paulie tells Zakiyah that she's not doing anything to him that's why it's not a big deal. She says she is trying to flip things. He says comments were made & she was bringing it to her attention why that's a dangerous thing. He says they don't know how people are going to take the information. Zakiyah says she understands why he is so frustrated. He says he's not frustrated. Zakiyah says he didn't need to say that she doesn't need to know where she got the information. Paulie says she is withholding information. He tells Zakiyah that he doesn't have to talk to her, but she wanted him to talk to her. She starts to cry & tell him she feels that he is being malicious to him. He tells her that he is giving her information, & he's telling her how it was given to him. Zakiyah says that she feels stupid because she goes to the DR & tells them that his name comes up first with who she is trusting. She says he needs to deal with the other people. She says if something serious came out she would tell him. She says that she doesn't know what is going on in his head. He says she does know because he tells her that he takes things week to week. She says she only trusts two people in the house she is going to feel some type of way. Paulie tells her that he is giving her tons of chances. Paulie says that if he didn't trust her he would tell her. He says that her & Michelle could have missed that there was another person in the HNBR sleeping in a bumper car. He says 2 people that are supposed to be part of an alliance. He says that he will protect that & say that if something were to come up. They are going back & forth arguing.

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9:06 PM BBT Paulie tells Zakiyah that he has caught her lying 3 times now. She wants him to tell her what she lied about. He tells her it was about James being in the room, what Michelle said & what Victor said. He tells her it makes her seem phony. Zakiyah says this is not playing out right. She starts crying because he called her phony.  She says she doesn't know what to say right now & she feels stupid. Paulie tells her she needs to relax. Paulie is smiling & says that she shouldn't just be taking that she seems phony from this whole converstaion. Zakiyah asks Paulie what he wants to know? He says he doesn't want to know anything right now, they just need to take things week to week. He says who the 5 people want out should get out each week. Zakiyah says that they never finished their conversation earlier. Paulie has Zakiyah backed up in a corner literally. When they went in the room that she needed to go there because she doesn't know who's in the HOHR. Paulie talks over Zakiyah when she is talking. He tells her they need to process things logically. He tells her he doesn't understand why she is freaking out. He says he has shown her ways that he has told her how he will keep her out of danger. She wants to go home next week. Zakiyah says she is going to talk logically & take her feelings out of this. She says she put two and two together. She says she thought he knew she genuinely cared about him & would tell him everything. Paulie says, "O.K. then, information has been a one way street then." Zakiyah tells him that he doesn't understand how he's talking to her. She says she doesn't know how to talk to him. She says he's the first person ever she can't talk to. Paulie says he is talking to her logically relaying information to her. He says he's not going to feel bad. He says that he wants to know why she genuinely lied to him. She says that she didn't realize that she was lying. He says that she didn't lie, she just didn't know. He says they just got different information. Zakiyah is really crying & Paulie isn't comforting her in the least bit. She is literally shaking. Paulie is looking around & not saying anything at the moment.

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9:15 PM BBT Zakiyah asks, "Now what?" Paulie says he just wants to keep things like he said. Zakiyah says that she trusts Paulie, but he doesn't trust her. She tells him that she doesn't probe his mind. Paulie asks if he probes her mind? She says he did today. She says she will never do this again. She tells Paulie that she trusts Paulie 100%. He asks her if she inferring that his answer is something different? She says no, he's making her out to be this person she's not. Paulie says they were sitting together all last night with their arms around each other. Zakiyah says this could just be strategy for him. Paulie says that he could say the same thing. He says that he doesn't care who play devils advocate. He says they always do that in the DR. He tells her that she needs to have a stronger mind & not listen to them. He tells Zakiyah that he doesn't want to have an argument every single time they talk. Zakiyah tells Paulie that he needs to stop being cold to her. Paulie says he's not being cold to her. Zakiyah says she's not going to put herself out there, because she's not an actress. Paulie says he's not going to put himself out there because of his emotions. Paulie tells Zakiyah that when it comes to them he's going to have emotions, but when it comes to the game it's separate. He says he is not going to mix the two together. He tells her to separate the thoughts. Zakiyah tells Paulie she's sorry for him feeling betrayed by her. Paulie says betrayed was never said. He says that he won't question this again. He says everything is matter of fact. He says there are pieces & they need to be played. Zakiyah tells him not to tell her what to do. He tells her this conversation is over. He says he doesn't tell her what to do & what not to do. He says they play the game & that's it. He leaves the Paris Room. She is left there by herself crying. He goes to the HOHR. He makes a letter Z with his hands telling Victor who was in the Paris Room.

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9:24 PM BBT Paulie goes in the HOHR WA with Paul. He whispers to him everything that was going on in his convo at like 5 a.m. this morning. Paulie tells Paul that he was telling Zakiyah that 5 people can attach their names to Da'Vonne & she was in a 7 person alliance. He says that he gave his reasons why he wants Da'Vonne out also. He says that Zakiyah was getting upset over this. He tells Paul that Victor & Michelle told him different things than what Zakiyah actually said. he tells Paul that Zakiyah lied to him about it just being her & Michelle in the HNBR. He says that James was in there in a bumper car napping before they went in there. He tells Paul that he was told for a fact that Michelle went into the HNBR saying she was pissed that Paulie is always whispering about things. Paulie checks the monitor. Paul asks who it was? He says it was either Da'Vonne or Zakiyah. He says they went downstairs. Paulie tells Paul to leave the cam on the KT so they could see if they are in the WA. Paulie continues the story to Paul about Zakiyah. He tells Paul that Zakiyah is sh*tting her pants. James asks Paulie what happened with his girl? James says that he was in the Safari Room with Nicole & Corey. He says that Zakiyah went to the Safari Room wanting to talk to Nicole. Paul continues his conversation with Paul & James.

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9:32 PM BBT Zakiyah goes in the Safari Room waiting on Nicole. Nicole goes in & they shut the door. Zakiyah tells Nicole that the whole thing with Paulie just backfired. Zakiyah tells Nicole that Paulie just snapped on her. Zakiyah tells Nicole that she didn't realize that James was in the room. She says she doesn't have anything to hide. She tells Nicole that she told Paulie that he will see when he looks back at the show. She is relaying everything to Nicole that happened in the Paris Room. Back in the HOHR, Paul is not mad. Paul says that Natalie came to him to tell him that she is going to vote Da'Vonne out instead of Bridgette. He says that he told her to do what she wants, because she will be happy in the end.

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Everything is updated to 9:35 PM BBT after the blowout with Paulie & Zakiyah. It's being rehashed in the HOHR & in the Safari Room. If someone wants to take over soon that would be great!

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9:35 PM BBT Paul talking to James and Paulie in the HOH and saying Michelle was pissed because she wasn't put up as pawn after almost flaking out on the POV last week. They also talk about Natalie asking who she should vote for and Paul says she's on board to vote Da'Vonne out. Paulie filling James in on the Zakiyah conversation.


9:45 PM BBT Nicole and Zakiyah still in the safari room chatting. Nicole says Z and Paulie will be fine and back together in four days. She says they have good chemistry.


9:46 PM BBT Victor comes in to the HOH and tells Paulie Zakiyah is crying in the safari room. He's rehashing things with Victor now.


9:50 PM BBT James, Michelle, and Da'Vonne in the UKBR trying to figure out why Zakiyah is crying. James leaves. Then Michelle and Da go into the Tokyo BR with Natalie. Da says people are going nuts today and Natalie says she's been in the right place at the right time.  She tells them Bridgette made a comment about wishing she had saran wrap to wrap her pie right after James walked out of the room. (Because James used all the saran wrap when he pranked Natalie) Natalie asked what caused the whole thing with Tiffany. Michelle says we don't really know. Da says after the HOH comp Tiff came in and talked to Frank and they started throwing names under the bus and it just went weird. Natalie says Bridgette doesn't talk poorly in front of her and Michelle says some people are good at being two faced. Paul goes into HOH and Paulie is still re-hashing the Zakiyah convo with Victor and Paul.

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10:00 PM BBT Corey comes in to the HOH with Paul, Victor, and Paulie. Corey tells them he overheard Michelle call someone two-faced and now they are trying to figure out who she was talking about. Paulie says Michelle needs to go next week. He doesn't think Bridgette is coming after any of them. Corey agrees and says he feels good about her. Paul says oh you guys feel good about her? Pretty sure you guys aren't the ones who called her out last week and put her on the block this week. Corey says you put her up as a pawn and she put you up as a pawn. Corey says she's not mad at Paul at all. Paulie thinks Michelle called him two-faced.


10:05 PM BBT Paul says these girls are shitting their pants and Paulie says just Michelle and Zakiyah. Corey says Bridgette should be smart and stay with the guys and Paul says she would never go with their side. Paulie is more worried about Michelle winning something before Zakiyah. Paul says can we be worried about Bridgette winning something. Corey says Bridgette would put up Michelle and probably James or Zakiyah. Paulie says things are going to be awkward now. Thanks Z. Paul and Corey can't stand Z. Corey says just looking at her he is depressed.


10:08 PM BBT Zakiyah and Nicole in the safari room still talking. Z says she doesn't know how to be around him now and Nicole says I don't think you should completely ignore him. Z says he just got up and walked away from the conversation.


10:14 PM BBT Paul says Da wanted to punch him earlier because he told her she looked like a black licorice candy. Corey says yeah she did and Paulie said definitely not the best thing to say. Corey says she took offense to it and Paul said did she really. Corey says which was stupid. Paul said how could you tell and Corey said you can tell by her face. Paul says but I didn't mean it "like that'.  Corey says I know. Paul says there's a black licorice candy with that stripe and Corey says I know you don't have to explain it to me. Paulie says every one of those girls except for Nicole and Bridgette take every fucking thing personally. Everything. Paul said it was because of the dress she was wearing. Paul tells Paulie if you win you have to put her up. Paulie says have I ever swayed and said I wouldn't put her up.


10:16 PM BBT Da comes in to the safari room and Nicole leaves. Z tells Da a little bit, but not the entire fight. Da says I think you should just take a shower, go lay down, and call it a night. Da says this game is crazy and you just have to get out of your head.


10:23 PM BBT Da tells Z if what they felt for each was genuine then it will work after and they can talk about it. If it's not genuine, then she knows. Da says Rachel and Jordan both won with their showmances in jury because there were no distractions.


10:24 PM BBT Corey tells Paulie about James' slip up in the safari room earlier when he told Da he'd put up Bridgette and Victor on a D/E and Da says but Bridgette won't be here.


10:26 PM BBT Da'Vonne goes into the UKBR and does a celebration dance and talks to the cameras. She says she might have got her girl back. She thinks there will be no more distractions. She got her feelings hurt so now she will help Da take out Paulie. Da says I might just win this thing. Then she says that's if they don't send my ass home this week. Da goes out and follows Michelle into the SR where James is ironing his pants. Michelle put something on his pants and James thinks they're ruined. He has sprayed something on them and is ironing them. Michelle says we need to soak them and takes them and leaves the room. Da says are you just trying to make her feel bad and James says no they were fine until she put something on them. James says he knew it was an accident but still. Da alone in SR now and she says you know... this might just be a really good week. It just might be. If they don't send my ass home, I can do some things with this week. Yes I can.  We get another little dance.


10:29 PM BBT Corey says Nicole has never done anything to those girls and they are so mean. Paulie says has Nicole done anything? No. Did Bronte do anything to those girls? No. Has Bridgette done anything? Other than the "alleged" shaved eyebrows comment.

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10:31 PM BBT Natalie and James in the UKBR. Natalie says to James she didn't like that comment she made and James said who? Natalie says Bridgette and James says about what. Natalie says like Da really trusts you. Like a million percent and she trusts you so much. But Bridgette, her saying that comment because I was out there in the Tokyo room, she's like there's no fucking saran wrap to cover my pie and that was directed at you. Natalie says I've been in the kitchen with her a lot and she's never made a comment like that before. Don't you think that's weird. That she wouldn't say that comment in front of you. Natalie asks she's really staying and James says who. Natalie says Bridgette. James says well I made it right, I gave her aluminum foil.  Natalie says yeah but she shouldn't have made that comment. James says why and Natalie says because that's passive aggressive. James says I know but I tried to make it right with her again. Natalie says what if she wins and puts you on the block. She doesn't know if that's going to happen but Da wouldn't put him on the block. Da comes in and Paul and interrupts. They are going to play hide and seek.


10:35 PM BBT Paul asks Natalie about the two-faced comment and who it was about. Natalie says it's nothing, it was Bridgette. Paul says none of the guys? Natalie says no.


10:37 PM BBT Da is the seeker. She finds Natalie behind the see-through door of the safari room and Victor was on the floor. Not sure who all is playing, but Natalie is the new seeker. James is back in the SR ironing his pants and Natalie tells him about Paul asking who the two-faced comment was about. She says Paul told her to tell James so he could tell the others. [Yes folks, these are real conversations] We get FotH. Natalie tells James she's worried and James says don't sweat the small stuff. She says will you at least tell me what to do Thursday and James says just vote with the house. Natalie says Michelle thinks Da is staying and James said we don't have the votes. The worst case is it comes down to a tie and we piss off the other side of the house. James is still pissed about his khaki's. Michelle has ruined them and Natalie says don't get upset about them I'll buy you a new pair.


10:43 PM BBT Natalie asks James in the SR why did Bridgette say that though? Natalie says I'm trying to figure it out, is she that two-faced? James says I don't know and Natalie says I can't read her. James says honestly I don't care about that situation I told you that's how she is. He says I apologized to her and she told me to go fuck myself and then we make amends or whatever and then she's like there's no fucking saran wrap. James says no matter what that's just how she is, which is cool. FotH.


10:52 PM BBT Natalie finally found the HG who were playing and Paul is the new seeker.


10:53 PM BBT Zakiyah and Michelle in the UKBR and she is filling him on the argument with Paulie.


10:55 PM BBT Michelle tells Zakiyah Nicole has been shady to her all day.




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11:00-11:15 PM BBT Still hide and seek going on and Zakiyah and Michelle in the UKBR re-hashing the Paulie fight.


11:15 PM BBT James threw an egg at Michelle as she came out of the UKBR. Some HG snacking. Same conversations happening over and over. Nothing new going on.


11:30 PM BBT Paulie, Victor, and Paul in the HOH room talking about Michelle and generally complaining about her.


11:58 PM BBT Victor says if he wins HOH, he's going to nominate Michelle and a seashell. If he wins POV he's going to use it on the seashell and nominate Zakiyah.

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8/3/16 5:43am-6am bbt  Michelle is the only one up. She cooks something and eats some of it, puts the rest in the fridge. She goes into the SR and starts talking to herself. First her lips are moving and there's no audio. Once the audio comes on she starts talking about things to do when she gets out. Starts noting moles on her arms that need to be checked. She says she's bored. Files her toe nails. She's mumbling, might be talking about Zakiyah and Paulie. Something about backstabbing.

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4:20am Day and Michelle are up. The cameras focus on Day wrapping her head with a scarf. Then both of them stand in front of the picture wall and study it. It looks like they're studying for a morph comp. They discuss someone who is really pretty that was evicted (Bronte?) who wasn't as much of a threat as they thought. Michelle tries to hide her glasses and gets told to stop that. Day goes to bed.

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