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Wednesday July 27, 2016 Big Brother 18 Live Feed Updates


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This forum thread is for posting live feed updates & screen caps that reflect what's going on in the BB house.  Comments and BB18 discussions are in the Big Brother 18 Discussion section.

If you are adding personal comments, please keep them to a minimum and use brackets [personal comment] around the text.

Remember your time zones. Big Brother 18 Time is West Coast Daylight Saving Time (See Map Here).


Please be careful in identifying who is speaking, and do not use confusing abbreviations. We may have several HGs with names which start with the same letter. I've been tripped up not knowing if "B" is Bronte or Bridgette.


To better help you identify the HGs, we made this guide you can print out and refer to until you get to know who's who. Download PDF And here's DRG's guide by team Cast Cards PDF.

Try to be consistent with abbreviations, like:

British Bedroom (UKBR)

Tokyo Bedroom (TBR)

Washroom Area (WA)
Water Closet (WC)
Kitchen (KT)
Dining Table (DT)
Living Room (LR)
Back Yard (BY)
Bedroom (BR)
Indoor Lock Down (ILD)
Outdoor Lock Down (OLD)
Head of House Room (HOHR)
Storage Room (SR)


When referring to Da'Vonne, you can use "Da," "Dav," and, of course, "Da'Vonne," but for some reason "Da' " with the apostrophe, jams my proofreader program.

You are all encouraged to add info in your posts letting others know that you can only stay an hour, or, "I'm done, can someone else take over!" or whatever, so that lurkers, or "floaters" will be encouraged to fill the gaps.  


It only takes a few good posts to earn your "Live Feed Updater" badge and LFU status. 

Also, all registered members of the forums have access to our chat rooms, at  http://www.tvfanforums.net/index.php?/chat.html/ Stop in talk to SMVanBoyz, Fuskie, and I'm in there from time-to-time too. It's fun to be able to watch the feeds and dish about the HGs at the same time.  


Thank you!

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9:00pm-10:00pm BBT: Bridgette and Frank talking and Bridgette says she wants to go home. Frank tells her to tell the other she wants to go so he can stay. Frank tells her that he thinks the votes are going to be to send him home right now.They then start  talking about about jasmes and how he is a liar. Frank says sorry America but he is a liar.
DA, Paul and paulie talking about how Corey and Nicole are working with Frank and they is why Nicole did not wake anyone up when the message came on the screen yesterday. Paul is shocked and paulie just sitting there listening quietly.
Nicole talks to Corey about Frank being an idiot and she will not flip her vote even if the house does. She says she wants Frank gone. Nicole  worries that Frank has the round trip ticket and will come back in the house. Nicole then tells Corey that Frank threatened her and she needs to stay up all night so he can not talk to anyone else to make sure he leaves on Thursday.
Frank now talking to Michelle and asking for her vote this week. He then ask her to talk to Zak and see if she can get her to flip her vote and keep him in this house.
10:00pm-11:00pm BBT: Nicole and Coery laying in bed talking. Corey ask her what is wrong. She says nothing i just get nervouse when you talk to Frank because  he is so good at this game.
In the HOHBR DA is talkiking to James about Nicole and if he trust her or not. James says i do not know if i was on the block she might vote me out. DA says she does not trust Nicole cause she talks to Frank alot.

11:00pm-12:00am BBT:  Michelle , James , Natalie, DA, and paul are in the BY talking about how bad it was for Frank to tell bridgette she is fat and how it upset bridgette. Paul says i understand how it hurt her cause my sister was anarexic. Michelle says Frank probably thinks i am fat too since he thinks that about Bridgette. James then ask Michelle if she will vote Frank out this week and then get bridgette next week when she wins HOH. She says she can put paul up against Bridgette and she will leave.
James then tells Michelle and DA how double eviction works.DA then tells james that her and Michelle are doing good in this game.

12:00am-1:00am BBT: Michelle and DA talking in the BY about where they live. they then talk about making it to jury. DA tells Michelle they will have fun ib jury. She then says she will vote Paulie over Zak to win this game. Michelle says she is worried that James will not vote Natalie out when the time comes. Nicole and frank come sout to the BY and they just talk about working out  and music. Paul and paulie are playing chess.
1:00am-2:00am BBT: Paul and paulie playing chess and Da comes up talking bad about Nicole and how they can not trust her after what Frank said.Paulie says he will go to Frank and tell him if he wants the votes flipped then tell him who he can trust to see if stories are stayingf ther same or changing.
Frank and Michelle  talking about how Frank is dissapointed in James. Frank then tells Michelle that if she keeps him in the house that she will not go on the block when he wins HOH that she is safe but she has to keep him in the house.
Talk in the house go back and forth about voting out Frank or Bridgette as most Hg want Frank gone but Frank is campaning hard.

2:00am-4:00am BBT:Paul and bridggette on the hammock on the BY. Paul telling her everything Frank has said and done in the game behind her back while Paulie has Frank in the BR talking so Paul can tell bridgette everything.
Paul says that Frank is telling everyone that you want to go home so just send her hame. He then tells her that no matter what one of you are leaving and I do not want you to leave. He then tells her to keep quiet about this and start talking to others and be more sociable.
Paul then goes to Paulie and tells him about the conversation with Bridgette and how she wants to stay.
Bridgette then tells Paul when he comes back to the BY again that Frank told her if she stays to put Corey and Nicole up then changed it to Nicole and James. Paul ask why then Frank comes out  to the BY and talking stops.
Paul then goes to Frank after Bridgette goes inside and ask him if he said that Bridgette wanted to go home and Frank says no I hope you did not tell her that. The conversation gets a little louder as Frank says we joke about wanting to go home but i would never tell anyone that. Paul then goes to the London BR and tells them that he just told Frank he does not have his vote and that he told bridgette everything.

5:00am-6:00am BBT:  Paulie and Frank talk and paulie ask did Paul tell you he told Bridgette that you said she wanted to go home? Frank says no and i hope he did not tell her that i do not want her upset thinking i am campagning against her. Frank leaves and heads to bed. 
DA, Paul, and paulie are talking in the London rm about Nicole and how it was confirmed that she is lying about being in an alliance with frank, Bridgette and Corey. Paul says Jozae was right  about Nicole she is a liar.
Frank gets up and goes to the BY with Bridgette and tells her that he never told anyone to vote her out. Bridgette says everyone knows Ferank and it hurts. Frank tells her look at him and she can not look at him.

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9:00AM BBT Feeds show HoHR & TBR.  Lights are still off and everyone asleep.
9:52AM BBT Feeds go down for morning wake up songs.
9:53AM BBT  Feeds are already back up and lights are still off.  No wake up song yet.
10:01AM BBT Vic gets up to go use WC, comes back lays down & gets right back up again leaves room briefly then back in bed.
10:06AM BBT Feeds down again.  Hopefully this time it is for wake up.
10:07AM BBT Feeds back up.  Too quick for a wake up.  Lights are still off.
10:15AM BBT Feeds down again.  Maybe third times a charm?
10:17AM BBT Feeds back up.  Lights still off.  Everyone still sleeping.
10:27AM BBT  Feeds down again very briefly.  They came back up.  You can see that someone was walking by but unable to see who since only legs were visible.  All others still sleeping.

11:00AM BBT Nat just woke up, grabbed some clothes & shoes, then left the HoHR.  She is now in WA for ADLs.  Feeds went back down.

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11:10am BBT: Bridgette and Natalie in the WA brushing their teeth and getting ready for the day.

 11:14pm BBT: Michelle tells Natalie that she is scared Frank will come back into the house with is ticket. Natalie says yeah i know. Michelle tells her we will see today as Paulie comes into the WA. Michelle says she is going back to bed. Natalie tells her yeah go i am awake then she tells paulie to go back to bed as he leaves the WA.

11:18am BBT: Michelle and Paulie go back to bed as paul gets up. Michelle says that was some good music this morning. Paulie says yeah i love some good M&M. 
Natalie in the WA cleaning.

11:24am BBT: Natalie tells DA she hopes no one gets mad that she is like touching everything in the WA while she cleans. DA says no and thank you Natalie. Natalie says your welcome. DA goes back to bed and covers up.All other Hg in bed sleeping.

11:32am BBT: Natalie still cleaning the WA and saying how gross it is and saying that it smells bad around the sink area. All other HG still sleeping.

11:46am BBT: Natalie now cleaning the WC and says this is gross. She is spaying cleaner in the walls and doors and scrubbing them as she keeps saying this is gross.

11:57am BBT: Natalie still cleaning the WC as all other HG are snug in their beds.

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12:07am BBT: Natalie has now finished cleaning the WA and WC and is now upstairs  on the balcony stretching.

 12:28pm BBT: Natalie still working out alone as the other HG are still sleeping.

 12:50pm BBT: Natalie still working out as the other Hg are still sleeping 

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1:13pm BBT: Natalie finished her workout and is now in the WA doing her nails.

1:52pm BBT: Natalie in the WA doing her toe nails as all the other HG are still sleeping.

1:55pm BBT: Natalie has finished her toe nails and put everything away then goes to the DR trying to get in and feeds switch to James sleeping.

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2:00pm BBT: Natalie  gets clothes and goes to the HOHBR to take a shower. Natalie says James you awake? He says whats up and she tells him she did not want to wake him . He ask what time it is and she says almost 2pm and he says wow it was so quiet. He ask what she has been doing and she tells him everything she has done all morning. She then ask if she can shower and he says yeah.

2:04pm BBT: Natlie tells James if we are ever on the block together i would want you to campaign  cause you have a little girl to take care of but i would not want you to be mean with it. James said i would let you do what you want to do but i would want you to take care of you. I just want it to be a free for all cause i want you to do what you want to do. It is not a house vote it is a personal vote but if it is you and me against each other just go out with class.

2:10pm BBT: Natalie tells James that Michelle told her that he never  talks to her anymore so Natalie wants him to hang out with Michelle more and talk to others that he does not have to just hang out with her. She then tells James that Michelle is always there for her no matter what.

2:20pm BBT: Natalie and James still talking in the HOHBR about Corey telling stories and how she knows all his stories already. She says i like everyone but it is hard to trust them.James says yeah.

2:23pm BBT: James says next week should be an easy week as long as Bridgette does not win HOH. Natalie says i will try to win but i will not drop unless Bridgette drops first. She says i will stay up as long as she is up. James says well DA and Paul are going to try to win for sure.

2:30pm BBT: James and Natalie talking about James going to the DR and we keep getting WBRB.

2:32pm BBT: Natalie says that comp was a hard comp physically and mentally. She says she kept moving her arm cause it was going numb. James says yeah i could not feel my hand and i still can't. Natalie says if it is not better by tomorrow then have it looked at.

 2:33pm BBT: Natalie talking about her being a hypochondriac and always going to the dr. she says her dr does things for her he shouldn't do then all 4 feeds go to sleeping HG.

2:41pm BBT: Natalie tells James that Zak and Bridgette talked and made up but then Zak said she did not like Bridgette. James says that why i do not think we will be a target next week. Bb calls James to the DR.

2:47pm BBT: Natalie ask James if he is going to shower before he goes to the DR and he says he should but he isn't. Natalie is getting ready for her shower and ask James should i not have told you all this stuff? James says yeah you should have as he brushes his teeth. Natalie now in the shower.

2:50pm BBT: James starts to leave the HOHBR and ask Natalie if she gets out of the shower before he gets back will she feed the fish. Natalie says yeah as James leaves the room and goes to the DR. All other Hg still sleeping.

2:56pm BBT: All feeds on sleeping HG.

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7:16 PM BBT In the Safari Room, Nicole is talking to Frank. She tells him that it would be really silly to go after her. Frank tells Nicole not to take his speech personal tomorrow. She thinks that he will call her out. Franks says that his speech won't be as bad as she thinks. She asks him if he's going to go out with a bang? He says he's just going to give his speech. He is trying to figure out how the votes will go. We see FOTH.

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7:19 PM BBT In the HOHR, Corey tells Natalie, James & Paul that Frank is pissed that they flipped. Corey says that Frank was asking him to keep Bridgette safe & not let her be by herself when he leaves. Paul says that they need to keep it safe for now. Natalie says she's going to get herself a snack. She leaves the HOHR.Corey thinks that Victor is being shady. Paul says that he can talk to him. BB tells Paulie to please stop singing. Corey says that Victor told him that Tiffany told him to trust Frank. Paul says that Frank is going this week, so that won't matter. He says that he still thinks that Bridgette needs to go out before Victor. Zakiyah goes in the HOHR & asks James if she can shower in there? Paul says that he was going to shower, but tells her to go because she will be faster than him. BB tells Bridgette to please put on her microphone. Paul says that Frank has given her a plan if he leaves that she is supposed to follow. Zakiyah has gotten the rest of her stuff to take her shower.

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7:28 PM BBT Paul says that Frank is crazy. He says that he tried to threaten him telling him that he has numbers & to watch out if he doesn't go home. In the WA, Bridgette tells Natalie that everyone is saying that she wants to go home. She says that Frank keeps telling her that he's a dead man walking, & that he only wants to spend time with her for his last week. She says when someone asks if she wants to go home she is denying it, because this is BB & she doesn't want to go home. She says that Paul approached her about everyone hearing that she wants to go home. In the Safari Room, Victor is talking to Paulie. Paulie tells Victor that he doesn't trust Da'Vonne or Nicole. He says that he doesn't know which one needs to go home first. Paulie syas that Paul just wants to have a conversation with the two of them. He says that they need to get Da'Vonne, Nicole & then Corey out. Paul goes in the Safari Room. Paulie tells them that Natalie is in the WA with Bridgette, while James is upstairs. He says "Floaters grab a life vest." We see FOTH.

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7:39 PM BBT Live feeds come back with Victor saying that Natalie's life vest can be cut off & she will sink. Corey is now in the Safari Room. Victor says that they need to make sure one of them wins HOH, that way they can put up. Paulie wants to get all of the girls out. In the WA, Natalie asks Bridgette if she thinks it was his idea to put them up? Shet tells Bridgette that James did not want to win, he only wanted a kiss. She tells Bridgette not to repeat what she is saying. Bridgette says she won't. Nicole goes in the WA to put on some deoderant. Bridgette says hello to her. She says hello back. Bridgette says that they need to do facemasks & have some GT (girl time). Nicole goes in the WC. Bridgette says this whole thing is f'd. We see FOTH briefly. Nicole comes out of the WC & washes her hands in the sink. She looks around for a towel, & uses one on the bench to dry her hands with. Nicole tells Bridgette if she is secretly upset with her about anything to just ask her about it. Frank goes in the WC. Natalie thinks he's going number 2.

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7:47 PM BBT Natalie leaves the WA. Frank comes out of the WC & only rinses his hands off. He doesn't use soap or a towel. He tells Bridgette that he has been waiting for her to go back to the Tokyo BR. She says that she is doing her make-up. He tells her that she needs to hurry up. She messes with his hair a little. He puts his NASA ball cap on backwards & goes to the Safari Room. He opens his mouth for Victor to throw a pink-pong ball in his mouth. In the HOHR, Paul tells Da'Vonne that no one understands why they would put Nicole on the block. Da'Vonne tells Paul that Corey & Frank are talking. Paul says that James & Nicole definitely want Frank out. Zakiyah says that Nicole keeps asking who they are voting out this week. She says she should already know to vote Frank out. Paul says that Corey may be playing a little dumber than he actually is. BB tells Zakiyah to please put on her microphone.

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7:52 PM BBT Da'Vonne says that Nicole has her hands in a lot of pots. Zakiyah leaves the HOHR. Paul says the numbers may be weird, so they need to make sure they have the votes to send Frank home. Paul says that Victor told him that Tiffany told him to trust Frank. He says that something is fishy. James, Natalie & Bridgette are all sitting on the couches upstairs. Bridgette asks James if people are saying that she wants to go home? He tells her that all he has heard was that she doesn't want to go to jury. Bridgette says she heard a lot of stuff last night & she doesn't want it to be weird in the house. BB tells Paul to please put on his microphone. Bridgette says she doesn't like that mean stuff if being said about her. James says that he feels, personally, that Bridgette will play a better game without Frank there. She agrees. Bridgette says she is finding out that a lot of stuff was being said that wasn't true, & why she was feeling isolated. She says that all hurts.

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7:58 PM BBT In the Safari Room, Paulie tells Victor that he hopes he, Victor & Paul all get to play in the double eviction. He tells Victor that they need to try & get Da'Vonne or Nicole out then. He says that they can string Bridgette along. In the SR, Corey tells Nicole that if Da'Vonne wins HOH, one of them will go home. Nicole tells Corey that Frank is playing a good game. She says that Frank told her if she could flip the votes for him to stay he would go to the end with Nicole & Corey. She says she doesn't believe him. She says he will get them out right away. Nicole says that if she gets put on the block she will take it like a woman. Corey says he doesn't understand why their name is getting thrown around so much. Nicole says that all the girls are after girls in there. Corey says that Da'Vonne is after the guys. Nicole says that she doesn't think she should tell Da'Vonne what she knows. She says she wants to call her out on some stuff. Corey says that one of them would have to be taken off the block if they both go up together. She says that they would need one of their votes. Corey tells Nicole that Da'Vonne is still talking about them. He says she is so shady. He says he doesn't like her & wants her gone. Nicole says she wants Da'Vonne gone before Bridgette. She says that she is going to make a deal with Bridgette.

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8:06 PM BBT Nicole tells Corey that Bridgette was upset about what was said to her last night. Nicole & Corey leave the SR. Da'Vonne creeps behind Corey, following him to the KT. Nicole stands by the Tokyo BR. She says she's going to go pop a zit on her face. She walks through the KT, & says she can really smell the fish. She goes to the WA. Victor says it smells really great. Corey tells Victor that he's eating apple with peanut butter. Victor throws the ping-pong ball up in the air & almost misses catching it. He says he might eat some tacos. In the HOHR, Da'Vonne says that Nicole came out of the SR & looked dead straight at her. James & Paul are up there with her. Paul says that he trusts them & Paulie the most in the house. Paul says that Corey might be doing some sketchy sh*t. James says he is keeping Nicole in the loop for sure. Paul says that Corey is playing like he's not that smart. James says that Natalie is trying to find out what Bridgette knows, & she will tell him what she finds out. Da'Vonne asks what they should think when she talks to Nicole? James says that Natalie doesn't trust Nicole & will tell him everything. Da'Vonne tells them that she was spying. She says that she was wondering where Corey & Nicole were. She says they came out of the SR together. Paul says his name is going to be thrown under the bus as to the person that wants to put Nicole & Corey on the block. Da'Vonne says that Nicole can't win HOH. Paul says that Corey can't win either. Paul says he wants to give the benefit of the doubt to Corey that he will listen to the boys, but he doesn't know. James says that he isn't giving them any information about Nicole. He says that he knows everything about Natalie. Paul says that Corey isn't telling them anything that Frank is saying to them. Da'Vonne says that's because they were working with Frank & Bridgette.

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8:14 PM BBT Da'Vonne tells Paul that he was never a concern, after he told her & James that he has told them everything that Frank & Bridgette was saying to him. Da'Vonne says that they need to get to Paulie. James says that Paulie is smart. Paul says that he's smart, but he likes Corey a lot. Da'Vonne says that Paulie is smart, but he really likes Corey. Paul says that he's going to tell Paulie that he is looking at it from all angles & he needs to watch out. Paul tells Da'Vonne that she really needs to try to win & pull it through. He says she needs to kick start this sh*t. Paul says if he wins he will get Bridgette out of this house. Da'Vonne says that she didn't make any promises about Bridgette. Da'Vonne says that she does have to get Bridgette out for him. James says that he knows that Frank was going to put him up, but he doesn't know what Bridgette will do. Da'Vonne says that Bridgette can go next week, but Nicole or Rico Suave (Victor) needs to go right after her. Paul says that Victor is on their team & they can use him. He says it's not a ploy to keep Rico Suave. He says he's a number, & he will work with them. Da'Vonne wants to know who's in the KT. James says it's Paulie, Corey & Victor. Paul says that Nicole & Corey are still paranoid even knowing that Frank or Bridgette are going to leave. He says they don't have a reason to be worried, unless they do.

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8:22 PM BBT Da'Vonne says that Nicole & Corey shouldn't be worried. She says that you have to trust your teammates. Paul says that Frank lost on his season, so no one should work with him. He says he doesn't understand why everyone loves Frank so much. Da'Vonne says that he was the underdog in his season & she felt sorry for him. She says she didn't watch feeds for his season. James says he probably did the same thing during his season, but they didn't know that. Da'Vonne says that they need to talk to Paulie.

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8:26 PM BBT Paul says if no one is doing anything sketchy than they shouldn't have anything to worry about. James tries to open the second HOH from his HOHR, but it doesn't open. Paul says he's leaving, because the less they meet like this the better. He leaves the HOHR. Da'Vonne says she's so pissed that the information got back to Corey. She says that she has no idea why someone said anything to him. James says Nicole has to know everything now. Da'Vonne says that Nicole & Corey were in the SR for about 20 minutes. She says she thought they were with Frank, but they were sleeping. Da'Vonne says Nicole thinks that the attention needs to be on her. She says they are going to try to flip it back to her. Da'Vonne says that when they went to her about the 5, she wasn't cool with that because there were 2 showmances in the group, making her the odd man out. Da'Vonne says that Nicole denied telling Tiffany & Frank everything, but when it was told back to her it was exactly the way she had said it. She says that they were outside yesterday, & she told them that she hoped everyone sends Frank home, because she will never trust him again. She says that Frank keeps talking to her. James says that he was talking to Frank about an hour ago & was just bsing. Da'Vonne wants to know what's up with Natalie & Bridgette. James says that Natalie is like a Meg to her, & he knows that she won't try to flip game on him. James says that if Frank doesn't leave they will have problems. He says that everyone will say they are working with him then. Da'Vonne says she's been sleeping, reading & trying to stay out of the way, other than what happened last night. James tells her not to sweat it. He says tomorrow is going to come around & 6 PM BBT will be there before they know it. Da'Vonne says that Paul should have put that damn ticket in his drawers or something. She leaves the HOHR.

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8:34 PM BBT In the WA, Nicole is brushing Zakiyah's hair. In the Tokyo BR, Bridgette is bugging Frank & poking him while he's trying to nap. She tells him that she doesn't want him to lay down all day, because it's not good for his circulation. She says that they got 10 hours of sleep. We see FOTH.

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8:36 PM BBT Live feeds come back & we see FOTH briefly again. In the KT, Paulie, Paul, Corey & Victor are all standing around or sitting by the KT table. Paul asks if they have chocolate ice cream? Victor says no, but he can check. Corey says that fish is probably never going to be done. He says it's time to turn the oven up now. Corey leaves to use the WC. Back in the Tokyo BR, Bridgette tells Frank he's shiesty. Bridgette asks Frank if he wants to use her Chapstick? He says that he doesn't use Chapstic unless his lips are chapped. Paulie gets called to the DR. We see FOTH briefly. Bridgette asks why the camera looks like it's pointed across the room? We see FOTH briefly. Bridgette asks what kind of an angle the camera has? He says it's good, but it may not have his arm in it, but the one across the room is pointed at them to. Bridgette tells him that he needs to blink. He holds his eyes open, & then finally blinks.

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8:42 PM BBT Frank tells Bridgette that he's to good at this, & he can get votes without campaigning. Bridgette is rubbing his chest & asks if she should be worried? He says that he threw her under the bus, & makes up a story about her being a doctor & not a nurse. He says that he told them that she's really 31. Frank tells her to stop playing with his ribs, because it hurts. He keeps telling her lies that he supposedly said.

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8:44 PM BBT Frank tells Bridgette that she has chronic bad breath & B.O. She says that she doesn't stink. She says that she smells like garlic sometimes. He says that he told people that she is Julie Chen's long lost daughter, & that's how she can be on the show. She is laughing at everything he's saying. Frank says it's going to take him a long time to get all of the glitter that is on him. BB calls Corey to the DR. We see FOTH.

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8:47 PM BBT In the HOHR, Natalie is worried that she's offending Zakiyah. She says that she doesn't like Paulie for anything more than a friend. In the KT, Victor tells Paul that he is going to win HOH. Paul is trying to find out who he would put on the block. He says he might put up Brigette & Da'Vonne on the block & see who would get themselves off the block. Victor says that he would like to win HOH twice at some point. He says that the only two people that didn't vote against him are Paulie & Paul, so he's all about getting everyone else out. Victor is tossing the ping-pong ball at the wall. Da'Vonne gets called to the DR. Victor starts to sing Bye, Bye, Bye & we see FOTH briefly. Victor says that dude made a lot of money with that song.

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8:51 PM BBT We see FOTH briefly again. James says that he talked to Frank & told him that if he stays he expects that he will go on the block since he was put it. BB says, "Victor, that is really annoying, STOP!" No one in the HOHR knows what it was for. He was still tossing the ping-pong ball against the wall. Natalie says something, but you can't hear what she is saying, because it's muffled since she's laying on her stomach on the bed. Paulie says Frank is a really good player, he just did a lot of things to early. He says that Frank tries to get people to feel a certain way is a dangerous thing. He says that he is really good at talking, & is really good at tugging on people's emotions. He says that Nicole wanted to get him out, but Frank is trying to make her feel bad for her. We see FOTH briefly. James says he will never pressure anyone. We see FOTH again.

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8:55 PM BBT James says it's going to be ultimately what the house decides. Paulie says they need to clip things where they grow. He says that nothing will grow with Bridgette, but with Frank things will definitely grow. He says that people usually tell Frank things. He says that they haven't said anything to him for a couple weeks, but how long will that last? We see FOTH briefly again. Paulie says that he didn't flip on Boogie on his season. He says that Frank is fighting all the way to the end. He says that he is very good at persuading people. He says that he's a good salesperson for sure. We see FOTH briefly again. Paulie says they need to stick to their guns.

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