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Saturday July 16, 2016 Big Brother 18 Live Feed Updates


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Everything is updated to 9:01 PM BBT. Hopefully someone can take over soon!

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10:22 pm BB asks Paulie to "please stop singing!"  He was rapping again.  House guests are taking an ice cream break.  Z just burped into her microphone and says "excuse me, that was not lady like". 


James is trying to sleep alone in the HN room alone in a bumper care.  Natalie is in the car next to him. 


Paul, Michelle, Nicole, Paulie and Corey are in the kitchen getting ice cream - Ben & Jerry's Ben & Jerry's cookie dough.


Da is outside doing laundry. 



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1133 p Da, Michelle, Paul, Nicole and COrey  are in the kitchen sitting around the island discussing Canada BB players.  Z has joined them.  Kevin from Season 11 is one of Da's favorites.  She shouts out to Parker, Lawan. 


1137 p Da says Michelle from season 11 was great and send shout outs to her.



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1152 p Natalie and James in the same bumper car in the dark in the HN room rehashing previous comps.  Natalie says she sometimes plays dumb to throw everybody else off. James is saying that it kills him that Victor wanted James to throw a comp but Bronte asked him not to throw it.  He thinks Victor had time to talk to Natalie about it.  Natalie says that Victor never talked to her about it but talked to Bronte about it.   James thinks that Bronte knew James and Victor had beef and that's why nothing was said to James.



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1232 a James and Natalie are hanging out at the hot tub.  Since they are havenots James said he's going to bring a bar of soap and bathe in the hot tub to avoid cold showers.  She says you cant do that since chlorine water is bad for your skin.

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1241 am  z and Nicole in bed talking about the boys and how her, Nicole, paulie and corey are all on the same side of things.  Paul comes in and interrupts girl time.  Paul asks them if they want to hear Bridgettes speech.  They say yes.  Z and Nicole laugh on queu for Paul.  Paul is putting a bandana on.  Nicole asks him if Paul is sleeping in the room with them tonight and he says yes.  Nicole says Corey is in the DR right now.  Paul telling Z and Nicole about plans to make a bodysuit for his clothing line.  He promises to send all of them a care package of what each of them think they will like.



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1255 a Nicole, Z, Paul and Michelle talking about clothes.  Nicole says she has 4 closets of clothes.  Nicole and Z said everything they brought with them is not what they normally would wear.


Paul telling the girls he is going to make a shirt that will only be for this years cast.  Paulie peeks in to tell everyone goodnight.  Corey sits down next to Paul who is still talking about clothing designs.

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115 a James, Natalie and Da hanging out at the hottub.  James doesn't understand why Paulie didn't win the veto comp.  Da doesn't understand why they didn't throw the comp to her.  Da says she just has to trust.  James and Natalie leave to get something to eat.  Day wants to stay outside and clear her head.


Z and Paulie laying in the HOH bed.  Paulie is telling her that he hates that for the past 5 - 6  weeks couldn't be played strategically.  He says he gets amped up for competiton.  Z says she uses a lot of self control. BB tells Paulie to put om his microphone.  He's staring at a pic of his mom and dad and telling Z how bad ass his dad is.  Z Is wondering if her aunt and uncle went to school with Paulie's dad.  Paulie says if he can be half the man that his dad is then he'd b a damn good dad. He's getting teary eyed which is making Z teary.  He apologizes to her.  He asks her if she's gonna stay up there tonight and she says probably not for appearances. 


129 a Tif, Bridgette, Frank James and Natalie are in the kitchen around the island.  BB asks them to close the sliding glass door.  Frank says it looks closed to him.  Frank tells the group how flatulent he is and apologizes.


Natalie says to the feeds that if you are 4'11" don't expect to win any BB comps.


James is asking if any have nots have ever snuck and eaten a cookie and never got caught. 


BB tells the kitchen group they are not allowed to talk about production but Frank and James are still talking about it. 



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1:20AM BBT:  Up stairs in HOH bed, Paulie and Z snuggling and talking.  Paulie gets a little teary eyed talking about his family while looking at his picture.  Z tells him don't do this, "You're doing good. Shit, your doing better than me.  All I got is my loyalty".  Paulie continues to tell Z about his family.

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1:52am BBT:  Z is watching the fish and sees one she calls a bully pecking the side of a smaller fish.  The smaller fish falls to the bottom of the tank and lays there.  Z and Paulie start banging on the tank to encourage him to get up....they don't wanna watch him die.  Here comes bully fish again and they bang on the tank to try and scare him off. Z is calling him an asshole.  Then they notice Dory fish...Paulie says she's stuck (in the coral reef).  He jumps up and wants to save her.  He knocks on the top of the tank, screaming her name DORY!  HEY! (As bad as I feel for the fish, this is hilarious).  Dory moved he thinks.  He keeps yelling at her. DORY!  COME ON!  HEY!  He goes to get his nerd rope to try to reach her.  Production tells him to Stop That.  He tells them he is trying to save Dory.  Again, production tells him HEY, STOP IT.  Paulie tells them, what do you want me to do, I'm trying to save Dory!  Paulie keeps trying to figure out how to save Dory and BB asks him "Paulie, What about Stop do you not understand"  They watch Dory and say all the fish are running away from her, they must sense something.

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